evil-shrike / yeoman-gen-run

A tool to silently run any installed Yeoman generator with predefined answers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A tool to non-interactively run any installed Yeoman generator by its name with predefined answers in json-config.


The tool could be helpfull if you need to run a Yeoman generator as part of build process or inside other non-interactive tool.

Usage via CLI

If you installed the package globally (npm i yeoman-gen-run -g):

yo-gen-run --name <generator-name> --config <path-to-config> --out <name-of-output-dir>

or (if installed locally):

node ./node_modules/yeoman-gen-run/cli.js --name <generator-name> --config <path-to-config> --out <name-of-output-dir>

Run yo-gen-run to see all available options.

At least you should supply --name options - name of generator to run. Usualy we will supply --config as well with name/path to json config file containing answers.

Addition options:

  • --nolog / -s - do not optput generator's log (all that it optput via call this.log), by default all log output from generator is sent to console.

Usage via API

Just see cli.js for

var runner 	= require('yeoman-gen-run');
var genName = 'generator-name';
var config = {
	"answers": {
		"appName": "test-app",
		"useTypeScript": true,
		"useLess": true,
		"installDeps": true
	"options": {
		"onconflict": "force"
var outDir = "./output";

runner.runGenerator(genName, config, outDir).then(function() {

Passing cli arguments to generator

Usually Yeoman generators ask questions (prompts). But sometimes a generator can expect some cli arguments/options. They are described with methods argument and option in generator's constructor. It's possible to pass cli args to generator via yo-gen-run.
There are two ways:

  • via CLI: all paramers after two dashed are treated as parameters for generator (not the tool itself) For example:
yo-gen-run -n ts-classes -c ./.yo-gen.json -- --model ./domain/model-meta --output model.d.ts --nometa

Here we supplied three parameters (all of them are options as they start with --) to 'ts-classes' generator: "model": "./domain/model-meta", "output": "model.d.ts", "nometa": true.

  • via config file: see description of config parameter for runGenerator method below.


runGenerator(genName, config, outDir)

Run generator with name genName supplying it with answers from config.answers

Returns a Promise (bluebird) to be resolved when generator finishes.


Type: String
Required: yes

Name of generator to run.


Type: Object
Required: yes

An object with fields:

  • answers - optional, Object
  • options - optional, Object
  • cli - optional, Object

answers - is an object with key-value pairs for answers where a key is a name of the generator's prompt. For example if the generator has a prompt with name "appName":

MyGenerator.prototype.askFor = function askFor() {
  var prompts = [{
    name: 'appName',
    message: 'Enter your app name',
    default: 'MyApp'

then answers object will have:

	"answers": {
		"appName": "test-app",

An object in options contains additional options for Yeoman:

  • onconflict - action for resolving a conflict: "force" (overwrite), "skip" (do nothing), "abort" (abort process).
    A conflict will take place if a generated file defers from an exising file with the same name.
  • nolog - suppress console log from running generator

cli - is an object with cli parameters for generator to be run (see http://yeoman.io/authoring/user-interactions.html).
It can contain fields:

  • args - array of arguments for generator (defined in generators with this.argument)
  • opts - object with options for generator (defined in generators with this.option)


Type: String
Required: no
Default: cwd

A directory path where the generator will be run.



  • fixed running the cli tool (yo-gen-run) on Linux/Unix


  • cli-tool (yo-gen-run): config is not mandatory, check for config file existence, added nolog option, parse additional cli args for generator (via '--')
  • Adapter: nolog option (previously no logging from generator was output to console), by default logging enabled
  • API (runGenerator): support cli.args, cli.opts, do not change cwd if it wasn't specified (previouly it was always './out')





A tool to silently run any installed Yeoman generator with predefined answers


Language:JavaScript 100.0%