ethicaladitya / Icegram-Rainmaker

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=== Rainmaker Form - Best Forms Plugin on WP  ===
Contributors: icegram, storeapps, niravmehta, sandhyam, ravioza
Donate link:
Tags:  subscription form, contact form, lead capture, mailchimp, wpforms, blog post, builder, CRM, CSS, custom form, custom forms, database, email, email services, free WordPress plugin, form, form maker, forms, forms plugin, HTML, JavaScript, Mailpoet, landing page, list, lead, leads, list builder, MailChimp, mailing list, marketing, plugins, webhooks, WordPress, WordPress database, forms, Icegram, form builder,subscription
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.9.8
Stable tag: 0.35
License: GPLv3
License URI:

Get readymade contact forms, email subscription forms and custom forms for your website. Choose from beautiful templates and get started within seconds

== Description ==

Rainmaker is free and the easiest solution to collect leads on your WordPress website.
It provides you readymade form templates, styles that can be inserted anywhere on your WordPress website.

= Feature Overview =

* Readymade subscription forms
* Ability to add any form with custom HTML
* Elegant designs
* No coding required (No HTML, CSS, JavaScript required)
* Extremely simple and user-friendly
* Easy Embedding anywhere on WordPress site(blog post, page, sidebar,etc.)
* Go live instantly
* Automatically saves data; no extra plugins/configurations needed
* Complete data security
* Easy MailChimp Integration; other services coming soon
* Integration with other 400+ apps via IFTTT or Zapier
* Enhanced flexibility using Icegram

= Benefits of Rainmaker: =
= Simplest Way to Create Forms on WordPress =
Rainmaker makes the process of creating forms and collecting customer data extremely simple. It's a free WordPress plugin that gives you readymade high converting forms that can be displayed anywhere on your WordPress website using a simple shortcode.

= Your Customer Data is Completely Secure =
Once the user enters information in the form, the data gets stored automatically in the your websites WordPress database keeping it safe and secure. You can also choose to save this data elsewhere like your MailChimp database or in a 3rd Party Webhook.

= No Coding Required =
Unlike other plugins, you don’t need to have any coding background in HTML, CSS, Javascript. The forms are all readymade. You only have to select the form fields, form design and place you want the data saved and deploy it.

= Rainmaker is made for Everyone! =
Be a blogger, marketer or a store owner, Rainmaker is your must have tool/best bet to keep in touch with your customers.

Top Reasons that make **Rainmaker a full-proof form plugin for your WordPress website.** 

= Instant Forms for Use =
Rainmaker comes with readymade 3 elegant subscription form designs. Just select one that best suits your need and deploy it. No need of even a mailing list. No waiting for conversion improvements and results. Rainmaker gets you leads right away.

= Absolutely No Coding Required =
Rainmaker forms are completely code free. No need to hustle with messy HTML, CSS, JavaScript. No need of having any technical knowledge to use Rainmaker. It is that simple.

= Go Live instantly =
Choose the form design and simply add the shortcode anywhere on your website. You are live in under 5 minutes to capture leads.

= Embed Anywhere in WordPress =
Easy Embed the form anywhere on WordPress site; a blog post, page, sidebar, etc. You can even add a Rainmaker form to your own lead capture / landing page design for complete control.

= Automatic Data Save and Security =
Rainmaker automatically saves all form submissions to WordPress database and keeps it safe. No extra configuration or plugins needed. This way you can store and view lead information on your site even if you are subscribing them to a mailing list.

= Easy Email Services Integration =
Connect your mailing list service and automatically subscribe leads to a list easily. Rainmaker integrates MailChimp signup forms with WordPress currently and other popular services are coming soon.

= 3rd Party Webhooks =
With its unique webhooks support, you can relay submitted form data to your own CRM, internal systems or any other 3rd party service. You can even send it to IFTTT or Zapier for instant integration with 400+ apps.

= Best Marketing Solution =
Full Compatibility with **[Icegram](**
Combine Rainmaker with Icegram and make it the best marketing tool. You can use Icegram to show popups, sidebars, action bars, exit intent overlays or any other type of attention grabbing message. Icegram is the best all-in-one WordPress plugin for onsite visitor engagement using popups, header / footer bars, notifications, messengers (and much more).

= Lastly, Rainmaker and Icegram both are absolutely FREE!! =

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Coming soon!

