excubo-ag / Blazor.Canvas

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joseluisbejarfernandez opened this issue · comments

Hello Stefan,

Please, could you give an examplo of using this:


I am trying to use it and i do not kwno how to use the input parameter "string image".


Hi @joseluisbejarfernandez,

the parameter refers to any variable in JS that holds a reference to an image. For example, this can be an image that you reference from the DOM (see https://github.com/excubo-ag/Blazor.Canvas/blob/main/TestProject_Components/Context2D/DrawingImages.razor) or my constructing it inline. Creating the correct image source is responsibility of the user (there are way too many ways to do it, so the library can't take care of it).

I have added the documentation for this API and you can play with the demo here: https://excubo-ag.github.io/Blazor.Canvas/2D/DrawingImages

Hello Stefan,

Thank you so much for your fast reply!.

Please, could you gime me also the javascript code of this:

await js.InvokeVoidAsync("eval", "myimage = document.getElementById('blazor_logo')");

Could you give me the javascript function called "eval"?

Thanks in advance!

eval is a javascript built-in. It is already available to you in Blazor without any library.


Thank you! ;-)