evanzp0 / dysql-project

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About Dysql

Dysql is a highly Performant Rust SQL Toolkit and ORM Library. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time Dynamic SQL.

It bases on tokio-postgres and sqlx crate (default feature), you can switch them by setting the features. It uses Ramhorns the high performance template engine implementation of Mustache template language (a very very very simply template language) :-).

It invokes like blow:

dysql_macro!(| dto, conn_or_tran | [-> return_type | -> (return_type ,dialect)] { ...sql string... });

Note: Dialect can be blank, and the default value is postgres, and dialect also supports mysql, sqlite.

Example (sqlx)

Full example please see: Dysql sqlx example


dysql = "0.8"
dysql-macro = {version = "0.8", features = ["sqlx"]}
sqlx = { version = "0.6", features = [ "runtime-tokio-native-tls" , "postgres" ] }
tokio = { version = "1.0", features = ["full"] }
ramhorns = "0.14"
tokio-postgres = { version = "0.7", features = ["with-chrono-0_4"] }



async fn main() {
    let conn = connect_postgres_db().await;
    sql!("select_sql_fragment_1", "SELECT * FROM test_user ")

    // fetch all
    let dto = UserDto{ id: None, name: None, age: Some(15) };
    let rst = fetch_all!(|&dto, &conn| -> User {
        select_sql_fragment_1 +
        r#"WHERE 1 = 1
          {{#name}}AND name = :name{{/name}}
          {{#age}}AND age > :age{{/age}}
        ORDER BY id"#
            User { id: 2, name: Some("zhanglan".to_owned()), age: Some(21) }, 
            User { id: 3, name: Some("zhangsan".to_owned()), age: Some(35) }

    // fetch one

    let dto = dysql::Value::new(2_i64); // use value wrapper object
    let rst = fetch_one!(|&dto, &conn| -> User {
        select_sql_fragment_1 +
        r#"where 1 = 1
            and id = :value
        order by id"#
    assert_eq!(User { id: 2, name: Some("zhanglan".to_owned()), age: Some(21) }, rst);

    // fetch scalar value
    let rst = fetch_scalar!(|_, &conn| -> i64 {
        r#"select count (*) from test_user"#
    assert_eq!(3, rst);

    // execute with transaction
    let affected_rows_num = execute!(|&dto, &mut tran| {
        r#"delete from test_user where id = :id"#

    // insert with transaction and get id back (postgres)
    let insert_id = insert!(|&dto, &mut tran| {
        r#"insert into test_user (id, name, age) values (:id, :name, :age) returning id"#

    // insert with transaction and get id back (mysql / sqlite)
    let dto = UserDto{ id: Some(4), name: Some("lisi".to_owned()), age: Some(50) };
    let insert_id = insert!(|dto, &mut tran| -> (_, mysql) { // you can use 'sqlite' replace the 'mysql' dialect
        r#"insert into test_user (name, age) values ('aa', 1)"#

    // page query
    let dto = UserDto{ id: None, name: None, age: Some(13) };
    let mut pg_dto = PageDto::new(3, 10, &dto);
    let rst = page!(|&mut pg_dto, &conn| -> User {
        "select * from test_user 
        where 1 = 1
            {{#name}}and name = :data.name{{/name}}
            {{#age}}and age > :data.age{{/age}}
        order by id"
    assert_eq!(7, rst.total);

    // trim sql by ![F_DEL(xxx)] and ![B_DEL(xxx)]
    let rst = fetch_all!(|pg_dto, &conn| -> User {
        // after trim the sql is: 
        //   "select * from test_user where name like '%' || :data.name || '%' and age > :data.age and id in ( 1, 2, 3 ) order by id"
        "select * from test_user 
            {{#name}}and name like '%' || :data.name || '%'{{/name}}
            {{#age}}and age > :data.age{{/age}}
                and id in (
                    {{#id_rng}} {{value}}, {{/id_rng}} ![B_DEL(,)]
        order by id"
    assert_eq!(2, rst.len());

Example (tokio-postgres)

Full example please see: Dysql tokio-postgres example


Dysql is free software, and is released under the terms of the Apache License version 2. See LICENSE.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%