evangineer / repoxplorer

RepoXplorer - Git stats explorer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RepoXplorer - Stats explorer for Git repositories

The documentation here is for the master version of repoXplorer. If you look for information about the last stable version, then checkout at version 1.6.1.

RepoXplorer provides a web UI and a REST API to browse git stats such as:

  • projects (composed of one or multiple repositories)
  • contributors
  • groups of contributors

Stats for a project are such as:

  • commits and authors count
  • date histogram of commits
  • date histogram of authors
  • top authors by commits
  • top authors by lines changed
  • top new authors by commits

Stats for a contributor or a group are such as:

  • commits, lines changed and projects count
  • date histogram of commits
  • date histogram of authors (only for group)
  • top projects by commits
  • top projects by lines changed

Filters can be used to refine stats by:

  • dates boundaries
  • releases or tags dates
  • repositories
  • metadata (grabbed from commit message eg. fix-bug: 12)

RepoXplorer is composed of:

  • YAML configuration file(s)
  • a Git indexer service
  • a WSGI application
  • an ElasticSearch backend

RepoXplorer is the right tool to continuously watch and index your repositories like for instance your Github organization.

Quickstart - Use the RepoXplorer Docker container to index a Github organization

The docker container bundles ElasticSearch + the last repoXplorer version.

This paragraph describes the usage of the container of repoXplorer 1.6.1. Some commands/options may have changes on the master version. A container for the master version of repoXplorer is published as well and can be deployed using docker-compose -f docker-compose-master.yaml up -d, please refer to docker/aoi-master/README.

Simply run docker-compose to deploy.

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/morucci/repoxplorer
cd repoxplorer
git checkout 1.6.1
mkdir -p docker-data/conf
docker-compose up -d
firefox http://localhost:51000/index.html

Then, locally, use the github helper to create the configuration file. Here we index the Github organization of the git project.

./bin/repoxplorer-github-organization --org git --skip-fork --output-path docker-data/conf/git

Alternatively, one can execute this command within the repoxplorer docker image with

docker-compose exec repoxplorer bash
repoxplorer-github-organization --org git --skip-fork --output-path /etc/repoxplorer/defs/git

Indexation will take between 2 and 5 minutes. Indexation in progress can be seen into the indexer log file.

docker-compose exec repoxplorer bash
tail -f /root/.local/repoxplorer/repoxplorer-indexer.log

Repoxplorer will check repositories every 60 seconds for news commits and index them if any.

Stop the container. Data are stored in docker volumes so you can safely stop and restart the container. docker-compose down -v can be used to remove data.

docker-compose down

Standard installation

The installation process described here is for the master version of repoXplorer. If you look for the installation process of the last stable version, then checkout at version 1.6.1.

This process has been validated with Fedora 29 but as long as you have Python 3 and a working ElasicSearch 6.X or 7.X deployment repoXplorer should work as expected. Feel free to adapt to your Linux distribution.


RepoXplorer relies on ElasticSearch 6.X or 7.X. Below are the installation steps for ElasticSearch 6.x for a RPM based system:

sudo rpm --import https://packages.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch
cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo
name=Elasticsearch repository for 6.x packages
sudo yum install -y elasticsearch java-1.8.0-openjdk
sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch

Using a Python virtualenv

This is method to follow especially if you intend to try the master version.

sudo yum install -y python-virtualenv libffi-devel openssl-devel python-devel git gcc
mkdir git && cd git
git clone https://github.com/morucci/repoxplorer.git
cd repoxplorer
virtualenv ~/repoxplorer
. ~/repoxplorer/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install
mkdir -p ~/.local/repoxplorer
cp config.py ~/.local/repoxplorer/
repoxplorer-fetch-web-assets --config ~/.local/repoxplorer/config.py
# Install a demo project definition
cp etc/projects.yaml ~/.local/repoxplorer/

Start the web UI

./bin/start-ui.sh ~/.local/repoxplorer/config.py

Then open a Web browser to access http://localhost:51000/index.html

Start the indexer

repoxplorer-indexer --config ~/.local/repoxplorer/config.py

In order to run the indexer continuously you can use the command's argument "--forever". When indexing continuously, it will sleep for 60 seconds between runs.

