evantahler / sequleize-sqlite-migrations

An example showing that if a Sqlite table has a compound index on it, Sequelize migrations that make a temporary table incorrectly apply a unique constraint to every column that was part of the compound index.

Home Page:https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/12823

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

An example showing that if a Sqlite table has a compound index on it, Sequelize migrations that make a temporary table incorrectly apply a unique constraint to every column that was part of the compound index.

For sequelize/sequelize#12823

With a compound unique index:

await queryInterface.addIndex("posts", ["name", "image"], {
  unique: true,
  fields: ["name", "image"],

Migrations which do a full table copy end up creating normal unique constraints (not indexes) on the columns which used to be in the index:



  1. Clone this repo
  2. npm install
  3. ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize-cli db:migrate

Note that migration 1 properly makes the table with a compound index:

Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `posts` (`id` VARCHAR(255), `name` VARCHAR(255), `image` VARCHAR(255));
Executing (default): CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `posts_name_image` ON `posts` (`name`, `image`)

However the second migration re-creates the table with UNIQUE applied directly to name and image.

Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `posts_backup` (`id` VARCHAR(255), `name` VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, `image` VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, `position` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0');
Executing (default): INSERT INTO `posts_backup` SELECT `id`, `name`, `image`, `position` FROM `posts`;
Executing (default): DROP TABLE `posts`;
Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `posts` (`id` VARCHAR(255), `name` VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, `image` VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, `position` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0');


An example showing that if a Sqlite table has a compound index on it, Sequelize migrations that make a temporary table incorrectly apply a unique constraint to every column that was part of the compound index.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%