eurobios-mews-labs / ClimateQueryProvider

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Climate query provider

ClimateQueryProvider is a python package proposed to download ECMWF data and to query downloaded data into dataframes

Initial configuration :

  1. Create an account on
  2. Go to copy the url and key as given in the file $HOME/.cdsapirc

Package installation notice

To install the package using pip, execute the following command :

python -m pip install git+

Or by downloading the package and executing in the repo :

python -m pip install .

Basic usage

There are 2 main steps to get started with the package :

  1. Download any meteo data available in ECMWF as hdf5 files!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview

  2. Query downloaded data

1 - To download meteo data from ECMWF

Download of files should is done 1 variable at a time (1 file per variables) exception for wind : key word wind is associated to 2 variables u10 and v10 which are eastward and northward component of the 10m wind

You can find the list of available variables here :

Example of script to download wind and temperature data for year 2020 in France:

from cqpro.download_data import Downloader

VARS = ['2m_temperature']
YEARS = [2020]
HOURS = ['%02d:00' % (e,) for e in range(24)] # All hours
DAYS = ['%02d' % (e,) for e in range(1, 32)] # All days
MONTHS = ['%02d' % (e,) for e in range(1, 13)] # All months
RESOL = 0.1
OUTPUT_PATH = 'data/' # choose an existing path 

d = Downloader(variables=VARS, years=YEARS, months=MONTHS, days=DAYS, hours=HOURS, output_path=OUTPUT_PATH,
                dataset=DATASET, resolution=RESOL, country='France')

Bounding boxes of countries are available in the package :

from cqpro.utils import get_bbox

bounding_boxes = get_bbox()

2- To query downloaded data

from cqpro.query_data import retriever

path = '/' # Path for downloaded data
file_name = "" # file name

r = retriever(path=path, file_name=file_name)

# history_start should always be before history_end and both fo them should be in the range of the file history

df = r.get_data(lats=[45, 44, 43], lons=[-3, -2, -1], history_start='2020-03-02', history_end='2020-03-03 03:03:00')




License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%