Quickstart helpers

Index a Github organization

RepoXplorer comes with an helper to create a yaml file for from indexing a Github organization. The yaml file can then be moved to the configuration directory of repoXplorer.

repoxplorer-github-organization --org <orgname>
mv <orgname>.yaml ~/.local/repoxplorer/

Using the --repo argument in addition to the --org argument will create the yaml file for indexing a single repository.

For private organizations or repositories, you will need to issue a Token and use the --token argument. Tokens can be issued on your Github account under "Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens". You will need to give the repo access.

Private repositories

The git credential helper won't recognize private repositories by default. For that, you need to add, your credentials into repoxplorer-git-credentials-helper (if running in container, inside the /bin/ directory of course).


RepoXplorer will look for the configuration directory db_path that is defined in config.py. The directory is supposed to contain the content definition.

The content definition (projects, groups, contributors) must be defined in db_path as YAML files. Any YAML files in the configuration directory will be loaded. RepoXplorer will load YAML files and do a basic data update when definition's keys appears in multiple YAML files. The loading is performed by alphabetical order.

Define projects to index

Below is an example of a yaml file, note that Barbican and Swift projects are composed of two Git repositories each, a server and a client.

    uri: https://github.com/openstack/%(name)s
    - master
    - stable/mitaka
    - stable/newton
    - stable/ocata
    gitweb: https://github.com/openstack/%(name)s/commit/%%(sha)s

    description: The Barbican project
        template: default
        template: default
    description: The Swift project
        template: default
        template: default

After a change in this file you can start the Git indexer manually or let the indexer daemon reads the file (every minute) and handles changes.

Advanced configuration

The branches key of a template definition permits to define which branches to index. This key expects a list of branches name.

A list of tags can be given to each Git repositories. This tag concept should not be understood as Git tags but only as a way to mark Git repositories. For example tags like 'documentation', 'librairies', packaging, ...) could be considered. Tags defined at repositories level will be appended to those defined at the template level.

    uri: https://github.com/openstack/%(name)s
    - master
    - openstack

        templates: default
        - language:python

If the list of the repository branches differs to the one defined in the template then you can overwrite it like below.

    uri: https://github.com/openstack/%(name)s
    - master

        templates: default
        - devel
        - stable/1.0.x
        templates: default

A list of releases can be defined. It is useful when you want to define release dates across all repositories defined in a project or for a specific repository. Release dates with %Y-%m-%d format can be defined and will be merged with detected Git tags dates.

Furthermore the index-tags flag could be set to False to tell the indexer to skip repositories tags indexation. Also the indexer will make sure to wipe already indexed tags for the project's repositories.

    uri: https://github.com/openstack/%(name)s
      - master
      - name: 2.0
        date: 2016-12-20
    index-tags: false

      - name: Ocata
        date: 2017-02-22
        template: default

A list of paths can be given under the paths key. When defined for project repository then only commits including a file changed under one of the list of paths will match during statistics computation. If you want to define a special project Barbican-Tests that is limited to tests directory then:

    uri: https://github.com/openstack/%(name)s
      - master

        template: default
        - barbican/tests/
        - barbican/functional-tests/
        templates: default
        - barbicanclient/tests/

A group can be given to the bots-group project's attribute. When set and target an existing group then commits from this group members are excluded from the project's stats computation.

      ci@server.com: {}
      langbot@server.com: {}

    bots-group: ci-bots
        template: default

It is also possible to define metadata parsers. Please refer to the Metadata automatic indexation section.

Sanitize author identities

An unique author can use multiple emails (identities) when contributing to a project. The identities configuration permits to define emails that belong to a contributor.

In the example below, contributions from both author emails 'john.doe@server' and 'jdoe@server' will be stacked for John Doe.

    name: John Doe
    default-email: john.doe@server.com
            begin-date: 2016-12-31
            end-date: 2017-12-31
        groups: {}

Group's membership can be defined via the groups key. A group must have been defined (Define groups of authors) before use. Membership bounces can be defined via begin-date and end-date to declare a group's membership between given dates (%Y-%m-%d).

