eveschoen / montecarlo

This includes the final project for DS5100

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This includes the final project for DS5100


Name: Eve Schoenrock

UserID: ufu2rg

Project Name: Monte Carlo Simulator


First install and import the code.

Installation is possible once the user is in the repo. Run the following command:

pip install -e .

This command will install all packages specified in the setup.py file of the repo.

To import the module in the montecarlo package, run this code in your file.

from montecarlo.montecarlo import Die
from montecarlo.montecarlo import Game
from montecarlo.montecarlo import Analyzer

The first step is to create dice. Create dice by specifying faces in an numpy array and passing it to Die.

die = Die(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
die2 = Die(np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'])

As you can see, die can have faces as either letters or numbers, but data types cannot be mixed for a given die.

die2.change_weight('a', 4)

Within the Die class, you can take advantage of the change_weight, roll_die, and show_die methods. For more information on these methods, see their docstrings in the API description.

Next, you will want to play a game. Start by instantiating a Game object, passing it a list of dice (Die objects) with similar faces. Here, we make a list of 3 dice.

die_lst = [die, die, die]
game = Game(die_lst)
results = game.show_results()

Now that a game exists, you can play it and show_results. Be sure to save the output of show_results to store the game dataframe that is created once the game has been played. For more information on these methods, see their docstrings in the API description.

Lastly, you will have the ability to analyze games. Do this by creating an Analyze object, which takes the show_results method of the Game class as input.

analyzer = Analyze(results)

From here, you can implement methods to count the number of jackpots in a given game (comp_jackpot), create a new dataframe with the count of each specific combination of faces (comp_combo), and show the number of times a given face appears in each roll of a game (count_faces_per_roll).


You will find a detailed description of each of these methods in the API description section.

API description

The classes and their public methods and attributes are detailed in the following lines. The classes available are Die, Game, and Analyzer.

  1. First there is the Die class which consists of the following public methods: [change_weight(face_val, new_weight), roll_die(num_rolls = 1), show_die()]. See below for their docstrings.
  • The docstring for change_weight:
Help on function change_weight in module montecarlo.montecarlo:
change_weight(self, face_val, new_weight)
        PURPOSE: Change the weight of a single side of the die.
        face_val    the face value to be changed (str/float/int)
        new_weight  the desired weight of specified die (float/int)
        print statements if incorrect inputs are provided
  • The docstring for roll_die:
Help on function roll_die in module montecarlo.montecarlo
roll_die(self, num_rolls=1)
        PURPOSE: Rolls the die one or more times
        num_rolls   the number of times to roll the die - defaults to 1 (int)
        results    a list of the outcomes of the die rolls
  • roll_die takes an int as optional input for the number of rolls and returns the results of however many rolls were specified by the user.
  • The docstring for show_die:
Help on function show_die in module montecarlo.montecarlo:
        PURPOSE: Show the user the die's current set of faces/weights.
        the dataframe of the die created in the initializer
  • show_die returns a dataframe that shows the number of sides the die has and the values of its faces.
  1. Second is the Game class which consists of the following public methods: play(num_rolls) and show_results(df_form). See below for their docstrings.
  • The docstring for play:
Help on function play in module montecarlo.montecarlo:
play(self, num_rolls)
        PURPOSE: Rolls the dice however many times are specified in num_rolls and saves the results of the game to a private dataframe. 
        num_rolls    number of rolls for the group of dice (int)
        none - saves the results to a private dataframe
  • The docstring for show_results:
Help on function show_results in module montecarlo.montecarlo:
show_results(self, df_form='wide')
        PURPOSE: Shows the user the results of the most recent play in the game by passing the dataframe to the user in a specified format.
        df_form    optional argument that takes the form "wide" or "narrow" for the dataframe
        either the narrow or wide form of the private dataframe containing play results
  • show_results takes the optional input of 'narrow' or 'wide' for how the user would like to see the dataframe returned (the default value is 'wide') and returns a dataframe of either narrow or wide format.
  1. Last is the Analyzer class which has the following public methods: [comp_jackpot(), comp_combo(), count_faces_per_roll()]. See below for their docstrings. Note that all methods in the Analyzer class make use of the public attribute, game_results, which is the dataframe that was passed to the Analyzer object.
  • The docstring for comp_jackpot:
Help on function comp_jackpot in module montecarlo.montecarlo:
        PURPOSE: Computes how many times the game resulted in all faces of the dice being identical, or in other words, the "jackpot."
        the number of times the game had a jackpot (int)
  • comp_jackpot returns the number of jackpots that were found in a given game (the number of times all dice fell on the same face for a given roll). Additionally, the public attribute, jackpot_df is housed under this method which shows the dataframe of jackpots that occurred in the game with the roll number of the jackpot as its index.
  • The docstring for comp_combo:
Help on function comp_combo in module montecarlo.montecarlo:
        PURPOSE: Computes the distinct combinations of faces rolled, along with their counts.
        none - results are stored as combo_df (dataframe)
  • comp_combo does not return anything, but it creates the public attribute, combo_df which shows the dataframe of combinations that occurred in the game and the number of times each combination appeared. combo_df is a MultiIndex dataframe where the combination constitutes the index.
  • The docstring for count_faces_per_roll:
Help on function count_faces_per_roll in module montecarlo.montecarlo:
count_faces_per_roll(self, count_val)
        PURPOSE: Compute how many times a given face is rolled in each event/roll.
        none - results are stored as val_counts_df (dataframe)
  • count_faces_per_roll does not return anything, but it creates the public attribute, val_counts_df which shows the dataframe of rolls and the number of times a given value appeared in each roll. The roll number is the index of this public attribute.


Files in the repo include:

  • montecarlo
    • montecarlo.py
    • init.py
  • README.md
  • setup.py
  • .gitignore
  • scenarios.ipynb
  • montecarlo_tests.py
  • montecarlo_results.txt
  • final-project-submission.ipynb


This includes the final project for DS5100

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 91.2%Language:Python 8.8%