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All about HTML Custom Elements

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All about HTML Custom Elements

Custom Elements is a W3C "working draft" specification that provides a mechanism for defining new behaviors (such as dynamic content or interactivity) for HTML elements with custom names.

Custom elements are just HTML elements, with all of the methods and properties of other, built-in elements. The only real constraint* is that their names must contain at least one hyphen (-).


  <p>Custom elements can contain content!</p>
  <message-element>And other custom elements!</message-element>

You can also extend built-in elements using the "is" attribute:
<input is="date-picker" type="date">

Table of Contents

  1. Why custom elements?
  2. How do they work?
  3. Browser support
  4. Custom Elements v0 API
  5. Type extension
  6. Custom Elements v1 API
  7. Gotchas
  8. Polyfills
  9. Frameworks

Why Custom Elements?

  • Encapsulation. Custom element names avoid ambiguity in markup (versus, say, a <div> or <span> with a "special" class), and provide a solid foundation for scoped styles.

    • If you've ever felt like it was wrong to define reuseable components with "special" class names initialized by jQuery selections that can only be called after the DOM is ready (or rely on mutation observers to watch for new instances), then custom elements could be your new jam.

    • In native implementations (see browser support), you can target custom elements before (:unresolved in the v0 spec) and after (:defined in the v1 spec) they've been registered via JavaScript.

  • The DOM is the API. Components built with tools like jQuery can be cumbersome to build, modify, and maintain because they often introduce another layer of abstraction (such as the jQuery object and its API) on top of the DOM. And while there's nothing to stop one from building custom elements that use jQuery (or D3, or even React) under the hood, I've found custom elements made with vanilla JS to be easier to grok and read.

    Put another way: The DOM isn't going away any time soon, and custom elements provide a solid conceptual and technical foundation on which all sorts of amazing things can be built.

  • Web Standards. Custom elements are a working draft W3C specification. That means that—in theory, at least—they will eventually be implemented natively in all modern browsers with the same API. The same cannot be said for other tools that implement the more general concept of web components, such as Angular, React, or Vue.js. (Polymer and X-Tag, on the other hand, are based entirely on draft standard technologies, including custom elements.)

    Keep in mind is that custom elements are not mutually exclusive of other web component technologies. In fact, I see them as a powerful force multiplier of any technology that leverages them: When designed well, custom elements put their power into the hands of anyone who can write HTML. The same cannot be said of tools like React, which are out of reach to web designers who haven't learned JSX or ES6, let alone JavaScript. Great React components can be made even greater by packaging them as custom elements with tools like ReactiveElements.

How do they work?

Custom element behaviors are added at runtime (whenever the "registration" occurs in JavaScript), and can hook into a number of different element lifecycle events:

  1. When an instance of the custom element is created, either via the class constructor or document.createElement(); or when existing custom elements are registered.
  2. When an instance is attached (or "connected") to the document, either directly or indirectly. This may be called multiple times, and is generally the best place to establish event handlers.
  3. When an instance is removed (or "disconnected") from the document, either directly or indirectly. As with attachedCallback(), this may be called multiple times.
  4. When an attribute is changed. You can also subscribe to specific observed attributes if you only care about attributes unique to your element.

Browser Support

Don't let the fact that the Custom Elements specification is a working draft scare you!

As of this writing, Chrome has already implemented the v0 spec, and both Safari and Firefox are working on their own implementations of v1. Regardless of which browsers end up implementing which spec (if any), the v0 spec is "frozen" (meaning it will not change), and there are several solid polyfills that bring custom element support to just about every browser—including IE8!

That said, when using custom elements—or anything involving JavaScript, for that matter—you should always design experiences for progressive enhancement, and plan for the possibility that JavaScript isn't enabled or available.

