evejweinberg / lecture-web-animation

1 hour talk

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web animation with css, html, and javascript

references (get inspired)

  1. Sing the movie website
  2. [Spook] (http://www.rememberspook.com/#)
  3. [Gemstones] (http://gemstones.elespacio.net/)
  4. [personal website] (http://eli.wtf/)
  5. [cool editorial thing] (http://bergluft.hervis.at/chapter/1)
  6. [another european site] (http://www.effektiv.fr/secteurs/ingenierie-management-de-production/)
  7. slight slide in on scroll
  8. [rad personal site] (http://alextade.me/)
  9. [gooey menu] (http://codepen.io/evejweinberg/pen/RKJNXO)
  10. woah!

Where to find more: FWA Awards and [Awwwwwwards] (http://www.awwwards.com/) and [CSS Awards] (https://www.cssawards.net/)

what we can learn today

  1. CSS Animation vs Transitions
  1. Switch to Chrome Dev tools and add clouds going across the screen

  2. Adding CSS animation by using javascript: [Powers of Ten sidebar] (http://itp.evejweinberg.com/powers_of_ten/)

  1. jQuery to change DOM elements

  2. What else can we animate?


  1. STACK: css (then eventually SCSS/SASS), javascript / jQuery, HTML
  2. TOOLS: Text editor, codepen.io, Chrome browser dev tools
  3. WORKFLOW: Watch tutorials (see medium article), read MDN, turn to stack over flow sometimes a FAIL, Find things on codepen to Fork

[MY 'COMPREHENSIVE WEB ANIMATION' ARTICLE, FROM MEDIUM.COM] (https://medium.com/@evejweinberg/web-animation-everything-you-need-to-know-in-too-much-detail-91bf5d48f980#.t541ltp30)

code CSS live in Chrome

  1. open index in Chrome
  2. open console
  3. click on sources tab
  4. right click folder name for a dropdown
  5. select 'add to workspace'
  6. choose folder name
  7. right click on the css file
  8. choose Map to Network Resources
  9. choose css file from dropdown selection
  10. change css in the Source view
  11. save as you work! watch it update locally!


So what is Sass and when should I use it?

As soon as you're writing css comfortably and you find yourself thinking, 'damn, I wish I could use variables!'. . start learning SASS. Until then, use css.

  1. How to read scss/sass on codepen

installing sass installing compass to compile sass to css

$ sass --watch style.scss:style2.css

watch an entire folder:

$ sass --watch path/to/sass/folder:path/to/css/folder

Sass is a version of CSS with more robust features. You can write in sass and then transpile to CSS when it's time to view your code. Sass can be written in two languages - sass or scss (sassy css). I use scss! It's easier bc it's more similar to CSS.

SASS workflow

Topics for next time:

  • what about other browsers besides chrome?
  • what about speed and performace issues css vs JS vs jQuery?


1 hour talk


Language:HTML 100.0%