esper-io / esper-cli

Command line tool for Esper

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Esper CLI

Build Status Gitter

This package provides a unified command line interface to the Esper API Services.

Current stable release versions are

API version: 1.0.0
SDK version: 0.1.2
CLI version: 0.0.13


  1. Python: You must use Python 3.6 or above.
  2. An Esper Dev Account: You need a free Esper Dev Trial account to create an environment and generate an Esper SERVER URLto talk to APIs. You will choose the ENVIRONMENT NAME that will then be assigned as your custom URL and when you complete the sign up process your private environment will be created. See Requesting an Esper Dev Trial account.
  3. Generate an API key: API key authentication is used for accessing APIs. You will have to generate this from the Esper Dev Console once you have set up your account. For example, the Esper Dev Console for your account can be accessed at if you choose the ENVIRONMENT NAME of “foo”. See Generating an API Key


Using pip install

From PyPI

pip install espercli


From Github

pip install git+

From source

Download/Clone the project and install via Setuptools.

git clone

cd esper-cli

python install

You need not install setuptools separately, they are packaged along with downloaded library


Before using espercli, you need to tell it about your Esper credentials. For this you will need ENVIRONMENT NAME and API KEY as generated in Requirements section. The way to get started is to run the espercli configure command:

$ espercli configure
$ Environment name: foo
$ Esper API Key: LpDriKp7MWJiRGcwc8xzREeUj8OEFa

To list available commands, either run espercli with no parameters or execute espercli --help:

usage: espercli [-h] [-D] [-q] [-v]

Esper CLI tool to manage resources on API service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -D, --debug           full application debug mode
  -q, --quiet           suppress all console output
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

    secureadb           Setup Secure ADB connection to Device
    group-command       group-command controller
    group               group controller
    enterprise          enterprise controller
    status              status controller
    install             install controller
    version             version controller
    device-command      device-command controller
    app                 app controller
    device              device controller
    configure           Configure the credentials for `` API Service
    telemetry           Get telemtery data for a device over a period

Usage: espercli <sub-command> [--options]



Configure command is used to set and modify Esper credential details and can show credential details if not given -s or --set option.

$ espercli configure [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--set, -s Set or modify credentials
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli configure

environment   foo
api_key  LpDriKp7MWJiRGcwc8xzREeUj8OEFa


Token command is used to show the information associated with the token.

$ espercli token [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. show

Show token information.

$ espercli token show [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli token show

Enterprise Id  f44373cb-1800-43c6-aab3-c81f8b1f435c
Token          U1XEFTNS1ujAMK2Q7Gl3hfPclCclhX
Expires On     2019-11-19 15:42:16.637203+00:00
Scope          ['read', 'write', 'update', 'introspection', 'sdk', 'register']
Created On     2019-08-20 08:02:16.640250+00:00
Updated On     2019-08-20 08:02:16.640275+00:00

$ espercli token show -j
{"Enterprise": "f44373cb-1800-43c6-aab3-c81f8b1f435c", "Developer App": "5b4ececb-b446-4f47-9e6f-0b47760763be", "Token": "U1XEFTNS1ujAMK2Q7Gl3hfPclCclhX", "Expires On": ["read", "write", "update", "introspection", "sdk", "register"], "Created On": "2019-08-20 08:02:16.640250+00:00", "Updated On": "2019-08-20 08:02:16.640275+00:00"}%

2. renew

Renew token

$ espercli token renew [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--developerapp, -d Developer App Id
--token, -t Token to renew
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli token renew -d 5fa87c46-bef7-4c1f-9ca8-ebf022d118b6 -t mzbrCDAKVyHcnNye7zdYuuLVVr22Pm

