eviking / draw.io

The source to www.draw.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

draw.io project sources

draw.io comprises three parts:

1) The static web content under the war directory.
2) The open, save, embed, proxy and iconfinder servlets as one servlet war. These are located under src/com/mxgraph/online/.
3) The image export servlet. This is located under etc/imageexport.

Prior to invoking any builds, search war/index.html for "CUSTOM_PARAMETERS". The image export URL is the most important variable to change (EXPORT_URL). 
Without that the export to image will use our server, which somewhat defeats the point of hosting it. The servlet is mapped to "export" and the default name 
of the war is "Imageexport" so "/Imageexport/export" is the value if you deploy that war as-is and the servlet engine is on the root of the domain.

/etc/build/build.xml is the ant build file for the main war. Invoking "war" will generate build/draw.war.

/etc/imagexport/build.xml is the ant build file for the image export war. Invoking "war" will generate /etc/imageexport/imageexport.war.

Depoly these wars on a servlet engine and navigate to the location of the first war, you will get the draw.io application.


The underlying mxGraph library is licensed to you either the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or the mxGraph commercial license 
(if you're a paying customer). Please understand that we make a living selling the mxGraph library commercially, we need to avoid draw.io being 
used freely where mxGraph would previously have been sold. If you are unsure, just ask us on the jgraph.com site web before you start.

The source to draw.io itself is Apache 2.0 licensed (or mxGraph Commercial License), but obviously the mxGraph license dominates this for commercial 

We separate between developing against the mxGraph API and just deploying draw.io for general usage. Thus, we make exceptions to the CCNC license 
if you want to take draw.io as-is and deploy it for your own use (note this only affects commercial users).


The source to www.draw.io


Language:JavaScript 96.0%Language:Java 4.0%