ethankim00 / CovidDrugDiscovery

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Project Overview

  • Trained machine learning model to predict inhibition of SARS-2 Coronavisus by small molecules
  • Created descriptors of each molecule relevant to drug discovery
  • Optimized random forest model for prediction

Code and Resources

Python Version: 3.7 Packages: pandas, numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, pickle Organic Chemistry: rdkit For Requirements: conda env create -f drugdiscovery.yml


Data for 1669 small molecules was taken from the CHEMBL databse. Each molecule was assigned a Hit score between 0 and 1 basd on ability to inhibit Coronavirus infection of Human Renal Cortical Epithelial Cells. Scores greater than 0.6 are considered hits.

Data Processing

The rdkit package was used to generate relevant physical descriptors of a molecule based on their molecular formula. The following descriptors were calculated for each molecule:

Feature Description
Number of Atoms Number of Atoms in the Molecule
Formal Charge Electric charge on the Molecule
Heavy Atoms Number of Heavy Atoms
Molar Refractivity Polarizability of Molecule
Rotatable Bonds Number of Rotatable Bonds
MW Molecular Weight of Molecule
LogP Partition Coefficient of Molecule
NumHDonors Number of Hydrogen Bond Donors
NumHAcceptors Number of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors
SAmapping Topological Surface Area
Number of Rings Number of Rings in Molecule


Almost all the predictors are approximately normally distributed with some righ skewed outliers.

Target Distribution

The Hit scores are also normally distributed with only 13 drugs exceeding the cutoff to be considered a hit.

Feature Correlatins

A number of features are highly correlated in ways that make sense based on their physical interpretation. Therefore a number of the most highly correlated features were dropped from the final model.


I fit a multivariable linear model as a baseline for comparison. I then fit a random forest regression model with hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV with 3 fold cross validation. Overall, the best predictor was the random forest with n_estimators = 120, max_depth = 8 and max_features = log2

Model Comparison


The model correctly places Remdesivir, a antiviral known to be effective above the hit cutoff. This method uses primarily chemical descriptors of a molecule and thus has difficulty predicting how a drug will perform in the complex biological interactions involved in viral inhibition. Future work could focus on using known molecule - protein motif interactions or known moleculal functions in biological pathways to predict efficacy as a viral inhibitor.





Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%