When an identity declares a group's membership then that's not needed to define it again at groups level.

Define groups of authors

You may want to define groups of authors and be able to compute stats for those groups.

    description: Project team leaders of Barbican project
        begin-date: 2015-12-31
        end-date: 2016-12-31
    description: Project team leaders of Barbican project
    emails: {}
    description: ACME corp group
    emails: {}
      - acme.com
      - acme.org

Group's membership is defined via an author email. Bounces can be defined via begin-date and end-date to declare a group's membership between given dates (%Y-%m-%d).

If an identity has been defined with emails part of a defined group then date bounces will overwrite those defined at the groups level.

To define a group that implicitly include commits of authors from specific domains use the domains key to list domains.

Metadata automatic indexation

In addition to the standard Git object fields, the indexer detects metadata such as:

The full list of matching regexps is defined in indexer/git/metadata_re.py. Do not hesitate to propose additional regexp if relevant.

Furthermore it is possible to specify custom capturing regexs to extract metadata that does not follow to the default regex.

All regexs specified in the parsers key will be executed on each commit message line. You need to have two captured elements and the first one will be used as the key, the second as the value.

    uri: https://github.com/openstack/%(name)s
    - master
    gitweb: https://github.com/openstack/%(name)s/commit/%%(sha)s
    - .*(blueprint) ([^ .]+).*

Custom capturing regexs must be defined prior to the indexation of the Git repository it apply.

Validate the configuration

The command repoxplorer-config-validate can be used to check that yaml definition files follow the right format.

repoxplorer-config-validate --config ~/.local/repoxplorer/config.py

REST API endpoints


All endpoints can be called with or without the suffix .json. If called without the .json suffix then the request's header Accept: application/json must be set.

Some endpoints can return CSV data by adding the suffix .csv or without the suffix but by adding the request's header Accept: text/csv (curl -H "accept: text/csv").

See below for available parameters. Keep in mind that some parameters are mandatory, while some others are optional or only available for certain calls.


This endpoint permits to retrieve the platform status.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/status/status"
    "customtext": "",
    "projects": 2,
    "repos": 4,
    "users_endpoint": False,
    "version": "1.6.1"


This endpoint permits to retrieve defined projects.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/projects/projects"
    "projects": {
        "Barbican": {
            "description": "The barbican project",
            "repos": [
                    "branch": "master",
                    "gitweb": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican/commit/%(sha)s",
                    "name": "barbican",
                    "parsers": [],
                    "releases": [],
                    "tags": [],
                    "uri": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican"
                    "branch": "stable/ocata",
                    "gitweb": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican/commit/%(sha)s",
                    "name": "barbican",
                    "parsers": [],
                    "releases": [],
                    "tags": [],
                    "uri": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican"
                    "branch": "master",
                    "gitweb": "https://github.com/openstack/python-barbicanclient/commit/%(sha)s",
                    "name": "python-barbicanclient",
                    "parsers": [],
                    "releases": [],
                    "tags": [],
                    "uri": "https://github.com/openstack/python-barbicanclient"
                    "branch": "stable/ocata",
                    "gitweb": "https://github.com/openstack/python-barbicanclient/commit/%(sha)s",
                    "name": "python-barbicanclient",
                    "parsers": [],
                    "releases": [],
                    "tags": [],
                    "uri": "https://github.com/openstack/python-barbicanclient"
    "tags": [],

The pid parameter can be passed to request only a project.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/projects/projects?pid=Barbican"
{"Barbican": {
    "description": "The barbican project",
    "repos": [
            "branch": "master",
            "gitweb": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican/commit/%(sha)s",
            "name": "barbican",
            "parsers": [],
            "releases": [],
            "tags": [],
            "uri": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican"