Id             570
User           bindya
Enterprise Id  f44373cb-1800-43c6-aab3-c81f8b1f435c
Developer App  5fa87c46-bef7-4c1f-9ca8-ebf022d118b6
Token          hP7CacqL7NJeNIWoSsRoUibHipC4el
Scope          read write update introspection sdk register
Created On     2020-10-06 04:29:31.638430+00:00
Updated On     2020-10-06 04:29:31.638462+00:00
Expires On     2023-07-03 04:29:31.631839+00:00

$ espercli token renew -d 5fa87c46-bef7-4c1f-9ca8-ebf022d118b6 -t mzbrCDAKVyHcnNye7zdYuuLVVr22Pm -j
{"Id": "571", "User": "bindya", "Enterprise Id": "f44373cb-1800-43c6-aab3-c81f8b1f435c", "Developer App": "5fa87c46-bef7-4c1f-9ca8-ebf022d118b6", "Token": "xBs7nTgIjmswBKEuYMxVNYBeLa6or5", "Scope": "read write update introspection sdk register", "Created On": "2020-10-06 04:29:53.906764+00:00", "Updated On": "2020-10-06 04:29:53.906934+00:00", "Expires On": "2023-07-03 04:29:53.906020+00:00"}%


Enterprise command used to show and modify enterprise information.

$ espercli enterprise [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. show

Show enterprise information.

$ espercli enterprise show [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli enterprise show

TITLE            DETAILS
Enterprise Id    595a6107-b137-448d-b217-e20cc58ee84d
Name             Foo Enterprise
Registered Name  Foo Enterprise
Address          #123, Industrial Layout, Random Avenue
Location         Santa Clara, CA
Zip Code         12345
Contact Person   Shiv Sundar
Contact Number   +145678901234

$ espercli enterprise show -j
{"Enterprise Id": "595a6107-b137-448d-b217-e20cc58ee84d", "Name": "Foo Enterprise", "Registered Name": "Foo Enterprise", "Address": "#123, Industrial Layout, Random Avenue", "Location": "Santa Clara, CA", "Zip Code": "12345", "Email": "", "Contact Person": "Shiv Sundar", "Contact Number": "+145678901234"}%

2. update

Modify the enterprise information.

$ espercli enterprise update [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--name, -n Enterprise name
--dispname, -dn Enterprise display name
--regname, -rn Enterprise registered name
--address, -a Enterprise address
--location, -l Enterprise location
--zipcode, -z Enterprise zip code
--email, -e Enterprise contact email
--person, -p Enterprise contact person name
--number, -cn Enterprise contact number
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli enterprise update -p 'Muneer M'

TITLE            DETAILS
Enterprise Id    595a6107-b137-448d-b217-e20cc58ee84d
Name             Foo Enterprise
Registered Name  Foo Enterprise
Address          #123, Industrial Layout, Random Avenue
Location         Santa Clara, CA
Zip Code         12345
Contact Person   Muneer M
Contact Number   +145678901234


Device used to list and show device information and set device as active for further commands.

$ espercli device [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. list

List sub command used to list all devices and can filter results by using different options listed below. Pagination used to limit the number of results, default is 20 results per page.

$ espercli device list [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--limit, -l 20 Number of results to return per page
--offset, -i 0 The initial index from which to return the results
--state, -s Filter by device state, choices are [active, inactive, disabled]
--name, -n Filter by device name
--group, -g Filter by group name
--imei, -im Filter by device IMEI number
--tags, -t Filter by a tag
--search Search by device name, alias name or device id
--serial, -se Filter by device serial number
--brand, -b Filter by device brand name
--gms, -gm Filter by GMS and non GMS flag, choices are [true, false]
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device list -gm false
Number of Devices: 10

