evojam / play-mongodb-driver

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This project is no longer maintained.

This module was created when there was no good support for using MongoDB from Scala and Play. This is no longer the case - use Play-ReactiveMongo instead. See mongodb-driver-scala for the rationale.

Play Framework MongoDB module

Travis Build Status

The major goal was to provide the convenient to use library for the MongoDB for those who work with Play Framework 2.4.x and it's ScalaJson library. This MongoDB client has beed developed on the top of the mongodb-driver-scala.

We provide Codec for all classes extending the JsValue. For sake of convenience we expose the collection's implementation that allows you to fetch query results as the extended JSON or custom objects that have defined the Reader and pass query filters and parameters as either a JsValue objects or objects that have an Writer available.


  • JDK8

How to enable the module

Play Framework MongoDB Module is available from Sonatype, simply add this dependency to yout build.sbt

Current stable version:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
libraryDependencies += "com.evojam" %% "play-mongodb-driver" % "0.3.1"

Current snapshot:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
libraryDependencies += "com.evojam" %% "play-mongodb-driver" % "0.3.1-SNAPSHOT"

Enable module in the application configuration and provide mongo connection string:

play.modules.enabled += "com.evojam.MongoModule"
mongo.db.default.uri = "mongodb://localhost/test"

Voila, now you can use it anywhere... :) We strongly discourage mixing dao in the controller but for an example the controller with the endpoint returning list of databases is good enough:

package com.evojam.demo.controller

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

import play.api.libs.json.Json
import play.api.mvc.{ Action, Controller }

import com.google.inject.Inject

import com.evojam.mongodb.client.MongoClient

class DemoController @Inject()(mongo: MongoClient) extends Controller {

  def get() = Action.async(parse.empty) { _ =>

How to query for real

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future

import play.api.libs.json.Json

import com.evojam.mongodb.play.json._

case class SampleRecord(_id: String)

object SampleRecord {
  implicit val format = Json.format[SampleRecord]

val collection = MongoClients.create()

// insert records to collection
val collectionContent = List(

val res: Future[Unit] = collection.insertAll(collectionContent)

// query the collection for SampleRecords
val records: Future[List[SampleRecord]] =




Language:Scala 100.0%