essentialkaos / bibop

Utility for testing command-line tools, daemons, and packages

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bibop is a utility for testing command-line tools, packages and daemons. Initially, this utility was created for testing packages from ESSENTIAL KAOS Public Repository.

Information about bibop recipe syntax you can find in our cookbook.

Usage demo



From source

To build the bibop from scratch, make sure you have a working Go 1.20+ workspace (instructions), then:

go install

Prebuilt binaries

You can download prebuilt binaries for Linux from EK Apps Repository.

To install the latest prebuilt version of bibop, do:

bash <(curl -fsSL bibop

Docker support

Official webkaos images available on GitHub Container Registry and Docker Hub. Install the latest version of Docker, then:

curl -fL# -o bibop-docker
chmod +x bibop-docker
sudo mv bibop-docker /usr/bin/

bibop-docker your.recipe your-package.rpm
# or
bibop-docker --image your.recipe your-package.rpm

Recipe syntax highlighting

Command-line completion

You can generate completion for bash, zsh or fish shell.


sudo bibop --completion=bash 1> /etc/bash_completion.d/bibop


sudo bibop --completion=zsh 1> /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/bibop


sudo bibop --completion=fish 1> /usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d/

Man documentation

You can generate man page for bibop using next command:

bibop --generate-man | sudo gzip > /usr/share/man/man1/bibop.1.gz


Usage: bibop {options} recipe


  --dry-run, -D                Parse and validate recipe
  --extra, -X lines            Number of output lines for failed action (default: 10)
  --pause, -P duration         Pause between commands in seconds
  --list-packages, -L          List required packages
  --list-packages-flat, -L1    List required packages in one line (useful for scripts)
  --variables, -V              List recipe variables
  --barcode, -B                Show unique barcode for test (based on recipe and required packages)
  --time, -T                   Print execution time for every action
  --format, -f format          Output format (tap13|tap14|json|xml)
  --dir, -d dir                Path to working directory
  --path, -p path              Path to directory with binaries
  --error-dir, -e dir          Path to directory for errors data
  --tag, -t tag                One or more command tags to run
  --quiet, -q                  Quiet mode
  --ignore-packages, -ip       Do not check system for installed packages
  --no-cleanup, -nl            Disable deleting files created during tests
  --no-color, -nc              Disable colors in output
  --help, -h                   Show this help message
  --version, -v                Show version


  bibop app.recipe
  Run tests from app.recipe

  bibop app.recipe --quiet --error-dir bibop-errors
  Run tests from app.recipe in quiet mode and save errors data to bibop-errors directory

  bibop app.recipe --tag init,service
  Run tests from app.recipe and execute commands with tags init and service

  bibop app.recipe --extra
  Run tests from app.recipe and print the last 10 lines from command output if action was failed

  bibop app.recipe --extra=50
  Run tests from app.recipe and print the last 50 lines from command output if action was failed

  bibop app.recipe --format json 1> ~/results/app.json
  Run tests from app.recipe and save result in JSON format

  sudo dnf install $(bibop app.recipe -L1)
  Install all packages required for tests

CI Status

Branch Status
master CI
develop CI


Apache License, Version 2.0


Utility for testing command-line tools, daemons, and packages

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 65.8%Language:Shell 32.8%Language:Makefile 1.4%