exah / react-styled-base

Base component that prevents rendering unknown props in DOM

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Base component that prevents rendering unknown props in DOM

  • Filter unknown props from DOM
  • Based on react-html-attributes (50% smaller - 3kb when minified / 1kb gziped, without many deprecated attributes & elements)
  • Override inner element with as prop
  • Great for CSS-in-JS component libraries (NOTE: some provide this feature out of box!)

πŸ“¦ Install

$ yarn add react-styled-base

πŸ“– API

Base component

import Base from 'react-styled-base'


  • as: Component β€” React component or DOM element (like div, input, span, ...), default div

See createBase for more options.


import { render } from 'react-dom'
import styled from 'react-emotion'
import Base from 'react-styled-base'

const LinkComp = styled(Base)`
  color: ${props => props.foo === 'bar' ? 'royalblue' : 'hotpink'};

  <LinkComp as='a' href='http://example.com' foo='bar' abc='xyz'>
    Click Me
), document.body)

// β†’ 
// <a class="css-0" href="http://example.com">Click Me</a>

createBase factory

import { createBase } from 'react-styled-base'


  • defaultComp: Component β€” React component or DOM element (like div, input, span, ...), default div
  • options: Object β€” (Optional, default to { componentProp: 'as' })
    • options.whitelist: Array β€” List of props that always will be rendered (optional)
    • options.blacklist: Array β€” List of props that always be be omitted (optional)
    • options.isPropValid: function (tagName, propName) => boolean β€” Custom function to filter props
    • options.tagName: string β€” DOM element. Used when defaultComp is not DOM element (optional)

Return: Component β€” wrapped in React.forwardRef.


import { render } from 'react-dom'
import styled from 'react-emotion'
import { Link as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom'
import { createBase } from 'react-styled-base'

const LinkComp = styled(createBase('span'))`
  color: ${props => props.foo === 'bar' ? 'royalblue' : 'hotpink'};

const RouterLinkBase = createBase(RouterLink, {
  tagName: 'a',
  whitelist: [ 'to' ]

const CustomComp = createBase((props) => <span {...props} />, { 
  isPropValid: (tag, prop) => prop !== 'foo' 

    <LinkComp as={RouterLinkBase} to='/page-2' foo='bar'>
      Page 2
    <LinkComp as='a' href='https://google.com' target='_blank' foo='baz'>
    <CustomComp title='notice' foo='bar'>
), document.body)

// β†’
// <span>
//   <a class="css-0" href="/app/page-2">Page 2</a>
//   <a class="css-1" href="https://google.com" target="_blank">Search</a>
//   <span title="notice">Notice</span>
// </span>

isPropValid function

import { isPropValid } from 'react-styled-base'


  • propName: string β€” prop name (like href, value, onChange)
  • tagName: string β€” DOM element (like a, input, div)

Return: boolean


import { isPropValid } from 'react-styled-base'

isPropValid('foo', 'a') // β†’ false
isPropValid('bar', 'a') // β†’ false
isPropValid('href', 'a') // β†’ true

πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ Alternative

πŸ”— Links

MIT Β© John Grishin


Base component that prevents rendering unknown props in DOM

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 81.3%Language:HTML 18.7%