ewanmellor / pegkit

'Parsing Expression Grammar' toolkit for Cocoa/Objective-C

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PEGKit is a 'Parsing Expression Grammar' toolkit for iOS and OS X written by Todd Ditchendorf in Objective-C and released under the MIT Open Source License.

Always use the Xcode Workspace PEGKit.xcworkspace, NOT the Xcode Project.

This project includes TDTemplateEngine as a Git Submodule. So proper cloning of this project requires the --recursive argument:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:itod/pegkit.git

PEGKit is heavily influenced by ANTLR by Terence Parr and "Building Parsers with Java" by Steven John Metsker.

The PEGKit Framework offers 2 basic services of general interest to Cocoa developers:

  1. String Tokenization via the Objective-C PKTokenizer and PKToken classes.
  2. Objective-C parser generation via grammars - Generate source code for an Objective-C parser class from simple, intuitive, and powerful BNF-style grammars (similar to yacc or ANTLR). While parsing, the generated parser will provide callbacks to your Objective-C delegate.

The PEGKit source code is available on Github.

A tutorial for using PEGKit in your iOS applications is available on GitHub.


PEGKit is a re-write of an earlier framework by the same author called ParseKit. ParseKit should generally be considered deprecated, and PEGKit should probably be used for all future development.

  • ParseKit produces dynamic, non-deterministic parsers at runtime. The parsers produced by ParseKit exhibit poor (exponential) performance characteristics -- although they have some interesting properties which are useful in very rare circumstances.

  • PEGKit produces static ObjC source code for deterministic (PEG) memoizing parsers at design time which you can then compile into your project. The parsers produced by PEGKit exhibit good (linear) performance characteristics.

##Documentation TODO

###Discard directive

The post-fix ! operator can be used to discard a token which is not needed to compute a result.


addExpr = atom ('+'! atom)*;
atom = Number;

The + token will not be necessary to calculate the result of matched addition expressions, so we can discard it.


Actions are small pieces of Objective-C source code embedded directly in a PEGKit grammar rule. Actions are enclosed in curly braces and placed after any rule reference.

In any action, there is a self.assembly object available (of type PKAssembly) which serves as a stack (via the PUSH() and POP() convenience macros). The assembly's stack contains the most recently parsed tokens (instances of PKToken), and also serves as a place to store your work as you compute the result.

Actions are executed immediately after their preceeding rule reference matches. So tokens which have recently been matched are available at the top of the assembly's stack.

Example 1:

// matches addition expressions like `1 + 3 + 4`
addExpr  = atom plusAtom*;

plusAtom = '+'! atom

atom     = Number
    // pop the double value of token on the top of the stack
    // and push it back as a double value 

Example 2:

// matches or expressions like `foo or bar` or `foo || bar || baz`
orExpr = item (or item {
    id rhs = POP();
    id lhs = POP();
    MyOrNode *orNode = [MyOrNode nodeWithChildren:lhs, rhs];
or    =  'or'! | '||'!;
item  = Word;

###Rule Actions

  • @before - setup code goes here. executed before parsing of this rule begins.
  • @after - tear down code goes here. executed after parsing of this rule ends.

Rule actions are placed inside a rule -- after the rule name, but before the = sign.


// matches things like `-1` or `---1` or `--------1`

@extension { // this is a "Grammar Action". See below.
    @property (nonatomic) BOOL negative;

@before { _negative = NO; }
@after  {
    double d = POP_DOUBLE();
    d = (_negative) ? -d : d;
    = ('-'! { _negative = !_negative; })+ num;
num = Number;

###Grammar Actions PEGKit has a feature inspired by ANTLR called "Grammar Actions". Grammar Actions are a way to do exactly what you are looking for: inserting arbitrary code in various places in your Parser's .h and .m files. They must be placed at the top of your grammar before any rules are listed.

Here are all of the Grammar Actions currently available, along with a description of where their bodies are inserted in the source code of your generated parser:

####In the .h file:

  • @h - top of .h file
  • @interface - inside the @interface portion of header

####In the .m file:

  • @m - top of .m file
  • @extension - inside a private @interface MyParser () class extension in the .m file
  • @ivars - private ivars inside the @implementation MyParser {} in the .m file
  • @implementation - inside your parser's @implementation. A place for defining methods.
  • @init - inside your parser's init method
  • @dealloc - inside your parser's dealloc method if ARC is not enabled
  • @before - setup code goes here. executed before parsing begins.
  • @after - tear down code goes here. executed after parsing ends.

(notice that the @before and @after Grammar Actions listed here are distinct from the @before and @after which may also be placed in each individual rule.)

###Semantic Predicates Semantic Predicates are another feature lifted directly from ANTLR. Consider:

lowercaseWord = { islower([LS(1) characterAtIndex:0]) }? Word;

The Semantic Predicate part is the { ... }?. Like Grammar Actions, Semantic Predicates are small snippets of Objective-C code embedded directly in your grammar. These can be placed anywhere in your grammar rules. They should contain either a single expression or a series of statements ending in a return statement which evaluates to a boolean value. This one contains a single expression. If the expression evaluates to false, matching of the current rule (lowercaseWord in this case) will fail. A true value will allow matching to proceed.

There are also a number of convenience macros defined for your use in Predicates and Actions.

  • LS(num) will fetch a Lookahead String and the argument specifies how far to lookahead. So LS(1) means lookahead by 1. In other words, "fetch the string value of the first upcoming token the parser is about to try to match".

  • MATCHES_IGNORE_CASE(str, regexPattern) is a convenience macro to do regex matches. It has a case-sensitive friend: MATCHES(str, regexPattern). The second argument is an NSString* regex pattern. Meaning should be obvious.


'Parsing Expression Grammar' toolkit for Cocoa/Objective-C

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 99.8%Language:C 0.1%Language:HTML 0.1%