etabeta1 / life

Repository from Github https://github.cometabeta1/lifeRepository from Github https://github.cometabeta1/life

Artificial Particle Life in CUDA

This is a CUDA implementation of this project by Hunar Ahmad. From the orginal repository:

A simple program to simulate primitive Artificial Life using simple rules of attraction or repulsion among atom-like particles, producing complex self-organzing life-like patterns


This projet requires having a CUDA capable GPU with at least Compute Capability 2.0, the CUDA Toolkit installed and glut.

Compilation and Execution

git clone
cd life
make run

If you want to print the time took by your GPU to compute every single frame, just uncomment the #define PRINT_TIME line at hte top of the file.

The simulation parameters are hardcoded, you can find and modify them in the getInteractionConstant function. The parameters present right now are from a random simulation.

You can change also the number of particles, the size of the windows and more by changing the #define lines at the top of the file.



Language:Cuda 97.6%Language:Makefile 2.4%