== Installation ==

1. Unzip and upload contents of the plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Click on 'Rainmaker' option within WordPress admin sidebar menu

== Screenshots ==
1. Select a form type - Subscription form, Contact form and Custom Form
2. Pick a design template
3. Choose the actions that will happen after a form is submitted
4. Embed the Rainmaker form anywhere on your website
5. Embed the Rainmaker form within a text widget
6. Embed the Rainmaker form in a popup
7. Collect leads on your WordPress site

== Upgrade Notice ==
= 0.35 =
Bug Fix release

= 0.34 =
Bug Fix release

= 0.33 =
GDPR updates

= 0.32 =
Added Compact layout for forms

= 0.31 =
Bug Fix release

= 0.30 =
Ability to search leads within the list

= 0.29 =
Internal changes for better performance

= 0.28 =
Compatibility with WordPress 4.9

= 0.27 =
Bug Fix release

= 0.26 =
Compatibility with WordPress 4.8.2

= 0.25 =
Bug Fix release

= 0.24 =
Loader image wasn't displaying while submitting the form

= 0.23 =
Added Support and Upgrade page in plugin 

= 0.22 =
Fix for "Inherit form style"

= 0.21 =
Added custom css support for form

= 0.20 =
Internal changes for better performance

= 0.19 =
Added group selector for 'Email Subscribers' plugin

= 0.18 =
Redirection URL is not working

= 0.17 =
Added integration for HubSpot

= 0.16.1 =
Bug Fix release

= 0.16 =
Improved forms for mobile devices

= 0.15 =
Release new Rainmaker Plus

= 0.14.2 =
Fix for "white screen" errors

= 0.14.1 =
Bug Fix release

= 0.14 =
Added integration for Campaign Monitor and Mailpoet

= 0.13 =
Added option to inherit wordpress theme style for form

= 0.12 =
Leads were not getting sync with Mailchimp

= 0.11 =
Added Contact form

= 0.10 =
Added Email notification for form submission

= 0.9 =
Added redirection after form submission.

= 0.8 =
Compatibility with Icegram and Icegram's CTA addon

= 0.7 =
Email Subscribers integration

= 0.6 =
Custom Form support

= 0.5 =
Initial Release 

== Changelog ==
= 0.35 =
* Fix: Small bug fixes

= 0.34 =
* Fix: Search by name and email not working in leads dashboard

= 0.33 =
* New: [GDPR] Provision for consent checkbox in form [Steps to enable it](

= 0.32 =
* New: Added compact layout option for forms
* Update: Compatibility with latest [Email Subscribers](

= 0.31 =
* Fix: Fixed the "Warning: Parameter 2 to Rainmaker::rm_custom_search_query_string() expected to be a reference, value given"

= 0.30 =
* New: Ability to search leads within the list

= 0.29 =
* Update: Internal changes for better performance

= 0.28 =
* Update: Compatibility with WordPress 4.9

= 0.27 =
* Fix: Small bug fixes

= 0.26 =
* Update: Compatibility with WordPress 4.8.2

= 0.25 =
* Fix: Small bug fixes

= 0.24 =
* Fix: Loader image wasn't displaying while submitting the form

= 0.23 =
* New: Added Support and Upgrade page within Rainmaker
* Fix: Fixed the "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class HubSpot_BaseClient"

= 0.22 =
* Fix: Fix for inherit WordPress theme style button
* Update: 'Email Subscribers' compatibility with new options

= 0.21 =
* New: Added custom css support for form

= 0.20 =
* Update: Internal changes for better performance

= 0.19 =
* Enhancement: Added option to select groups of 'Email Subscribers' during form creation

= 0.18 =
* Fix: Loader image wasn't getting hidden in case of some WordPress themes
* Fix: Redirection URL was not working

= 0.17 =
* New: Added integration for [HubSpot](
* Enhancement: Added more security for forms
* Fix: Added jQuery dependency in Rainmaker

= 0.16.1  =
* Fix: "Blank / White Screen of death" / Fatal error - Failed opening required ‘mailers/campaignmonitor.php’ 

= 0.16  =
* Enhancement: Forms made mobile responsive 

= 0.15 =
* New: Release new Rainmaker-Plus
* Fix: Fatal error - Failed opening required ‘mailers/rainmaker.php’ 

= 0.14.2 =
* Fix: "Blank / White Screen of death" / Fatal error - Failed opening required ‘mailers/email_subscribers.php’ 

= 0.14.1 =
* Fix: Loader was continuously spinning while switching mailing list

= 0.14 =
* New: Added integration for Campaign Monitor
* New: Leads from Forms can now be send to [Mailpoet](

= 0.13 =
* New: Added option to inherit wordpress theme style for form 
* New: Improved form css for text widget
* Fix: Custom forms were not getting display

= 0.12 =
* Fix: Subscribers were not getting added to Mailchimp list

= 0.11 =
* New: Added Contact form

= 0.10 =
* New: Added Email notification when a form is submitted
* Fix: Form submission was throwing 404 error
* Fix: Subscribers were not getting added to Email Subscriber's list

= 0.9 =
* New: Added support for redirection after successful form submission
* New: Rainmaker form compatibility with Icegram's Remote addon

= 0.8 =
* Fix: Compatibility with Icegram and Icegram's CTA addon

= 0.7 =
* New: Leads from Forms can now be send to [Email Subscribers](

= 0.6 =
* New: Custom forms can be added in Rainmaker
* New: Existing forms in [Icegram]( messages will automatically imported

= 0.5 =
* New: Initial Release



Language:PHP 89.1%Language:CSS 6.0%Language:JavaScript 4.9%