ID                                    NAME          MODEL     CURRENT STATE  TAGS
62d42cff-6979-48ed-bedf-8b25052a74d0  SNA-SNL-FZH5  QUALCOMM  INACTIVE
9877c1f0-0435-4185-a41b-e896e33bd438  SNA-SNL-V84B  QUALCOMM  INACTIVE       kiosk, cust
1bab8bf7-4b12-426e-a35b-00a718ec3490  SNA-SNL-XA05  POSBANK   INACTIVE       
9cdb45ed-5bc7-433a-b08b-1c0cffffebec  SNA-SNL-N7XY  Esper     DISABLED
d89a88f3-de5c-4acc-9eae-0868bd2fad15  SNA-SNL-U1K1  EMDOOR    INACTIVE       EM
fc3af4e3-79f4-483f-986e-3af60bb58809  SNA-SNL-T1PX  Vertex    DISABLED       ModelV, Prod, Beta
e2a7d069-b536-4700-b07b-4db9d9d9236c  SNA-SNL-B424  Esper     INACTIVE
218b37c5-b1cf-4768-8340-b2bc5f701b54  SNA-SNL-BGD3  EMDOOR    INACTIVE
647ef365-0b68-4fbd-aa11-febe54d668b1  SNA-SNL-8QJG  Intel     INACTIVE
c7c0382e-b911-451a-9d62-54936622d3b3  SNA-SNL-R123  QUALCOMM  DISABLED

2. show

Show the details of the device. Here, device-name is required to show device information. Use the --active or -a flag to mark this device as the active device. This will allow you to call further device commands without specifying the device.

$ espercli device show [OPTIONS] [device-name]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--active, -a Set device as active for further device specific commands
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device show -a SNA-SNL-FZH5

id             62d42cff-6979-48ed-bedf-8b25052a74d0
device_name    SNA-SNL-FZH5
alias_name     sample
suid           tFxCx1wRMnMIk7kO3GpkgX--VQEI_FQxC13D1Bh4yRA
api_level      28
template_name  NonGMS
is_gms         False
state          INACTIVE
tags           kiosk, cust

3. set-active

The set-active sub command used to set a device as the active device and show the details of the current active device with no options.

$ espercli device set-active [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--name, -n Device name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device set-active -n SNA-SNL-FZH5

id             62d42cff-6979-48ed-bedf-8b25052a74d0
device_name    SNA-SNL-FZH5
alias_name    sample
suid           tFxCx1wRMnMIk7kO3GpkgX--VQEI_FQxC13D1Bh4yRA
api_level      28
template_name  NonGMS
is_gms         False
state          INACTIVE
tags           kiosk, cust

4. unset-active

The unset-active sub command used to unset the current active device.

$ espercli device unset-active
$ espercli device unset-active
Unset the active device SNA-SNL-FZH5


Group is used to manage a group like list, show, create and update. Also can list devices in a group, add devices to group, remove devices, move a group and set group as active for further commands.

$ espercli group [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. list

List sub command is used to list all groups and can filter results by using different options listed below. Pagination is used to limit the number of results, default is 20 results per page.

$ espercli group list [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--limit, -l 20 Number of results to return per page
--offset, -i 0 The initial index from which to return the results
--name, -n Filter by group name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group list -n TestBB 
Number of Groups: 2
ID                                    NAME      DEVICE COUNT  PARENT ID
bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684  TestBB               0  685484fa-eb6a-4ef9-a0f1-63f6febf7ce3
5fd4e150-7a91-4d73-a379-cac0795bd949  TestBB               0  bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684

2. show

Shows the details of the group. Here, group-name is required and will return the information of the first group from the response list with the given name. Since nested groups allow the same name in different hierarchy levels, group-name and --groupid or -id option can be given together to show the corresponding group information. Use the --active or -a flag to mark this group as the active group. This will allow you to call further group commands without specifying the group.

