evenh / gcloud-kms-import

Preconfigured patched OpenSSL for Google Cloud KMS manual key wrapping

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In order to import a key into Cloud KMS, a manual key wrapping is often required. This image can be used for that. Based on these instructions.

Use command openssl.sh in order to invoke the patched OpenSSL 1.1.0l. The recipe specifies this for you.


Current docker image: evenh/gcloud-kms-import:437.0.1

  1. Mount your private key in unencrypted DER format as /root/secrets_from_host/input.pkcs8 using docker cp path/to/key.pkcs8 container_name:/root/secrets_from_host/input.pkcs8
  2. Authenticate yourself with gcloud using gcloud auth loigin.
  3. Set the active project using gcloud config set project project_id
  4. Follow this recipe:
# Set Variables

# Note that these variables are only examples, and should change depending on what is being imported.
export KEY_RING=my-keyring
export KEY_NAME=my-key
export LOCATION=europe-north1
export IMPORT_JOB_NAME=key-import

# Create import job
gcloud kms import-jobs create ${IMPORT_JOB_NAME} \
  --location ${LOCATION} \
  --keyring ${KEY_RING} \
  --import-method rsa-oaep-3072-sha256-aes-256 \
  --protection-level software

# Verify that the import job has state=ACTIVE
gcloud kms import-jobs describe ${IMPORT_JOB_NAME} \
  --location ${LOCATION} \
  --keyring ${KEY_RING} \

# Configure env
export PUB_WRAPPING_KEY=/root/import/wrapping-key.pem
export TARGET_KEY=/root/secrets_from_host/input.pkcs8
export TEMP_AES_KEY=/root/import/temp-aes.key
export WRAPPED_KEY=/root/import/ready-for-import.key
mkdir -p import

# Download wrapping key for import
gcloud kms import-jobs describe \
--location=${LOCATION} \
--keyring=${KEY_RING} \
--format="value(publicKey.pem)" \

# Create temporary AES-key
openssl rand -out "${TEMP_AES_KEY}" 32

# Wrap the key
openssl pkeyutl \
  -encrypt \
  -pubin \
  -inkey ${PUB_WRAPPING_KEY} \
  -in ${TEMP_AES_KEY} \
  -out ${WRAPPED_KEY} \
  -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep \
  -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha256 \
  -pkeyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha256

openssl.sh enc \
  -id-aes256-wrap-pad \
  -iv A65959A6 \
  -K $( hexdump -v -e '/1 "%02x"' < "${TEMP_AES_KEY}" ) \
  -in "${TARGET_KEY}" >> "${WRAPPED_KEY}"

# Do the actual import
gcloud kms keys versions import \
  --import-job ${IMPORT_JOB_NAME} \
  --location ${LOCATION} \
  --keyring ${KEY_RING} \
  --key ${KEY_NAME} \
  --algorithm rsa-sign-pkcs1-3072-sha256 \
  --wrapped-key-file $WRAPPED_KEY


Preconfigured patched OpenSSL for Google Cloud KMS manual key wrapping


Language:Dockerfile 72.7%Language:Shell 27.3%