Hi! This is the ZHU (Houston ARTCC) Euroscope File. Update numbers should be marked as 1.X.XX With the X's marking date (The current version is 1.11.19).
This file is still in Alpha (Represented by the 1 in the Version Number) and should be treated as such. Additionally, known issues should either be sent to (ewhitaker@zhuartcc.org) and may be CC'd to (afe@zhuartcc.org) or a pull request can be submitted here to the main branch to send a fix.
Alias files may be updated on the ZHU Website. This can be updated manually under zhu/Alias/ZHU.txt Upload the new alias and rename it to ZHU.txt .
Current Plugin List. Plugins are subject to be added or removed during an update if a conflict is found. Users are free to use their choice of plugins, but are warned that conflicts may exist, or features may not be supported (Ex Topsky or similar UI plugins).
Audio For Vatsim Bridge: Used to connect AFV to ES. https://github.com/AndyTWF/afv-euroscope-bridge
Radio Direction Finder (RDF): Used for quickly identifying an aircraft that is on voice. https://github.com/chembergj/RDF
DiscordEuroscope: Used to display active callsign, frequency and aircraft tracked on Discord. https://github.com/Kirollos/DiscordEuroscope
vSMR: Used currently for ASDE-X Replacement (And addition to certain fields) and optionally for Hoppie: https://github.com/pierr3/vSMR
Euroscope Files: Elijah Whitaker, Joshua Seagrave, Michael Larosh
Sector, Posistions, Alias and additional material: Crockett Tucker, Tom Johnson.