The APIs


The working draft spec was formally "frozen" and dubbed v0 in early 2016, and several browsers have already shipped native implementations. The v0 API consists of a single function:

document.registerElement('element-name', ElementClass);

Where ElementClass can either be a first-class constructor that extends HTMLElement, or an object with a prototype that extends it:

// ES5
var ElementClass = {
  prototype: Object.create(
      // descriptors here

// ES2015/ES6 
class ElementClass extends HTMLElement {
  // methods and accessors here

The v0 API observes the following instance (prototype) methods:

  1. createdCallback() is called when the element is created.
  2. attachedCallback() is called whenever the element is added to the document, either directly or indirectly.
  3. detachedCallback() is called whenever the element is removed from the document.
  4. attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldValue, newValue) is called when an observed attribute (see below) is changed.

and the following static (class) properties:

  1. extends denotes the native HTML element that your custom element will extend via the HTML is attribute. See type extension for more info.
  2. observedAttributes is an optional array of attribute names for which the attributeChangedCallback() will be called. If you do not provide this property, the callback will fire for all attributes.
// ES5
var CounterElement = {
  observedAttributes: ['value'],
  prototype: Object.create(
      attributeChangedCallback: {value: function(name, old, value) {
        // we can safely ignore name here because 'value' is the only
        // observed attribute
        this.value = value;
      value: {
        get: function() {
          return ('_value' in this)
            ? this._value
            : (this._value = 0);
        set: function(value) {
          this._value = value;

Type Extension

Custom elements that extend built-in HTML elements with special semantics or behaviors (such as <button> or <input>) must use a feature called type extension via the HTML is attribute:

<button is="fancy-button">I am fancy</button>
<!-- this will NOT inherit button's semantics or behavior: -->
<fancy-button>I am not fancy</fancy-button>

When using type extension, your custom element class must also include a static extends property (not a prototype property):

// ES5
var FancyButton = {
  extends: 'button',
  prototype: Object.create(
    HTMLButtonElement.prototype, // note the new base class
      // descriptors here

// ES2015/ES6
class FancyButton extends HTMLButtonElement {
  static get extends() { return 'button'; }
  // methods and accessors

And if you want to create an extended element at runtime, you must pass the custom element name as the second argument to document.createElement():

var fancy = document.createElement('button', 'fancy-button');


Since then, a new version (informally referred to as "v1") of the spec has been developed, and which consists of a slightly different API for registering custom elements:

// similar to v0's document.registerElement():
customElements.define('element-name', ElementClass);
// except that 'extends' is passed in the options argument
customElements.define('fancy-image', ElementClass, {extends: 'img'});

As with the v0 API, the ElementClass can be either a first-class constructor that extends the HTMLElement base class (or any of its subclasses), or an object with a prototype that extends the base class's. In the case of type extension, you must pass an options object with an extends property (rather than defining it as a static property of ElementClass in the v0 API):

customElements.define('fancy-button', FancyButton, {extends: 'button'});

Similarly, when creating a custom element at runtime, you must pass an options object with an is property:

var custom = document.createElement('button', {is: 'fancy-button'});

The v1 API observes the following instance (prototype) methods:

  1. connectedCallback() is the new name for v0's attachedCallback()
  2. disconnectedCallback() is the equivalent of v0's detachedCallback()
  3. attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) behaves exactly like its counterpart in the v0 spec, including observed attributes.

The v1 API specifies two additional methods on the global customElements object:

  • customElements.get('element-name') returns the constructor of the provided custom element name, or undefined.
  • customElements.whenDefined('element-name') returns a Promise that resolves if/when the named custom element is defined via customElements.define().


Custom Events

You can listen for and dispatch custom events in custom elements. The only bummer is that, even though most modern browsers support the CustomEvent constructor, it's missing in all versions of IE and in older versions of PhantomJS, which is used for lots of "headless" integration testing. My advice is to include this polyfill, which falls back on the native implementation. Here's how you could have your component "announce" its readiness to the rest of the document, for instance:

var CustomEvent = require('custom-event');
document.registerElement('my-element', {
  prototype: Object.create(
      attachedCallback: {value: function() {
        this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('my-element-ready'));

SVG and Namespaces

Because you need a [polyfill] and namespaces are tricky, it's basically impossible to reliably extend SVG elements, or any element that requires an XML namespace. Your best bet is to write a component that wraps <svg> elements or creates them at runtime if they don't exist.