$ espercli group show [OPTIONS] [group-name]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--groupid, -id Group id
--active, -a Set group as active for further group specific commands
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group show TestBB -a

id              bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684
name            TestBB
parent_id       685484fa-eb6a-4ef9-a0f1-63f6febf7ce3
device_count    0
path            All devices/TestBB
children_count  1

$ espercli group show TestBB -id 5fd4e150-7a91-4d73-a379-cac0795bd949 -a

id              5fd4e150-7a91-4d73-a379-cac0795bd949
name            TestBB
parent_id       bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684
device_count    0
path            All devices/TestBB/TestBB
children_count  0

3. set-active

The set-active sub command is used to set a group as the active group and show the details of the current active group with no options. Here, if --name or -n option is given, the first group from the response list with the given name will be set as the active group. If --groupid or -id option is also given, the corresponding group will be set as the active group.

$ espercli group set-active [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--name, -n Group name
--groupid, -id Group id
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group set-active -n TestBB -id 5fd4e150-7a91-4d73-a379-cac0795bd949 

id              5fd4e150-7a91-4d73-a379-cac0795bd949
name            TestBB
parent_id       bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684
device_count    0
path            All devices/TestBB/TestBB
children_count  0

4. unset-active

The unset-active sub command used to unset the current active group.

$ espercli group unset-active
$ espercli group unset-active
Unset the active group with id: bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684 and name: TestBB

5. create

Create a new group.

$ espercli group create [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--name, -n Group name
--parentid, -pid Parent id
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group create -n Test-BB -pid bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684

id              69f5f7ac-c182-4f31-a6bc-f895bdc44a70
name            Test-BB
parent_id       bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684
device_count    0
path            All devices/TestBB/Test-BB
children_count  0

6. update

Modify group information. Here, if group-name is given, the first group from the response list with the given name will be modified. If --groupid or -id option is also given, the corresponding group will be modified.

$ espercli group update [OPTIONS] [group-name]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--name, -n Group new name
--groupid, -id Group id
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
espercli group update TestBB -id 5fd4e150-7a91-4d73-a379-cac0795bd949 -n TestB

id              5fd4e150-7a91-4d73-a379-cac0795bd949
name            TestB
parent_id       bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684
device_count    0
path            All devices/TestB/TestBB
children_count  0

7. delete

Remove particular group. Here, if group-name is given, the first group from the response list with the given name will be removed. If --groupid or -id option is also given, the corresponding group will be removed.

$ espercli group delete [OPTIONS] [group-name] 
Name, shorthand Default Description
--groupid, -id Group id
$ espercli group delete -id 69f5f7ac-c182-4f31-a6bc-f895bdc44a70 Test-BB
Group with name Test-BB deleted successfully

8. add

Add devices into a group, active group is used to add devices if --group or -g option is not given explicitly. A maximum of 1000 devices can be added at a time. Here, if --group or -g is given, devices will be added to the first group from the response list with the given name. If --groupid or -id is also given, then devices will be added to corresponding group.

$ espercli group add [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--group, -g Group name
--groupid, -id Group id
--devices, -d List of device names, list format is space separated
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group add -g TestBB -id bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684 -d DEV-ELOP-UULA

id              bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684
name            TestBB
parent_id       685484fa-eb6a-4ef9-a0f1-63f6febf7ce3
device_count    1
path            All devices/TestBB
children_count  1

9. remove

Remove devices from a group, active group is used to add devices if --group or -g option is not given explicitly. The devices will be removed from the group and will be added to its immediate parent. A maximum of 1000 devices can be removed at a time. Here, if --group or -g is given, devices will be removed from the first group from the response list with the given name. If --groupid or -id is also given, then devices will be removed from the corresponding group.

$ espercli group remove [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--group, -g Group name
--groupid, -id Group id
--devices, -d List of device names, list format is space separated
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group remove -g TestBB -id bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684 -d DEV-ELOP-UULA

id              bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684
name            TestBB
parent_id       685484fa-eb6a-4ef9-a0f1-63f6febf7ce3
device_count    0
path            All devices/TestBB
children_count  1

10. devices

List devices in a particular group, active group is used to add devices if --group or -g option is not given explicitly. Pagination used to limit the number of results, default is 20 results per page. