Kevin Espinosa Zapata's repositories
Our goal is to connect students in need of accessible, flexible and quality education, with passionate teachers, searching for a modern and innovative way to share knowledge.
Web Application - Allows authenticated users to see pokemons info from all generations and save their favorites ones :) Technologies: React, Express, JWT, ContextAPI, GrommetUI, Sequelize, Postgresql
Personal challenge - Game project: The goal of building this game is to learn and have some fun! it handles the basics mechanics of the famous game: Snake
third day in holberton
I'm now a Holberton Student, this is my first repository as a full-stack engineer
Simple web page that displays your local weather. Gets current position using the HTML geolocation API and uses the Free Code Camp weather API to get the weather information based on the position
A reusable charting library written in d3.js
RoundBoard is a web application that provides a discussion board to its users, once a person is authenticated can start adding commentaries to a global feed. The commentaries are displayed on real-time due meteor allows to detect on-time changes in the database