Class Definition

One of the trickiest things about custom elements is the magical incantation for defining element classes that extend HTMLElement or its subclasses. There are a couple of ways to do this:

  1. Create an object literal (rather than a proper constructor function) with a prototype that extends HTMLElement.prototype. The only way to do this in a single expression is to use Object.create(), which extends the first argument with descriptors in the second. The important thing to note here is that because these are property descriptors, methods must be provided as objects with a value property:
// ES5
var CustomElement = {
  prototype: Object.create(
      // this will NOT work:
      createdCallback: function() {
      // but this will:
      createdCallback: {value: function() {
      // accessors look like this:
      someValue: {
        get: function() { /* ... */ },
        set: function(value) { /* ... */ }

Note: if you need to support older browsers such as IE8 or below, you will also need a polyfill or shim for ES5 standard APIs, such as aight or es5-shim.

  1. A variation on the above method uses Object.create() but assigns methods directly:
// ES5
var CustomElement = {
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype)

CustomElement.prototype.someMethod = function(arg) { /* ... */ };

// any accessors not passed to Object.create() can be defined like so.
// note that this is *exactly* what Object.create() is doing under the
// hood!
Object.defineProperties(CustomElement.prototype, {
  someValue: {
    get: function() { /* ... */ },
    set: function(value) { /* ... */ }
  1. Use prototypal inheritance.
  • In the v0 API the constructor is essentially ignored, so you don't have to call the superclass constructor, and all of your constructor-like logic goes in the createdCallback() class method:

    // ES5
    var CustomElement = function() { /* this is never called */ };
    CustomElement.prototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype, {
      createdCallback: {value: function() {
        console.log("it's alive!");
      // other descriptors here
  • In the v1 API the constructor is called, and there is no createdCallback(). In ES2015/ES6, this couldn't be simpler:

    // ES2016/ES6
    class CustomElement extends HTMLElement {
      constructor() {
        // created logic goes here
      connectedCallback() { /* ... */ }
      someOtherMethod() { /* ... */ }
      get someValue() { /* ... */ }
      set someValue(value) { /* ... */ }

    🚧 I'm honestly not sure how this will be handled natively in ES5. Does the constructor get called, and is the superclass constructor essentially ignored?


There are at least two polyfills that are worth trying out:

  1. document-register-element is a small, standalone, light-weight (3K gzipped) polyfill that has served me well on several projects and offers browser support back to IE9 out of the box, and IE8 with some additional scripts. If you're targeting the v0 API, this is a solid choice.

  2. The WebComponents.js suite of polyfills includes a Custom Elements "shim" was made specifically to support web component libraries built on top of web standards, such as Polymer, Bosonic, and X-Tag. The custom elements shim alone is about 5K gzipped, though one of its maintainers boasts that the v1 implementation is only 1.7K gzipped. If you're targeting the v1 API, then this is the one you want.


There are a number of tools built on top of the custom elements spec(s) that handle a lot of the nitty-gritty details of component implementation. The two big ones are:

  • Polymer is a Google project with tons of features and a massive, ongoing development effort behind it. I have a couple of qualms with it, though, namely:

    • It tries to do too much. If you don't need or want two-way data binding, or many of the other whiz-bang features that Polymer offers, you're still stuck with at least 40K of polyfills plus 120K for Polymer "core". Furthermore, you can't just use Polymer to create custom elements; you pretty much have to deliver your components as HTML imports. If your components are markup-heavy and/or rely on the Shadow DOM, this might be a good thing; but if you're not, then your users are paying a hefty price for your convenience.
    • Polymer still suggests Bower as its package manager, even though one of Bower's maintainers has suggested not to use it anymore.

    Bottom line: Polymer is more of an application development framework than a custom element framework.

  • Skate "focuses on size, performance and is built around a functional rendering pipeline", weighing in at just 4K gzipped.

  • X-Tag is a succinct wrapper around the custom elements v0 API that abstracts away a lot of the boring and/or tricky things about component development, such as event delegation (listening for events at the component level that originate from specific elements) and attribute reflection (syncing attribute and property values). X-Tag was originally made, then promptly abandoned, by Mozilla; but it's now actively maintained by Microsoft.


All about HTML Custom Elements

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