evanwills / regex-input

Web component for testing regular expressions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



<regex-input> is a web component that allows users to enter regular expressions and have them validated immediatly to ensure they are valid.

It's primary purpose is for use in applications that allow admins to create user input fields that include validation. This allows admins to know that the regular expression they want to use is valid.

If enabled by the client, <regex-input> has an optional user interface that allows admins to test against samples of expected input. The test interface pops up in a modal where users can modify the regex & test it against a sample block of text. This allows an admin know that the regular expression (as well as being valid) also matches (and/or excludes) the right things.

By watching for click events, emitted by <regex-input> the client can pass the pattern, flags, sampleText, splitSample & trimSample values to an external regex engine (e.g. PHP's PCRE) then return the results to the results property which then can be rendered.


See this CodePen for a working demo.


Clone this repo then in a terminal

npm install;
npm run dev;


To allow for enough flexibility, this component has 15 attributes. All attributes have (what I believe to be) sensible defaults, so it should work as a simple custom element with no attributes specified. However, it's advisable to always include the pattern & flags attributes.

<regex-input pattern="" flags=""></regex-input>

pattern {string}

Default: "" (empty string)

The regular expression pattern provided by the client.

The pattern attribute is updated whenever the user changes the pattern and the resulting regex is valid.

flags {string}

Default: "" (empty string)

Regular expression flags (aka pattern modifiers) provided by the client.

Flags allow the user to alter the behaviour of the regex.

By default <regex-input> uses the browser's built in ECMAscript/javascript RegExp engine so invalid flags are stripped out as they are typed and an error message is shown for each. Likewise duplicate flags are also removed.

The flags attribute is updated whenever the user changes the flags and the resulting list of flags is valid.

flagstate {string}

Default: show

Flag state allows the client to either show, disable or hide flags depending on requirements.

Valid values:

  • show: Flags input is visible and can be changed
  • disable or disabled: Flags input is visible but cannot be changed by the user
    <regex-input pattern="" flags="ig" flagstate="disabled"></regex-input>
  • hide: User cannot see the flags input at all
    <regex-input pattern="" flags="ig" flagstate="hide"></regex-input>

The ID of the label linked to the input field.

allowedflags {string}

Default: "" (empty string)

String of regex engine flags (aka pattern modifiers) the user is allowed to enter.

List of flags the user is allowed to enter. By default, this can be a subset (or complete set) of flags allowed by the browser's RegExp engine. (This list will be filtered to remove any flags not supported by the browsers RegExp engine.)

<regex-input pattern="" flags="ig" allowedflags="igs"></regex-input>

NOTE: If notjs is set to TRUE it can be a list of any number of unique alphabetical-numeric characters the client supplies.

<regex-input pattern="" flags="" notjs allowedflags="ismxADSUXJu"></regex-input>

regexerror {string}

Default: "" (empty string)

If <regex-input> is being used an external regex engine, then this allows the client to provide an error message supplied by the external engine.

<regex-input pattern="(?<=[a-z]+) [0-9]+\."
             regeerror="Compilation failed: lookbehind assertion is not fixed length at offset 10">

maxlength {number}

Default: 512

The maximum character length of the regular expression can be

<regex-input pattern="" flags="" maxlength="128"></regex-input>

NOTE: When a pattern change event occurs, the pattern string is always truncated to the maximum length allowed before it's validated.

labelid {string}

Default: "" (empty string)

ID of the field label intended to describe this web component.

notjs {boolean}

Default: false

If the input is being used for an external regex engine (e.g. PHP PCRE) this will change how flags are filtered and allow the client to supply custom flags appropriate to the regex engine.

NOTE: notjs should never be used without one of the non-RegExp related attributes (delim, paireddelims, allowedflags, allowinvalid)

<regex-input pattern="" flags="" notjs allowedflags="ismxADSUXJu"></regex-input>

nodelims {boolean}

Default: false

Whether or not to hide regular expression delimiter characters from the user.

NOTE: If flagstate is not hide this attribute will be ignored.

delim {string}

Default: /

NOTE: If notjs is FALSE (default) this attribute is ignored.

Regular expression delimiter character used when rendering the input to make it clearer what the UI is for.

NOTE: If notjs is set to TRUE, delim can contain any single non-alpha-numeric, non-backslash or non-whitespace character.

<regex-input pattern="" flags="" notjs delim="`"></regex-input>

paireddelims {boolean}

Default: false

NOTE: If notjs is FALSE (default) this attribute is ignored.

