etsauer / declarative-openshift

Working examples of manifests for openshift for use in a declarative management strategy.

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Declarative OpenShift

This repository contains sets of example resources to be used with a declarative management strategy. Please familiarize yourself with the terminology in that document before reading on.

The purpose of these examples is twofold:

  1. To act as supporting content for a GitOps series being written for
  2. To serve as a starting point for establishing a GitOps practice for cluster management

Quickstart - Simple Bootstrap

The simple cluster bootstrapping example shows how cluster administrators might begin managing OpenShift clusters using just oc apply. Each resource in this example carries a common label ( simple-bootstrap) that associates it with this project. In doing this, we can manage the full lifecycle of our resources with a single command.

until oc apply -Rf simple-bootstrap/ --prune -l; do sleep 2; done

Explanation of the command is below.

Recursive apply

The apply command idempotently ensures that the live configuration is in sync with our configuration files. By adding the -Rf simple-bootstrap/, we are able to manage an entire directory structure of manifest files.

$ oc apply -Rf simple-bootstrap/
namespace/deleteable created
namespace/namespace-operator created created created created created

If we run this a second time, we'll see that it still completes successfully, but notice that the action taken to each file has been changed from create to unchanged or in some cases configured.

$ oc apply -Rf simple-bootstrap/
namespace/deleteable configured
namespace/namespace-operator configured unchanged unchanged unchanged created

Pruning resources

The --prune flag allows us to also manage the deletion of live objects by simply deleting the associated file in this repository.

Now, let's remove a namespace and re-run the same command:

$ rm simple-bootstrap/0-namespaces/deleteable.yaml

$ oc apply -Rf simple-bootstrap/ --prune -l
namespace/namespace-operator configured unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
namespace/deleteable pruned

We can see that by deleting the file, the resource gets deleted.

In order to be able to handle pruning of custom resources, we have to customize the set of resource types that we are searching for with our label. To do this, we pass the --prune-whitelist flag. In order to simplify this, we've written the set of flags that we're handling to a file that we add to the command.

$ oc apply -Rf simple-bootstrap/ --prune -l $(cat prune-whitelist.txt)
namespace/deleteable configured
namespace/namespace-operator configured unchanged unchanged unchanged created

Handling race conditions

However, there's one likely hiccup that our workflow needs to be able to handle. The management of operators via the Operator Lifecycel Manager creates a race condition. When a Subscription and OperatorGroup resource gets created, it triggers OLM to fetch details about the operator, and install the relevant CustomResourceDefinitions(CRDs). Until the CRDs have been put to the cluster, an attempt to create a matching CustomResource will fail, as that resource type doesn't yet exist in the API.

In our case, we are deploying the Namespace Configuration Operator, which provides the UserConfig resource type. If we try to create both the OperatorGroup/Subscription to deploy the operator, and the UserConfig to invoke it in the same command, we'll get an error:

Error from server (NotFound): error when creating "simple-bootstrap/3-operator-configs/sandbox-userconfig.yaml": the server could not find the requested resource (post

The simplest way to handle this is with a simple retry loop.

$ until oc apply -Rf simple-bootstrap/ --prune -l $(cat prune-whitelist.txt); do sleep 2; done
namespace/deleteable configured
namespace/namespace-operator configured unchanged unchanged unchanged created

This command will re-run (not a problem since apply is idempotent) until all resources have been synced to the cluster. Usually this only takes two tries.

Putting it all together with a GitOps job

Now that we have a repeatable process for managing cluster resources, we can set it up to run automatically as a CronJob inside the cluster.

By running the workflow locally, we've already created a CronJob in the cluster-ops namespace. In order for it to run, it requires a secret be created pointing it to the repository where the cluster configs live.

oc create secret generic gitops-repo --from-literal=url= --from-literal=ref=master --from-literal=contextDir=simple-bootstrap -n cluster-ops

Now, if you wait a few minutes and check the logs in the job pod...

$ oc logs cronjob-gitops-1591666560-4q7f2 -n cluster-ops
Syncing cluster config from
Cloning into '/tmp/repodir'...
namespace/deleteable configured
namespace/namespace-operator configured unchanged unchanged unchanged configured

Voila! Enjoy your automatically drift-controlled cluster!

Managing Access to Security Context Constraints

OpenShift provides for a secure environment by making use of Security Context Constraints to govern the level of access that is granted to a running container. By default, all containers execute using the restricted SCC. There are circumstances where it may be desired or necessary for a container to make use of an alternate SCC. OpenShift contains several SCC's for a variety of use cases including granting access to resources on the Container Host or access to the Container Host Network.

As a user with elevated access, execute the following commands to view all of the SCC's that are currently defined in the environment:

$ oc get scc
NAME               AGE
anyuid             6h45m
hostaccess         6h45m
hostmount-anyuid   6h45m
hostnetwork        6h45m
node-exporter      6h34m
nonroot            6h45m
privileged         6h45m
restricted         6h45m

The most common use case for containers running in OpenShift to make use of an alternate SCC is for the container to use the ID of the user specified in the image instead of a randomly generated ID. The anyuid SCC provides this functionality and the assets in this exercise will demonstrate how to grant and verify access.

In earlier versions of OpenShift, the preferred method for granting access to an SCC was to make use of a dedicated Service Account to execute the pod and to add the Service Account Directly to the SCC. This caused challenges as the platform evolved over time. The preferred method is to use Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) to declaratively state that a Service Account is able to access to a particular SCC.

SCC Management in Action

By applying the resources in prior sections, the following were applied to the cluster:

  • A Namespace called manage-scc
  • A ClusterRole that provides access to the anyuid SCC
  • A ServiceAccount that can be used by Pods requiring access to the anyuid SCC
  • A ClusterRoleBinding that links the ServiceAccount to the ClusterRole
  • A Job that uses the ServiceAccount to validate it has access to the desired SCC

The key to enabling access to the anyuid SCC is in the allow-anyuid-scc ClusterRole by specifying access to use through this verb to the resource name called anyuid in the securitycontextconstraints resource in the as shown below:

  - apiGroups:
      - securitycontextconstraints
      - use
      - anyuid

The association between the ClusterRole and the ServiceAccount is in the anyuid-scc ClusterRoleBinding.

A verification job has been launched to confirm that it is running using the anyuid SCC. It accomplishes this task by mounting the Pod annotations to a directory using the Downward API.

List all pods in the manage-scc Namespace:

$ oc get pods -n manage-scc

NAME                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
manage-scc-verifier-job-q46rz   0/1     Completed   0          1m

A status of Completed indicates that the job was able to successfully verify that the pod is using the anyuid SCC. We can confirm this ourself by viewing the annotation:

$ oc get pods -n manage-scc -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.annotations.openshift\.io\/scc}'

In addition, logs from the completed pods can be viewed to confirm that it successfully verified the proper annotation.

$ oc logs -n manage-scc $(oc get pods -n manage-scc -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')

Desired SCC: anyuid
Actual SCC: anyuid

Result Success!


Working examples of manifests for openshift for use in a declarative management strategy.