eugenedakin / DES-Encryption-Decryption

Encrypt and Decrypt text in Xojo using DES - Written in Native Xojo Language - Cross Platform

Repository from Github https://github.comeugenedakin/DES-Encryption-DecryptionRepository from Github https://github.comeugenedakin/DES-Encryption-Decryption


Encrypt and Decrypt text in Xojo using DES - Written in Native Xojo Language - Cross Platform - Code created from scratch and in Xojo code.

  • Compatible OS's: All
  • Xojo IDE: 2022 r1.1
  • Xojo API: API 2
  • Level: Advanced

Youtube video teaser.

DES Xojo Encryption

Code for this example is in the DESAlgorithm module which can encrypt text or decrypt text using DES (Data Encryption Standard) Cryptography.


  1. Run the program in Xojo 2022 r1.1
  2. Add an 8-letter (64-bit) key
  3. Press Create to convert the 8-letter key to hexadecimal format
  4. Enter your text in the Clear Text TextArea Control
  5. Press Encrypt to use the DES Algorithm and the encoded text will appear in the control called DES Hex Encoded Message
  6. To decrypt the message, place the encoded message in the control called DES Hex Encoded Message Control
  7. Press the Decrypt button
  8. The decrypted message will then appear in the DES Decrypted Message Control

Remember to use the same 8-letter key when encrypting and decrypting

The Module can be copied and pasted to use in your program. This is written in native Xojo code.

An article was written in xDev ( Issue 20.2 (March/April 2022) that describes the Xojo code.


Encrypt and Decrypt text in Xojo using DES - Written in Native Xojo Language - Cross Platform

License:MIT License


Language:Xojo 100.0%