evilUrge / openAPIValidator

Test your openapispecs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

openAPIValidator - Validate your openapi spec like a boss

Microservice that runs set of tests on an exposed openapispecs of a microservice (as part of OpenAPI Specification).


  • Node ^v8
  • Firebase service account

Before running

As we have 2 separate environments in this setup, edit /config/production.json and development.json based on your project configurations:

  • Go to the main project overview tab https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/<your-firebase-project-id>/overview, click on "Add app" and then chose "Web" (html-head icon), copy the content of the var config after the key FirebaseConf in the selected configuration file.
  • Generate a private key from: https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/<your-firebase-project-id>/settings/serviceaccounts/adminsdk and paste it under the key "FirebaseAdminSDK". When executing from dev env use the env_param NODE_ENV=DEV.

Time to test your microservice (by method)

How to deploy

  • First install all node dependencies: npm i
  • Make sure you have firebase tools installed in your global: npm i -g firebase-tools
  • And deploy via: firebase deploy --only functions

How to extend

How you ask? Easy! Add to the following following func module.exports.syntaxValidator.validators (in src/utils.js) your desired new validator and link it to an external function

exampleForAValidator : ()=>yourFunctionallityGoesHere),


Test your openapispecs


Language:JavaScript 100.0%