espinr / webview-survey

Draft questions & answers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What do you use WebView for?

  • Hybrid apps (Apache Cordova, Capacitor…)
  • Browser apps
  • Mini apps
  • Internal/Information pages
  • Ads
  • Offline web content
  • External links

What WebView features do you use?

  • CSS injection
  • JavaScript injection
  • Cookies
  • WebStorage (localStorage, sessionStorage…)
  • Video Playback
  • WebSockets
  • Other [ comment ]

What are your top pain points with using WebView?

  • Missing web features
  • WebView bugs
  • Inconsistency
  • Other [ comment ]

What specific platforms do you develop on?

  • Android
  • iOS
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Other

Which WebView implementation do you use?

  • Android WebView
  • Custom Tabs
  • SFSafariViewController
  • UIWebView (deprecated)
  • WKWebView
  • WebView2
  • Other [ comment ]

Do you know how to file bugs and search for documentation about WebView?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure

Do you feel WebView documentation is adequate?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure [ comment ]

How do you keep track of web platform features that are available in WebViews?

  • Blogs
  • Release notes
  • [ other ]

What programming language is utilized in your embedding solution?

[open text]

How are you achieving consistent behavior and rendering across different platforms and devices using WebView ?

[open text]

What approaches do you take to test WebViews and ensure their behavior remains consistent across various devices and platforms?

[open text]

Are there features or functionality missing from Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that if added would motivate you to maintaining a PWA instead of your WebView-based solution?

[open text]

How do you decide when to use a WebView vs navigating to a browser app?

[open text]

How do you work around some of the shortcomings of WebView today?

[open text]

What are your thoughts about WebView from a privacy and security point of view?

[open text]


Draft questions & answers