This endpoint permits to retrieve repositories for a project or tag.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/projects/repos?pid=Barbican"
        "branch": "master",
        "gitweb": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican/commit/%(sha)s",
        "name": "barbican",
        "parsers": [],
        "releases": [],
        "tags": [],
        "uri": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican"


This endpoint is used to fetch project, contributor, group or tag general information.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/infos/infos?cid=DwAQCBtCFg0WDg4FLAYFBg0SBQ0XAUsFDhg-"
    "authors_amount": 1,
    "commits_amount": 13,
    "duration": 33695365,
    "first": 1401312787,
    "last": 1435008152,
    "line_modifieds_amount": 4180,
    "ttl_average": 184525

This endpoint can also output to CSV.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/infos/infos.csv?cid=DwAQCBtCFg0WDg4FLAYFBg0SBQ0XAUsFDhg-"
# or
curl -H "accept: text/csv" "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/infos/infos?cid=DwAQCBtCFg0WDg4FLAYFBg0SBQ0XAUsFDhg-"


This endpoint is used to fetch contributor-specific information. Note the cid parameter is mandatory.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/infos/contributor?cid=DwAQCBtCFg0WDg4FLAYFBg0SBQ0XAUsFDhg-"
{ "name": "John Doe",
  "mails_amount": 1,
  "gravatar": "b726b19f8e7c2e23e403e4b5d3ab4508",

This endpoint can also output to CSV.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/infos/contributor.csv?cid=DwAQCBtCFg0WDg4FLAYFBg0SBQ0XAUsFDhg-"
# or
curl -H "accept: text/csv" "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/infos/contributor?cid=DwAQCBtCFg0WDg4FLAYFBg0SBQ0XAUsFDhg-"
a08de2c8fe4fb685409091d3b6dbd0bf,1,John Doe


This endpoint is used to fetch commits.


curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/commits/commits.json?pid=Barbican&limit=1"
            "Change-Id": [
            "author_date": 1507229976,
            "author_email_domain": "lists.openstack.org",
            "author_gravatar": "5718d97082d0499d42ea0a291c46ec40",
            "author_name": "OpenStack Proposal Bot",
            "ccid": "CxUDDwYYFQcOSwgbCgYFJQoIBhgHSgoWBBsfAAUGDU8aHhM-",
            "cid": "CxUDDwYYFQcOSwgbCgYFJQoIBhgHSgoWBBsfAAUGDU8aHhM-",
            "commit_msg": "Updated from global requirements",
            "committer_date": 1507229976,
            "committer_gravatar": "5718d97082d0499d42ea0a291c46ec40",
            "committer_name": "OpenStack Proposal Bot",
            "files_list": [
            "gitwebs": [
            "line_modifieds": 2,
            "merge_commit": false,
            "metadata": [
            "repos": [
            "sha": "77eedac597fb99745751a049a11d0719c4b67a85",
            "ttl": "0:00:00"


This endpoint is used to fetch the top authors list by the amount of commits. It makes more sense to use it with the pid or tid parameter.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/authors/bycommits?pid=Barbican"
        "amount": 73,
        "cid": "CxUDDwYYFQcOSwgbCgYFJQoIBhgHSgoWBBsfAAUGDU8aHhM-",
        "gravatar": "5718d97082d0499d42ea0a291c46ec40",
        "name": "OpenStack Proposal Bot"
        "amount": 39,
        "cid": "AAoTBhkNB0oIAw8RBQ4FBwcNNR4VBw4VERQPEUoGCQw-",
        "gravatar": "ae4be8ffcc6d487934c3df3d3708049a",
        "name": "Douglas Mendizabal"
        "amount": 35,
        "cid": "BRcHEh0LHAsXAxgGBB0kAgsAHABaBwoL",
        "gravatar": "0ac9841e2c93f631d5f5d88f2aed0910",
        "name": "Arash Ghoreyshi"

