europeana / rd-watermark-detection

Experiments to detect property marks / watermarks in Europeana's images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

R&D watermark detection repository

Table of Contents

About the Project


This repository contains a set of tools for building a model to detect digital watermarks in images, spanning data acquisition, labeling and curation, as well as model training and evaluation.

Built With



Get the repository:

git clone

Go to the .env file in the cloned folder of the repo /rd-watermark-detection and add paths for the data, LabelStudio metadata and ports for jupyter notebooks, tensorboard and LabelStudio.


Docker can be used to set up two containers:

  • machine_learning: for model building
  • label_studio: for data annotation using LabelStudio

Run the following command to build and run the containers:

docker-compose up -d


Model building

Execute the following command to access the machine_learning container

docker-compose exec machine_learning bash

Jupyter notebook can be launched with the following command:

jupyter notebook --port 5051 --ip --no-browser --allow-root

Make sure the port is the same as in the .env file

Data acquisition

The first step is to obtain data for assembling a dataset of images with and without watermarks. We can use the Europeana Search API for this via PyEuropeana. Get your Europeana API key here and set it up as an environment variable as follows:

export EUROPEANA_API_KEY=yourapikey

The data sources for watermarked images can be specified with a json file with the following structure:

{"query_list": [

Non-watermarked images will be obtained from arbitrary collections using the query "*" in the Search API.

Run the following command to obtain the metadata of the objects resulting from the aforementioned queries. The number of non-watermark images will be the same as the number of watermarked images. The number of images per dataset can be set with the parameter n_per_dataset:

nohup python3 scripts/ harvest_data \
 --datasets_path /storage/data/new_datasets.json \
 --n_per_dataset 50 \
 --saving_path /storage/data/unlabeled.csv \
 --labeled_path /storage/data/labeled_4312.csv \
 &> /storage/logs/data_harvesting.out &

Run the following command to download the image files of the objects retrieved in the previous step:

nohup python3 -u scripts/ download \
 --input /storage/data/labeled_from_record.csv \
 --saving_dir /storage/data/labeled_from_record \
 &> /storage/logs/download_images.out &

Before training a model you might want to manually review and annotate the data using labelstudio. Go to the section Data annotation

nohup python3 scripts/ \
 --saving_path /storage/data/collections.csv \
 &> /storage/logs/get_collections_data.out &
nohup python3 -u scripts/ \
 --input_path /storage/data/watermark_record.csv \
 --output_path /storage/data/labeled_from_record.csv \
 &> /storage/logs/get_labeled_dataset.out &
nohup python3 -u scripts/ download \
 --input /storage/data/labeled_from_record.csv \
 --saving_dir /storage/data/labeled_from_record \
 &> /storage/logs/download_images.out &

In rd-img-utilities

nohup python3 -u scripts/ --labeled True --sample 1.0 --suffix 'LARGE' --input /storage/data/labeled_from_record.csv --output /storage/data/labeled_from_record &> /storage/logs/download_images.out &

Model training

Once we have a labeled dataset we can train an image classification model that will separate images with and without watermarks. The model is a ResNet 18 pretrained on ImageNet with a binary output layer. For training the labeled dataset is divided in train/val/test splits with stratified sampling. The validation loss during training is monitored on the validation set, and the resulting model is evaluated on the test set.

The following command trains a model as described above taking the values for the batch size, learning rate, max number of epochs, and crossvalidation as arguments:

nohup python3 -u scripts/ train \
 --batch_size 64 \
 --learning_rate 1e-5 \
 --model_size 18 \
 --data_dir /storage/data/labeled_55255/ \
 --saving_dir /storage/results/labeled_55255/ \
 --max_epochs 50 \
 --sample 1.0 \
 --crossvalidation False \
 &> /storage/logs/training.out &

The training can be monitored using tensorboard:

tensorboard --port 6006 --host --logdir=/storage/results/labeled_55255/split_1/tensorboard_logs/

The results of the training will be a set of files with the model weights, the data splits and evalutation metrics. There are also interpretability maps using GradCAM, which has been adapted from this repository


Once the model has been trained it can be used to predict on unseen images. The resulting predictions can be ranked by their uncertainty, defined in this case as the absolute value of the difference between the confidence scores for the two output labels. This can be useful for sampling data to be annotated using an Active Learning or human-in-the-loop approach.

nohup python3 scripts/ predict \
 --input /storage/data/unlabeled \
 --results_path /storage/results/iter_6/split_5 \
 --metadata /storage/data/unlabeled.csv \
 --saving_path /storage/results/iter_6/split_5/predictions.csv \
 --mode uncertain \
 --n_predictions 1000 \
 --sample 1.0 \
 --batch_size 16 \
 --sample_path /storage/results/iter_6/sample_certain \
 &> /storage/logs/predict.out &


nohup python3 -u deployment/ \
 --input /storage/data/inference \
 --results_path /storage/results/labeled_23555/split_1 \
 --metadata /storage/data/sample_inference.csv \
 --saving_path /storage/results/results_inference.csv \
 --sample 1.0 \
 --batch_size 32 \
 &> /storage/logs/inference.out &

Hyperparameter tuning

Deep Learning models can be very sensitive to the value of certain hyperparameters. With the following command a hyperparameter search is carried for the batch size and learning rate. The range of the possible values of these parameters can be adjusted in the script

nohup python3 -u scripts/ \
 --data_dir /storage/data/labeled_23555 \
 --saving_dir /storage/results/hyperparameter_tuning \
 --num_epochs 10 \
 --num_samples 20 \
 --grace_period 2 \
 --sample 0.5 \
 &> /storage/logs/hyperparameter_tuning.out &


to do: add path for temp files ray-project/ray#31478

Automatic Image Augmentation

(to be added maybe)


Dataset curation

When working with thousands of images it is common to have noisy labels, misclassified images, duplicates and outliers. These can harm the performance of a model when training so it is good to identify them.


Fastdup creates a report containing duplicate images, outliers and clusters.

python3 scripts/ fastdup \
 --data_dir /storage/data/labeled_4312 \
 --saving_dir /storage/results/fastdup

After running the previous command explore the html pages in saving_dir



Cleanlab helps identifying mislabeled images. First run crossvalidation using the script with crossvalidation=True.

python3 scripts/ cleanlab --results_dir /storage/results/iter_7/ 


Data Annotation

Access the label_studio container:

docker-compose exec label_studio bash

Start watermark_detection project

label-studio init watermark_detection --label-config /code/labelstudio-config.xml

label-studio start watermark_detection -p 8093 --host localhost

Go to the watermark_detection project -> Settings -> Cloud Storage -> Source storage -> Local storage and add the path to the sample to annotate. Annotate, export as CSV and place it in the data folder.

Execute the following command to correct the annotations of the labeled dataset:

python3 scripts/ move_labeled \
 --sample_dir /storage/results/iter_6/sample_certain \
 --labeled_dir /storage/data/labeled_new_data \
 --labels '/storage/results/iter_6/project-1-at-2023-10-31-14-05-97816efa.csv'

Run the following command to parse the corrected labeled dataset:

nohup python3 scripts/ parse_dataset \
 --dataset_path /storage/data/labeled_6999 \
 --output_path /storage/data/labeled_6999.csv \
 &> /storage/results/parsing_labeled.out &



Experiments to detect property marks / watermarks in Europeana's images


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.9%Language:Python 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Java 0.0%