etobi / TYPO3.EXT.jobqueue

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Job queues for TYPO3 CMS. This extension provides a simple in-memory queue and a cli or scheduler command to execute jobs.

This extension is a backport of the flow package Flowpack/jobqueue-common.


You should install also one of the following extensions jobqueue_database, jobqueue_beanstalkd or jobqueue_redis.


In the extension settings you can set the default queue class.

You can define for each queue different settings over TYPO3_CONF_VARS.


$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['jobqueue']['myQueueName'] = [
   'className' => 'R3H6\\JobqueueBeanstalkd\\Queue\\BeanstalkdQueue',
   'options' => [
      // Options are passed into the constructor of the queue

Creating a job

Jobs must implement the R3H6\Jobqueue\Job\JobInterface interface which extends Serializable itself.


Jobs are getting serialized. It is recommended to serialize only data and no dependencies because queues could have a data limit.


namespace Vendor\ExtName\Job;
class MyJob implements \R3H6\Jobqueue\Job\JobInterface
   protected $identifier;
   protected $label = 'My job';
   public function __construct($identifier)
      $this->identifier = $identifier;
   public function execute(\R3H6\Jobqueue\Queue\QueueInterface $queue, \R3H6\Jobqueue\Queue\Message $message)
      // Do the job...
      return true;
   public function getIdentifier(){ return $this->identifier; }
   public function getLabel(){ return $this->label; }
   public function serialize()
      // You must take care of serialization by yourself!
      return serialize([$this->identifier]);
   public function unserialize($data)
      // You must take care of unserialization by yourself!
      call_user_func_array([$this, '__construct'], unserialize($data));

Queue a job

When you created a job you can add the job to a queue over the JobManager.


$myJob = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\Vendor\ExtName\Job\MyJob::class, 'test');
$jobManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class)->get(JobManager::class);
$jobManager->queue('myQueueName', $myJob);

Executing a job

You can execute jobs over the ExtBase scheduler task "Jobqueue Job: work" or the cli command "extbase job:work".


You can try to use the experimental scheduler task "Jobqueue Job: daemon". If you are using something like "upstart" you should call the cli command "extbase job:work" with "--limit=0".


typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase jow:work --queue-name --timeout --limit

$queueName:The name of the queue to work on.
$timeout:Seconds to wait for a job in the queue.
$limit:Number of jobs to be done, -1 for all jobs in queue, 0 for work infinite

Signal and Slots

.. t3-field-list-table::

 - :Class:
      Signal Class Name
      Signal Name
      Located in Method
      Passed arguments

 - :Class:
      $queueName, R3H6\Jobqueue\Queue\Message $message
      Dispatched when a job fails and reached the max attemps.

Differences to the flow package

  • Namespace
  • Jobs must satisfy also the Serializable interface.


Bug reports and pull request are welcome through GitHub.



Language:PHP 100.0%