excell-mobility / Service-Documentations

Serves as a central hub to store swagger files for all the different services

Repository from Github https://github.comexcell-mobility/Service-DocumentationsRepository from Github https://github.comexcell-mobility/Service-Documentations

Service Documentations

In this repository we collect all Swagger service documentations of the ExCELL Developer Portal. It contains JSON files for the following services:

  • CsEventManager
  • GeocodingService
  • HeatmapService
  • MonitoringService
  • RoutingService
  • SchedulingService
  • SensorDataColletor
  • TrackingService
  • TrafficStateService
  • TravelTimeService

The following link provides an example about how the services should be called via the Integration Layer:


The Swagger documentation for the Integration Layer can be found here:


The Swagger documentations of single services can be accessed by adding ?url=<Service_Name> to the URL (case sensitive!):



* Change hosts and base path to match access via Integration Layer
* Add api token auth to every swagger file


Serves as a central hub to store swagger files for all the different services


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