This endpoint can also output to CSV.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/authors/bycommits.csv?pid=Barbican"
73,5718d97082d0499d42ea0a291c46ec40,OpenStack Proposal Bot,CxUDDwYYFQcOSwgbCgYFJQoIBhgHSgoWBBsfAAUGDU8aHhM-
39,ae4be8ffcc6d487934c3df3d3708049a,Douglas Mendizabal,AAoTBhkNB0oIAw8RBQ4FBwcNNR4VBw4VERQPEUoGCQw-
35,0ac9841e2c93f631d5f5d88f2aed0910,Arash Ghoreyshi,BRcHEh0LHAsXAxgGBB0kAgsAHABaBwoL


This endpoint is used to fetch the top authors list by the amount of lines changed. It makes more sense to use it with the pid or tid parameter.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/authors/bylchanged?pid=Barbican"
        "amount": 5663,
        "cid": "AAoTBhkNB0oIAw8RBQ4FBwcNNR4VBw4VERQPEUoGCQw-",
        "gravatar": "ae4be8ffcc6d487934c3df3d3708049a",
        "name": "Douglas Mendizabal"
        "amount": 3816,
        "cid": "AgkTGVsNEAUIJgYYDR0ISwUOGA--",
        "gravatar": "ac3cb4707ed65da7764a4b3a9fe825e6",
        "name": "Adam Harwell"
        "amount": 3814,
        "cid": "DgQUExAYWhYEDww1HhUHDhURFA8RSgYJDA--",
        "gravatar": "fec13c0a2aa5f2db76eb72a35cd80be0",
        "name": "Jarret Raim"

This endpoint can also output to CSV.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/authors/bylchanged.csv?pid=Barbican"
5663,ae4be8ffcc6d487934c3df3d3708049a,Douglas Mendizabal,AAoTBhkNB0oIAw8RBQ4FBwcNNR4VBw4VERQPEUoGCQw-
3816,ac3cb4707ed65da7764a4b3a9fe825e6,Adam Harwell,AgkTGVsNEAUIJgYYDR0ISwUOGA--
3814,fec13c0a2aa5f2db76eb72a35cd80be0,Jarret Raim,DgQUExAYWhYEDww1HhUHDhURFA8RSgYJDA--


This endpoint is used to fetch the top projects list by the amount of commits. It makes more sense to use it with the cid or gid parameter. Note this endpoint can also output to CSV. When the CSV endpoint is used with the inc_repos_detail parameter, the project field can contain values separated by ';'. Indeed a ref (reponame:branch) can be part of multiple projects. Then make sure your CSV loader is properly configured to not interpret ';' as a separator.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/projects/bycommits.json?cid=CQoUBQcJECQMCAAACwEXEUgCGgE-"
        "amount": 56,
        "name": "Swift"
        "amount": 4,
        "name": "Barbican"
curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/projects/bycommits.csv?cid=CQoUBQcJECQMCAAACwEXEUgCGgE-"

By using the parameter inc_repos_detail the response outputs the top repositories instead of projects.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/projects/bycommits.json?cid=CQoUBQcJECQMCAAACwEXEUgCGgE-&inc_repos_detail=true"
        "amount": 41,
        "name": "swift:master",
        "projects": [
        "amount": 39,
        "name": "swift:stable/ocata",
        "projects": [
curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/projects/bycommits.csv?cid=CQoUBQcJECQMCAAACwEXEUgCGgE-&inc_repos_detail=true"


This endpoint is used to fetch the top projects list by the amount of lines changed. It makes more sense to use it with the cid or gid parameter. Note this endpoint can also output to CSV. When the CSV endpoint is used with the inc_repos_detail parameter, the project field can contain values separated by ';'. Indeed a ref (reponame:branch) can be part of multiple projects. Then make sure your CSV loader is properly configured to not interpret ';' as a separator.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/projects/bylchanged.json?cid=CQoUBQcJECQMCAAACwEXEUgCGgE-"
        "amount": 21853,
        "name": "Swift"
        "amount": 205,
        "name": "Barbican"
curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/projects/bylchanged.csv?cid=CQoUBQcJECQMCAAACwEXEUgCGgE-"

