evowilliamson / formal-verification

This repository comprises material collected and constructed during the course System Validation and Testing (Formal Verification), as taught at Open Universiteit as part of my Master of Software Engineering.

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This repository comprises material collected and constructed during the course System Validation and Testing (Formal Verification), as taught at Open Universiteit as part of my Master of Software Engineering.


The following books, scientific articles and other references where used and are being referred to from other parts in this repository.

Article/Book Authors Comments
Timed Automata Alur A survey of the theory of timed automata, 2003
A theory of timed automata Alur, Dill
Model Checking Clarke Textbook used in the course
Model-Checking for Real-Time Systems Larsen, Pettersson, Yi Creators of UPPAAL, 2005
An introduction to timed automata Patricia Bouyer Presentation
Model Checking Real-Time Systems - Patricia Bouyer Patricia Bouyer, Uli Fahrenberg, Kim Larsen, Nicolas Markey, Joël Ouaknine, James Worrell Article on which the presentation An introduction to timed automata was based
An introduction to bisimulation and coinduction Davide Sangiorgi jkjkj
UPPAAL Tutorial UPPAAL Contains a summary of timed automata
Youtube CTL* video Model Checking Good visual explanation of the concepts of CTL*
Youtube CTL video Model Checking Good visual explanation of the concepts of CTL
Logic in computer science M. Huth & M. Ryan Book about logic-based verification
Fairness in CTL JP. Katoen Presentation of a lecture on fairness in relation to LTL and CTL
Model Checking with Strong Fairness Y. Kesten et al. A coherent framework for symbolic model checking of linear-time temporal logic ( LTL ) properties over finite state reactive systems, taking full fairness constraints into consideration
Model Based Testing with Labelled Transition Systems J. Tretmans Academic paper that describes a model based testing theory where models are expressed as labelled transition systems, and compliance is defined with the ‘ioco’ implementation relation

Study notes

I've maintained notes of my study progress for myself and for other people interested. These notes could be used to improve the setup of the course or to change certain text books and/or articles.

Date Note
09/15/2019 Started with Clarke's Model Checking, finished chapter 1
09/20/2019 Finished chapter 2 of Model Checking
09/25/2019 Chapter 17 of Clarke's Model Checking raised some doubts regarding relationship between states and locations. Used the references in the book and decided to read A theory of timed automata first. Also Model-Checking for Real-Time Systems by the creators of UPPAAL seems to be a good reference regarding timed automata
09/26/2019 Video about overview of timed transition systems and a demo about UPPAAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUSxi_rSXwo
09/27/2019 A theory of timed automata mentions that timed automata must be able to accept ω-regular languages. This video explains a bit about Buchi automata (one form of ω-automata): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOu6IUssxbs. The concept of ω-automata is important in the light of model-checking as it introduces the problem of infinite runs
09/28/2019 A theory of timed automata read until paragraph 3.5
10/03/2019 An introduction to timed automata, presentation by Patricia Bouyer explains well the concepts, especially region equivalence and relation between locations in timed automata and states in state transitions diagrams. Also based on the paper Model Checking Real-Time Systems - Patricia Bouyer
10/04/2019 Model Checking mentions bisimulation, but chapter 11 of that book doesn't explain quiet clearly the concept. Found another reference: An introduction to bisimulation and coinduction by Davide Sangiorgi
10/04/2019 Started reading An introduction to bisimulation and coinduction by Davide Sangiorgi to get more acquinted with LTS equivalence and the concept of bisimulation. These terms are prerequisites in order to continue with Model Checking
10/05/2019 After reading An introduction to bisimulation and coinduction the notion of bisimularition is understood
10/11/2019 Reading UPPAAL Tutorial. Reachability, safety and liveness are mentioned in section 2.2 as important subjects. Started reading Timed Automata to get more information regarding reachability
10/12/2019 Reading UPPAAL Tutorial again, section 2.3 and chapter 7 about patterns
11/6/2019 Started reading chapter 3 in the textbook Model Checking. Used the Youtube CTL* video and Youtube CTL video to get more clarification about CTL and CTL*
11/6/2019 Read Logic in computer science, paragraph 3.6. Algorithms for model checking are given in this paragraph. Special attention to paragraph 3.6.2 which explains well the concept of fairness
11/17/2019 Finished reading Logic in computer science, chapter 3 excluding 3.7.
01/01/2020 Finished reading Model Based Testing with Labelled Transition Systems, until paragraph 3.4, input & outputs
01/02/2020 Finished reading Model Based Testing with Labelled Transition Systems, until paragraph 4.1
01/02/2020 Finished reading Model Based Testing with Labelled Transition Systems, paragraph 4.

Lecture notes

Temporal logics


This repository comprises material collected and constructed during the course System Validation and Testing (Formal Verification), as taught at Open Universiteit as part of my Master of Software Engineering.


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