esthicodes / Elice_Coding_Python_I

This is Elice Coding Run it Run it Python Class 1.

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Elice's Rabbit Coding

Description: This is a sample description.

I am a computer science minoring in Psychology from South Korea(SKKU/SNU), and now in Switzerland for an exchange year. I state myself as a programming "nerd", but it depends.

Elice Coding Platform is an online CS Education Platform to Understand How Students Learn Programming.

It is a program which is helping students to find and match the right tutors with the right students. We have our own IDE which is Elice IDE which compiles in the system. The course on making games with Python has been opened. In the meantime, many comments have been made that it would be good to have a course related to GUI programming, and we actively reflected the opinions and created a new course using the PyGame library. It is currently in Korean, and most curriculum is based on Python, but C curriculum is under development, and I am using Edx contents as a supplementary tool to guide students in Introduction to Computer Science.

We have yet develped courses and curriculums from Python, C++, Javascript, Web Programming, Arduino, Data Structures and Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence so far.

It has been tested / educated to Korean university students and students from Russia, Canada, US, Netherlands, Germany and so on. So far, around but now C20 million learners in the platform, and personally educated 30-40 students in 1:1 class uniform. You can create your own course.

For teachers, teacher dashboard is unlocked, where they can create a homework and see student's which submitted homework. When accessing the homework, teacher can download the submitted file and then write a review and grade it.


Each route checks if the user is authenticated. It means if correct mail and password were supplied and what role it has. So for example a teacher cannot enter /students/homeworks/1 route. The same is for student, he cannot enter teacher dashboard route.


The webpage uses sessions to confirm that user is registered. Once the user logins, his credentials are checked. Once everything passes a session is created (serialized and deserialized) and stored in the cookies. The server attaches user to subsequent requests, so the back-end can easily access the details, like roles: learner, educator.


Database stores all users, homework, student submissions. The tables, like student submissions uses foreign keys to relate users to submitted homework. Moreover, homework table uses foreign keys to relate the homework to a teacher.

Current Improvements

As all applications this one can also be improved. Possible improvements:

  • Have administrator account which confirms user identity, so that student could not register as a teacher
  • Ability to change account details
  • Have a way for teacher to upload videos, quizzes and contents to explain the assignment
  • Notificaitons to email about new homeworks or submissions

How to launch application

  1. Check that you have Android version 8+
  2. Clone the code: 엘리스 ELICE 코딩 교실
  3. Run command prompt in the folder and run npm install to install all dependencies
  4. Once installed run command npm start
  5. In your browser go to
  6. You are ready to go!

Learn to Program Awesome

Foundation in Web Development

The Internet is filled with an ever-expanding number of courses, books and guides for programmers of all skill levels to improve their skills. Unfortunately, these resources are either hard to find or of low quality.

This list aims to be a curated set of high quality educational resources. The availability of free content on the platform is highlighted along with the primary topics covered.


Free community and toolset to learn to create web pages and apps
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript?)

Free platform for learning to code in web technologies
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, Rails, PHP)

Free interactive 1-hour course to learn the very basics of web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL)

Freemium platform for learning the basics of web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Git, GitHub)

Paid platform for courses how to build websites & apps
(Web Design, Front End Web Development, Rails, iOS, Android, PHP)

Free tutorial for how to do layout with CSS

Freemium marketplace of courses from third party providers. Quality may vary.
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, Python, iOS, Android)

Freemium platform for basic web and app develoment courses
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Free beginner to intermediate guides on web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Free beginner and intermediate guides on web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Mixed directory of courses, videos and other learning resources for web development and programming. Quality may vary.
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Rails)

Free Platform for classes on Design, Marketing, Startup and Code. Learn the future of the web.
(RethinkDB, SailsJs, NodeJS, Git, Startup Class, etc)

Free Learn to code and help nonprofits. An open source community of people who learn to code and help nonprofits.
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Databases, Git & GitHub, Node.js, React.js, D3.js)

Free SQL courses with interactive exercises and quizzes
(SQL, database concepts)

Free Self paced, interactive projects to learn Git and GitHub. Created and maintained by GitHub's training team.
(Git, GitHub)

Free game that teaches the CSS grid system created by @thomaspark

Mixed Self paced, interactive projects to learn JavaScript, C, Regular Expressions and computer science in general.
(JavaScript, Regular Expressions, Bash, computer science, Ansible)

Free Peer reviewed introductory courses for digital humanists.
(Python, R, Unity, QGIS, HTML, Regular Expressions)

Free Foundational coding and data science skills for researchers.
(Python, R, OpenRefine, Unix Shell, Git)

Free teaches programming in Java by creating small applications built step by step
(Java, OOP, Gradle, Maven, Spring Boot)


Free intermediate to advanced courses on how to program drawings, animations, games and webpages and more advanced computer science topics
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, algorithms, cryptography)

Free platform for computer science and web development courses
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, data science, Python, computer science topics)

Paid book and course for beginner through intermediate Python programming
(Python, object-oriented programming, web development)

Free online book covering all stages of creating a Ruby on Rails application
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails) Developer, Web, IT

Freemium platform for video courses on web development and intermediate programming
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, programming fundamentals, system administration, ...)

Paid platform for mentored web and mobile development courses from industry experts
(web development, frontend web development, AngularJS, Android, iOS)

Free crowdsourced mentorship platform of programming exercises and code reviews
(Clojure, CoffeeScript, C++, C#, Elixir, Erlang, F#, Go, Haskell, JavaScript, Common Lisp, Lua, Objective-C, OCaml, Perl 5, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Scala, Swift)

Free programming and mobile development courses on iTunes from Stanford University
(programming, startups, iOS)

Paid platform for web development courses
(JavaScript, AngularJS, Java)

Free intermediate to advanced programming problems

Free practice problems in Python and Java
(Python, Java)

Free code challenges. Compare your solution with those of others.
(JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Python, Clojure, Haskell, Java)

Free Learn to code and game at the same time.
(C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Bash, C, Clojure, Dart, F#, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Lua, ObjectiveC, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Swift, VB.NET)

Free programming course material for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels
(Python, JavaScript, Data Science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, AR & VR)

Mixed guided video courses to build products using new technologies
(JavaScript, CSS, React, Node.js, GraphQL, Redux)


Free Quiz your knowledge of programming
(JavaScript, Node.js, React, functional programming)

Free courses from MIT on advanced computer science topics
(varied and extensive computer science topics, C, C++, ..)

Free courses from Harvard, MIT, and other universities
(varied computer science subjects including theory and programming, data science, algorithms, ...)

Free platform for courses from universities and organizations worldwide
(varied computer science subjects including theory and programming, data science, algorithms, ...)

Free university-level courses scoured from around the internet.
(varied and extensive computer science topics, ...)

Free graphs of interconnected topics required to master concepts
(programming, machine learning)

Free programming challenges and contests
(artificial intelligence, algorithms, functional programming, machine learning)

Free programming challenges, hackathons and contests
(dynamic programming, artificial intelligence, algorithms, functional programming, machine learning)

Free mathematical/computer programming problems
(programming, mathematics)

Free programming challenges
(Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, C#, PHP and Perl)



To the extent possible under law, Karl Horky has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing style of this list.

You can take part as a educator if you are enrolled in a computer science/software engineering degree of education. If you are interested, I can ping you or help you as well.

For more inquiries, please contact


This is Elice Coding Run it Run it Python Class 1.


Language:HTML 83.7%Language:Python 16.3%