exonum / pwbox

Password-based encryption for Node and browsers

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Password-Based Encryption for Node and Browsers

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pwbox is a JS library for password-based encryption. It is similar to NaCl/libsodium's built-in secretbox, only it implements encryption based on passwords rather on secret keys.

Behind the scenes, pwbox uses crypto-primitves from NaCl/libsodium:

  • pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256 for key derivation
  • secretbox routines for key-based symmetric encryption

Security Notice. Use this software at your own risk. You should think carefully before using this (or any other) software to ensure browser-based client-side security; browser environments are somewhat unsecure.

Getting Started

Import pwbox to your project:

var pwbox = require('pwbox');

...and use it similarly to secretbox in TweetNaCl.js:

var password = 'pleaseletmein';
var message = new Uint8Array([ 65, 66, 67 ]);

pwbox(message, password).then(box => {
  return pwbox.open(box, password);
}).then(opened => {

pwbox (encryption routine) and pwbox.open (decryption routine) are asynchronous; they support either callbacks or promises. See the API docs for more details.

The same example as above, with callbacks.

var password = 'pleaseletmein';
var message = new Uint8Array([ 65, 66, 67 ]);

pwbox(message, password, function (err, box) {
  pwbox.open(box, password, function (err, opened) {

You may also invoke pwbox and pwbox.open with a single-argument callback. Just use .orFalse after the call:

var box = // ...
pwbox.open.orFalse(box, password, function (opened) {
  if (!opened) {
    // do error handling
  // use opened

In this case, the callback will be called with false if an error occurs during the call.

Encoding Messages

pwbox requires for a message to be a Uint8Array instance. This means you can encrypt binary data (e.g., private keys) without any conversion. If you want to encrypt string data, you need to convert it to Uint8Array. This can be accomplished in several ways.

Using Buffer

Node has Buffer.from(str, encoding) method and its older version, new Buffer(str, encoding) to convert from strings to byte buffers. For the complementary operation, you may use buffer.toString(encoding). These methods are also available via the buffer package in browser environments. As Buffers inherit from Uint8Array, you may freely pass them as messages.

Using enodeURIComponent

Browsers can also use built-in enodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent methods for the conversion:

function toUint8Array (str) {
  str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
  var buffer = new Uint8Array(str.length);
  for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
    buffer[i] = str[i].charCodeAt(0);
  return buffer;

function fromUint8Array (buffer) {
  var encodedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, buffer);
  var decodedString = decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString));
  return decodedString;

Tip. Although it's not strictly necessary, you may convert the password into a Uint8Array in the same way as the message.


pwbox supports tuning the scrypt parameters using opslimit and memlimit from libsodium. These parameters determine the amount of computations and the RAM usage, respectively, for pwbox and pwbox.open.

pwbox(message, password, {
  opslimit: 1 << 20, // 1M
  memlimit: 1 << 25  // 32M
}).then(box => console.log(box));

The default values for opslimit and memlimit are also taken from libsodium (524288 and 16777216, respectively). With the default parameters, pwbox uses 16 MB of RAM and completes with a comfortable 100ms delay in Node, several hundred ms in browsers on desktops/laptops, and under a second on smartphones. You may use increased parameter values for better security; see the crypto spec for more details.


pwbox may use one of the following cryptographic backends:

To use a non-default backend, call pwbox.withCrypto with 'tweetnacl' or 'libsodium'; it will return the object with the same interface as pwbox itself.

var sodiumPwbox = require('pwbox').withCrypto('libsodium');
sodiumPwbox(message, password).then(/* ... */);

You may even supply your own backend by passing an object to withCrypto! See documentation for more details.

Lite Version and Use in Browsers

require('pwbox/lite') loads a simplified version of pwbox, which uses a fixed backend (tweetnacl + scrypt-async) and has no withCrypto function. This is the preferred way to use pwbox in browsers, as the full version of the librabry is quite bulky. You may use 'pwbox/lite' together with your favorite browserifier (say, browserify or webpack), or import a readymade browserified and minified lite package directly from the dist directory of the package.


Copyright (c) 2017, Exonum Team

pwbox is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.


Password-based encryption for Node and browsers

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%