By using the parameter inc_repos_detail the response outputs the top repositories instead of projects.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/projects/bylchanged.json?cid=CQoUBQcJECQMCAAACwEXEUgCGgE-&inc_repos_detail=true"
        "amount": 20172,
        "name": "swift:master",
        "projects": [
        "amount": 20033,
        "name": "swift:stable/ocata",
        "projects": [
curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/projects/bylchanged.csv?cid=CQoUBQcJECQMCAAACwEXEUgCGgE-&inc_repos_detail=true"


This endpoint takes a reference timeframe (parameters dfromref/dtoref) and a new timeframe (parameters dfrom/dto), and returns the authors in the new timeframe that were not present in the reference timeframe. In other words, it returns the new contributors to the project in the specified timeframe.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/authors/diff?pid=Barbican&dfromref=2017-11-01&dtoref=2017-11-05&dfrom=2017-11-06&dto=2017-11-16"

This command will return the new contributors between November 6th and November 16th 2017, using the period from November 1st and November 5th 2017 as a reference.

        "amount": 13,
        "cid": "AAoTBhkNB0oIAw8RBQ4FBwcNNR4VBw4VERQPEUoGCQw-",
        "gravatar": "ae4be8ffcc6d487934c3df3d3708049a",
        "name": "Douglas Mendizabal"
        "amount": 2,
        "cid": "AgkTGVsNEAUIJgYYDR0ISwUOGA--",
        "gravatar": "ac3cb4707ed65da7764a4b3a9fe825e6",
        "name": "Adam Harwell"

This endpoint can also output to CSV.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tops/authors/diff.csv?pid=Barbican&dfromref=2017-11-01&dtoref=2017-11-05&dfrom=2017-11-06&dto=2017-11-16"
13,ae4be8ffcc6d487934c3df3d3708049a,Douglas Mendizabal,AAoTBhkNB0oIAw8RBQ4FBwcNNR4VBw4VERQPEUoGCQw-
2,ac3cb4707ed65da7764a4b3a9fe825e6,Adam Harwell,AgkTGVsNEAUIJgYYDR0ISwUOGA--


This endpoint is used to fetch ready to use histogram data about commits amount.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/histo/commits?pid=Barbican"
        "date": "2013-02-01",
        "value": 16
        "date": "2013-03-01",
        "value": 28


This endpoint is used to fetch ready to use histogram data authors amount.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/histo/authors?pid=Barbican"
        "date": "2013-02-01",
        "value": 1
        "date": "2013-03-01",
        "value": 5


This endpoint is used to retrieve detected releases (Git tags, or user defined ones).

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/tags/tags?pid=Barbican"
        "date": 1367962025,
        "name": "0.1.36",
        "repo": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican:barbican",
        "sha": "e2a599872041429ddf1d078092b9da5ab839ed83"
        "date": 1368651959,
        "name": "0.1.43",
        "repo": "https://github.com/openstack/barbican:barbican",
        "sha": "ac5df0080930bcfb0872c40d00a7cb99f2179f09"


This endpoint is used to fetch detected commit's metadata.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/metadata/metadata?pid=Barbican"
    "Author": 3,
    "Closes-Bug": 245,
    "Closes-bug": 89,
    "Co-Authored-By": 16,
    "Co-authored-by": 7,
    "Depends-On": 21,
    "Fixes": 7,
    "Implementing": 2,
    "Implements": 102,
    "Partial-Bug": 18,
    "Partial-bug": 2,
    "Partially-Implements": 27,
    "Partially-implements": 17,
curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/metadata/metadata?pid=Barbican&key=Implements"
    "blueprint add-authentication-token-support",
    "blueprint add-cas",
    "blueprint add-certificate-to-the-container-type",
    "blueprint add-local-installer-script",
    "blueprint add-metadata-to-secrets",
    "blueprint add-missing-alembic-modules",


This endpoint can be used to search a commit's author. The search is performed against the full name and limited to 100 results.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/search/search_authors?query=john"
    "CQAmDxoYWgkL": {
        "gravatar": "957192aaa5b95658443fa90b63e10d6a",
        "name": "John Dickinson"
        "gravatar": "67b96b16c256d01f79d0d330382229b3",
        "name": "John Wood"
    "DggFChwCECQCCwAcAFoHCgs-": {
        "gravatar": "3d1233d9f185ca8ccfc84654d5bb1d0a",
        "name": "John McKenzie"


