This is a simple working example of an airline flight status web scraper written in node.
The script accepts command line options and currently yields results as debug()
You can run the script in bash with:
cd src
The command line interface accepts these parameters:
--from, -f
- the departure airport code, ex. DTW, SEA--to, -t
- the arrival airport code--carrier, -c
- the keyword identifying the carrier to scrape (currently onlydelta
)--date, -d
- the date to check for flight information in yyyy-mm-dd format
Note that currently you must prepend your node
command with DEBUG=flight-js*
to see
the received output in debug
The example command run in is:
DEBUG=flight-js* node flight-js.js -f DTW -t SEA -c delta -d 2017-01-31
Right now it yields JSON objects that look like this:
{ "fNum":" Delta 0039 ", "dPort":"DTW", "dDate":" 8:25AM 30 Jan 2017", "aPort":"SEA", "aDate":" 10:39AM 30 Jan 2017", "craft":" Boeing 737-900ER ", "tripTime":"5:14 ", "status":" Past Schedule " }
This probably looks like a dumpster fire to a proper node developer. If you want to help, check out this Trello for open to-dos.