Some regular expression engines (like PHP PCRE) allow paird delimiters (e.g. < & >).
If paireddelims is a character that can be a paired delimiter then the paired characters will be used as opening and closing delimiters. e.g. (^[a-z]+$)is.

<regex-input pattern="" flags="" notjs delim="{" paireddelims></regex-input>

showlabels {boolean}

Default: false

For accessibility reasons, both the pattern and flags fields have labeled but they are hidden from the screen. By setting showlabels to TRUE the field labels will be visible to everybody.

<regex-input pattern="" flags="" showlabels></regex-input>

disabled {boolean}

Default: false

If <regex-input> is used conditionally within a form sometimes it's useful for the user to be able to see it but not be allowed to edit it. This sets both pattern and flags input fields to be set to disabled.

<regex-input pattern="" flags="" disabled></regex-input>

testable {boolean}

Default: false

It's often useful for the user to be able to test their regex pattern against a sample input (or list of sample inputs).

<regex-input pattern="" flags="" testable></regex-input>

If testable is TRUE a "Test" button will be rendered after the input fields. When the "Test" button is clicked, a modal will be rendered with the pattern & flags fields along with a sample text box.

Because it's often useful to test multiple samples against your pattern, it's possible to split the sample on new lines.

When you are matching a whole string, you probably don't want leading or trailing white space so it's also possible to trim the leading & trailing whitespace from each sample.

allowinvalid {boolean}

Default: false

NOTE: If notjs is FALSE (default) this attribute is ignored.

Allow invalid regexes to trigger change events.

By default, invalid regex patterns will not trigger a change event on the parent. If using an external regex engine, sometimes things that are invalid for ECMAscript RegExp will be valid in that engine. This will cause all changes to the pattern to trigger a change event.

<regex-input pattern="" flags="" notjs allowinvalid></regex-input>

Public properties

testSample {string}

Sample string that can be passed to an external regex engine for testing.

splitSample {boolean}

Whether or not to split the string on new line characters.

trimSample {boolean}

Whether or not to trim the sample string(s) before applying the regex. (Useful if your regex includes matching the begining and/or end of the string.)

hasError {boolean}

Whether or not the javascript RegExp engine encountered an error.

wholeRegex {string}

The whole regex, including delimiters and flags.

results {Array}

NOTE: This is not yet working. (I have a bit of learning to do on handling updates made by the client code.)

If updated externally the results property should contain an array of objects that look like something like this:

Given the regular expression:


And the sample (split & trimmed):

Web Components
I am a funcky chicken
lit-element is awesome

The results should look like this:

    "sample": "lit-html",
    "matches": [
    "sample": "Web Components",
    "matches": [
      "Web Components",
    "sample": "I am a funcky chicken.",
    "matches": [] // Nothing was matched for this sample
    "sample": "lit-element is awesome",
    "matches": [
      "lit-element is awesome",

NOTE: With the above regex an empty array should be returned if the sample was not split and trimmed.


To help make <regex-input> easier to integrate into applications there are a number of css custom properties that allow the client application to define various style properties.

NOTE: I may have got the behavior of setting values from outside the component wrong so let me know if you encounter any issues.

CSS custom properties:

  • --ri-font-size - (Default: 1rem)
  • --ri-border-radius - (Default: 0.9rem) - Used for buttons, error message box and patter/flag input wrapper
  • --ri-text-colour - (Default: rgb(255, 255, 255))
  • --ri-bg-colour - (Default: rgb(0, 85, 34));
  • --ri-error-bg-colour - (Default: rgb(150, 0, 0)) - Background colour for regular expression errors
  • --ri-error-text-colour - (Default: rgb(255, 255, 255)) - Text colour for regular expression errors
  • --ri-line-width - (Default: 0.075rem) - Border thickness;
  • --ri-max-width - (Default: 30rem) - Maximum with of pattern input field;
  • --ri-default-input-font - (Default: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace)
  • --ri-input-font - (Default: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace) - Font family used for input fields

Accessibility - outline styles

Styling to identify an input field is in focus

  • --ri-outline-width - (Default: 0.25rem) - Width of the field outline
  • --ri-outline-style - (Default: dotted); - Line style for outline
  • --ri-outline-offset - (Default: 0.2rem) - Space around the field (between the outline and the field)


Web component for testing regular expressions


Language:TypeScript 90.3%Language:HTML 9.7%