exotic-6666 / Rust-Pop-Bot

discord.js bot that displays rust server player count

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rust Pop Bot


A discord.js bot that is capable to display player count and total player count for your servers using battlemetrics's api.

Here is how it looks like


Set-up Guide:

Install node.js
Download the repository
Create one discord bot for each of your servers and one for the global player count.
Invite the bots to your server.
Open powershell in the project's folder and run npm install
Insert discord bot tokens and battlemetrics server ids, that can be found here:
You can also change refresh intervals if you want. Insert the number in ms. (1 s = 1000 ms)
Run the bot with node . or node index.js


discord.js bot that displays rust server player count


Language:JavaScript 100.0%