This endpoint can be used to retrieve the defined groups, and search for groups that start with a specific prefix.

curl "http://localhost:51000/api/v1/groups/"
  "Doe Organization": {
    "domains": [],
    "description": "People from the Doe organization",
    "members": {
      "DhUDDxQsBgEBDgABQhcLCA--": {
        "gravatar": "659d8254ef5235d8a163734889131b0e",
        "name": "John Doe"
      "DgQQCBAeWhQACAA1HhEADQcVWw8bCQ--": {
        "gravatar": "b726b19f8e7c2e23e403e4b5d3ab4508",
        "name": "Doe John"
  "redhatters": {
    "domains": [
    "description": "People from Red Hat",
    "members": {},


Available parameters for all endpoints


Only one of:

  • dfrom: From date with the format: %Y-%m-%d.
  • dto: To date with the format: %Y-%m-%d.
  • metadata: key:value list of metadata grabbed from commit messages. example: 'implement-feature:bp-new-scheduler,implement:bp-new-scheduler'
  • inc_merge_commit: Include merge commits in computation (default is no) set in to 'on' to include them.
  • inc_repos: A list of repository IDs to only include in the computation. example: 'barbican:master,python-barbicanclient:master'
  • exc_groups: group ID as in groups definitions to exclude from the computation. Can be used only with pid or tid. Only one group is supported. This parameter is exclusive with inc_groups.
  • inc_groups: group ID as in groups definitions to only include in the computation. Can be used only with pid or tid. Only one group is supported. This parameter is exclusive with exc_groups.

commits endpoint only

  • limit: amount of results returned by page (default: 10).
  • start: page cursor (default: 0).

metadata endpoint only

  • key: The metadata key.

search endpoint only

  • query: The query terms. Wildcards are authorized and a logical AND is used between terms.

Group endpoint only

  • prefix: Return groups that start by prefix.
  • nameonly: if set to true, return only the group names. Otherwise, return all information.
  • withstats: if set to true, return the amount of projects and repos that the group have contributed on.

tops/projects endpoint only

  • inc_repos_detail: Set to true or unset to include or not repositories details in the response.
  • limit: Max amount of items returned (default: 10).

tops/authors endpoint only

  • limit: Max amount of items returned (default: 10).

tops/authors/diff endpoint only

  • dfromref: Start of the reference period to use when getting new contributors, using the format: %Y-%m-%d.
  • dtoref: End of the reference period to use when getting new contributors, using the format: %Y-%m-%d.
  • limit: Max amount of items returned (default: 10).


Feel free to help ! I'll be happy to accept any contributions.

If you want to propose a change, ask for a feature, say you like repoXplorer or report an issue please fill Github issue:

RepoXplorer is hosted and developed via this Gerrit instance Software Factory. Contributions should preferably be done via Gerrit but I will accept them on Github too :).

If you want to help via Github then use the regular Github workflow. Below are instructions to follow if your prefer to use Gerrit:

git clone https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/repoxplorer
git review -s # You should have login on Software Factory using your Github identity first

Your local copy is now configured. Please read the following instructions to learn about Git review sub-command git-review.

# make some changes
git add -a
git commit # local commit your changes
git review # propose your changes

Run tests

The unittest suite requires a local ElasticSearch server accessible on the default port 9200/tcp. RepoXplorer is tested with ElasticSearch 6.X and 7.X. No specific configuration is needed. The suite uses specific indexes destroyed and re-created at each run.

# First install required system libraries
sudo yum install -y python-virtualenv libffi-devel openssl-devel python3-devel git gcc python-tox
# Then run the test suite


Let's join the #repoxplorer channel on freenode.


RepoXplorer - Git stats explorer

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 72.5%Language:JavaScript 18.1%Language:HTML 8.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%Language:CSS 0.3%Language:Shell 0.1%