estiens / challenge-clear

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Canopy Hiring Challenge


The best first step is to read the commit history. This repo is to help avoid the setup of the hiring challenge. It includes a few helpful libraries to get you setup quickly.

  • Preconfigured to use Postgres (like the RubyGems Data Dump)
  • Access to the RubyGems database
  • Support for bootstrap 3 and jquery
  • Remove Spring to avoid caching errors
  • Re-added sprockets (see below for instructions)

Removing anything should be as simple as git revert.


  • Ruby 2.6.6
  • Rails 6.0.3
  • Postgres

If you need to install Ruby, the easiest way is rbenv. After that, gem install rails -v 6.0.3. To install Postgres on Ubuntu, follow their official instructions. For OS X, is the probably the simplest but you can use Homebrew too.

RubyGems DB

Visit to download a database dump. Run the following command in the directory of the application. ./lib/etl/load-pg-dump -d rubygems_development ~/Downloads/public_postgresql.tar. The application is preconfigured to look for a database called rubygems_development. We setup a basic script which reads the data. Once you've loaded the data, verify that you can read it. Run rails runner lib/etl/reader.rb which should output

List of tables from RubyGems data dump.
["schema_migrations", "ar_internal_metadata", "libraries", "dependencies", "gem_downloads", "linksets", "rubygems", "versions"]
One record show should up here!
{"id"=>15102, "name"=>"hpriocot", "created_at"=>2009-07-25 17:46:41 UTC, "updated_at"=>2009-07-25 17:46:41 UTC, "slug"=>"hpriocot", "indexed"=>false}
The application tables should show up below.
["schema_migrations", "ar_internal_metadata", "libraries"]

Note: We created reader.rb and it can be useful example of how to switch between the rubygems and application database. load-pg-dump is borrowed from without any changes. Everytime you run it, it will drop the rubygems database and recreate it.


We don't want you to spend too much time on the environment. If you need help, feel free to reach out.

If you're not familiar with Rails, a good resource is the official Rails Guide.


  • If you want to run a file in the context of the rails application, use rails runner path/to/file.rb
  • You can run all tests using rails test. Browser tests are called system tests (test/system/libraries_test.rb). System tests do not run by default. You need to use rails test:system.
  • Use a GUI for the database like PgAdmin or Postico to explore the data
  • There's some old school typeahead / autocomplete libraries out there that work just fine. Getting these libraries working with Webpack can be a pain. We re-added the javascript asset pipeline (it was removed in favor of Webpacker). Suppose you want to use typeahead.js. Download the dist into app/assets/javascript. In app/assets/application.js, add
//= typeahead
//= require_tree .



Language:Ruby 87.0%Language:HTML 7.3%Language:JavaScript 3.4%Language:Shell 2.3%Language:SCSS 0.0%Language:Sass 0.0%