NOTE! Do not put any money into this DAPP! I was foolish enough to put some BNB into this a couple of years back and this script was merely an exercise in working with Web3 and maybe trying to see if I kept on "re-investing" I could get some profit out of it (I actually did because I was early enough). But that's not going to be the case anymore. That's the reasion I am archiving this.
Just a simple script for BNBMiner that runs every half an hour to "hatch eggs".
Make sure that you make a .env file in your folder that includes the following variables:
BSC= (This one stays constant)
ADDRESS (The addres of your own wallet)
TOKEN_ADDRESS=0xce93F9827813761665CE348e33768Cb1875a9704 (This one stays constant; wallet address for BNBMiner)
PRIVATE_KEY (Your private wallet key)
To run it clone the repository and in your preferred command line tool run "python"