ewintram / rails-yelp

A Yelp clone in Rails

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a clone of the restaurant listings website Yelp, built using rails. Features include user sign up / sign in / sign out, list restaurants and review them. See more about my design process.


Check that you have ruby installed

ruby -v

If not, install instructions can be found here.

Clone the repo on the command line by running

git clone git@github.com:ewintram/rails-yelp.git

Check that you have bundler installed

bundler -v

If not, install by running

gem install bundler

Install dependencies by running


Create the databases by running

rake db:setup

Migrate the table schema by running

rake db:migrate


To launch the app, run

rails s

Navigate to http://localhost:3000

(screen grabs)

Running tests

Testing is in RSpec and Capybara. To run the tests on the command line, run



Sam Johnson

Varun Madhukara

Lan Pham

Eleanor Wintram

Design process

Database table structure

Database table structure

User stories

Step 1 - MVP

As a user
So that our restaurant can be reviewed
I want to be able to create a new restaurant with a name and an optional description
As a user
So that I can modify my listing of a restaurant
I want to be able to edit it
As a user
So that I can remove my listing of a restaurant
I want to be able to delete it
As a reviewer
So that the restaurant can be reviewed
I want to be able to leave a rating out of five
As a reviewer
So that the restaurant can be reviewed
I want to be able to leave an optional comment
As a user
So I can determine which restaurant to visit
I want to access a list of restaurants with individual comments
As a user
If I want to provide a review
I must leave a rating out of 5
As a user
If I want list a restaurant
I must provide a name

Step 2 - User login

As a user
So that I can access the full functionality of the website
I want to be able to sign up
As a registered user
So that I can record my activity on the website
I want to be able to sign_in
As a registered user
So that I know that I am signed in
I want to see a tailored welcome message
As a user
So that I can identify the reviewer
I want to see the email address of the reviewer

Step 3 - Setting limits on users

As an administrator
To avoid anonymous listings
A restaurant must have a registered user associated to it
As a user
So that no one can delete or edit my listings
I want to be the only one who can edit/delete them
As an administrator
In order to avoid duplicate reviews by the same person
I want to limit users to one review per restaurant
As a reviewer
So that I can update my review
I can edit or delete my reviews
As a user
To avoid conflict of interest
I cannot review restaurants that I have created

Still to implement

User stories

As a user
So that I can sign up more easily
I want to be able to log in through social media
As a user
So I can decide which restaurant to visit
I want to access a list of restaurants with average rating


A Yelp clone in Rails


Language:Ruby 67.0%Language:JavaScript 17.2%Language:HTML 14.1%Language:CSS 1.2%Language:CoffeeScript 0.5%