excelzior / test_files

SheetJS Test Files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Test files associated with:

Instead of polluting those repos with large binary files, they are stored here.

All files contained in root directory are covered under the Apache 2.0 license. The Makefile can pull files from other projects, which are covered under separate licenses (see below).

The files in the 2011 and 2013 subdirectories are derivative outputs generated using the specified version of Microsoft Excel. Each derivative file of an external file is clearly marked with a prefix associated with the source (followed by an underscore), and original files do not have any of the source prefixes. Each derivative file is released under the same terms as the original file (and all derivatives of original files are released under the Apache 2.0 License).


formula_stress_test uses every single function available in Excel 2011 in some formula. It includes a pivot table as well as array formulae, inline arrays, errors, booleans, and other cell types and formula elements.

comments_stress_test tests various types of comments and functions. The XLS version uses VBA to extract comments.

number_format tests every implied format from ECMA-376 as well as every format available within the Excel 2011 UI. Ultimately there will be international versions to test certain features (some require an east-Asian version -- if you are reading this and can generate test files, please contribute!)

large_strings tests large strings and a large shared string table. Larger strings are programmatically generated using CONCATENATE while the shared string table was pulled from http://longwords.org/longwordslist.html

RkNumber tests all styles of RkNumber records. Records were verified by hand.

merge_cells tests vertical, horizontal, and rectangular merged cells.

LONumbers tests LO number format deviations from Excel. The LONumbers.xls* files are directly from LibreOffice These files were opened in Excel, "repaired", and saved as LONumbers-EXCELVERSION.xls*.

rich_text_stress tests various types of rich text, applying formatting to the entire cell as well as parts of the cell.

named_ranges tests named ranges (including valid and invalid expressions).

custom_properties tests custom properties

xlsx-stream-d-date-cell tests the ECMA-376 d date type

pivot_table_test tests different types of pivot tables

Getting External Test Files

All external test files are pulled using the Makefile and fall under separate licensing terms (as described below). None of the files directly contained in this repo are encumbered by external licenses. They are acquired by cloning:

  • Github repos are cloned using SVN access (just pulls the relevant directory)
  • Bitbucket repos are cloned using HG access

apachepoi pulls only the spreadsheet test battery from the Apache POI project: https://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/index.html. At the time of this writing, it is covered under Apache License, version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

xlrd pulls the test battery from xlrd project: http://www.python-excel.org/ At the time of this writing, it is covered under BSD License.

excel-reader-xlsx pulls the test battery from the excel-reader-xlsx project: https://github.com/jmcnamara/excel-reader-xlsx/ At the time of this writing, it is covered under Perl Artistic License.

openpyxl pulls the test battery from the openpyxl project: http://openpyxl.readthedocs.org/ At the time of this writing, it is covered under the MIT License

pyExcelerator pulls the test battery from the pyExcelerator project: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyExcelerator At the time of this writing, it is covered under the BSD 4-clause License

jxls-* pulls the test battery from the jxls project: http://jxls.sourceforge.net/ At the time of this writing, it is covered under the GNU Lesser GPL License

roo pulls the test battery from the roo project: http://roo.rubyforge.org/ At the time of this writing, the test files are covered under the MIT License

spreadsheet-parsexlsx pulls the test battery from the ParseXLSX project: https://metacpan.org/release/Spreadsheet-ParseXLSX At the time of this writing, it is covered under the MIT (X11) License

Requests for Removal

This repo includes derivatives of files from external sources. According to the respective license terms, the authors of the external sources allege that the artifacts are indeed covered under the same terms. This project uses files according to those terms.

External sources are expected to ensure that they are not violating license terms. However, from time to time, they may add test files from contributors that did not create the files or obtain permission. We are not actively monitoring discussions pertaining to removal requests from other sources, but if you find your content and would like to see it removed, we will investigate.

To submit a request, first reach out to the original source and give some time for them to respond. If they remove the content, file an issue in this repo's issue tracker and email sheetjs@gmail.com (subject "removal request"). In the email, forward the original communications and link to the issue in the original project issue tracker. Unless the original project recognizes that the content is yours (admitting that the content cannot be released according to their license terms), no action will be taken.

If you have reached out to the original source and have not received a reply in 30 days, raise an issue in this repo tracker and send an email with subject "external license violation", forwarding proof of initial attempt to contact. We will reach out to the external source. If we do not receive a reply in 30 days, the content will be removed in future commits.


All files contained in this repository are licensed under the Apache 2 License. Files external to this repo (acquired via make) are licensed under separate terms (as indicated in the External Test Files section)

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SheetJS Test Files
