evilensky / mastodon-listmanager

Mastodon list management

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


One of the biggest points of friction when using Mastodon is the inability to directly view and interact with the follows/follower lists of users on other Mastodon servers/instances. listmanager.pyis a CLI script built as a workaround for this problem.


  • Export the complete following or followers list of another user to a CSV file — even if that user is on a different server!
  • Import a list of accounts to follow
  • Export and import your lists as CSV files for easy sharing
  • Intuitive CLI and API


Install Python. It is already installed in macOS and Linux. When using the Python installer for Windows, make sure that the option to add Python to the PATH is checked.

After Python is installed, download a copy of this repository, open a terminal/command prompt, cd into the directory, and install the Python requirements.

pip install --user -U -r requirements.txt


  1. Log into your Mastodon instance in a web browser.
  2. Click Preferences
  3. Click Development
  4. Click on the New Application button

Use an application name of your choice, then uncheck all roles. Enable these:

  • read:accounts
  • read:follows
  • read:lists
  • read:search
  • write:follows
  • write:lists
  • follows

Then click Submit.

Add the displayed API keys to a file called config.json in the same directory as listmanager.py.

Use this template for the file:

  "base_url": "https://infosec.exchange",
  "client_id": "REDACTED",
  "client_secret": "REDACTED",
  "access_token": "REDACTED"

Replace the base_url value with the URL of your instance/server.

Note: If you ever need to change the scopes of a Mastodon application, submit the changes, and then generate a new access token by clicking on the refresh icon next to the access token.

Use the whoami command to test your credentials.

python listmanager.py whoami

CLI help

Usage: listmanager.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A simple CLI for managing Mastodon follows and lists

  --version          Show the version and exit.
  -c, --config PATH  Path to a configuration file.  [default: config.json]
  --debug            Show exception tracebacks.
  --help             Show this message and exit.

  export    Export accounts being followed or a list to CSV.
  follow    Follow an account.
  import    Import a following accounts CSV or list CSV.
  unfollow  Unfollow an account.
  whoami    Returns the full username of the configured account.
Usage: listmanager.py export [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Export accounts being followed or a list to CSV.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  followers  Export the list of follower accounts.
  following  Export the list of accounts being followed.
  list       Export a list.
Usage: listmanager.py export followers [OPTIONS]

  Export the list of follower accounts.

  -a, --account TEXT  The full address of the account.
  -f, --file TEXT     A file path to write to.
  --help              Show this message and exit.
Usage: listmanager.py export following [OPTIONS]

  Export the list of accounts being followed.

  -a, --account TEXT  The full address of the account.
  -u, --unlisted      Only output accounts that are not in any list.
  -f, --file TEXT     A file path to write to.
  --help              Show this message and exit.
Usage: listmanager.py export list [OPTIONS]

  Export a list.

  -n, --name TEXT  The name of a list. Omit to show a list of lists.
  -f, --file TEXT  A file path to write to.
  --help           Show this message and exit.
Usage: listmanager.py import [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Import a following CSV or list CSV.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  following  Import a CSV list of accounts to follow.
  list       Add accounts from a CSV to a list.
Usage: listmanager.py import following [OPTIONS] FILE

  Import a CSV list of accounts to follow.

  --replace  Unfollow all accounts before importing the list.
  --help     Show this message and exit.
Usage: listmanager.py import list [OPTIONS] FILE LIST_NAME

  Add accounts from a CSV to a list.

  --replace  Remove all existing accounts from the list before importing the
             new list.
  --help     Show this message and exit.


Mastodon list management

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%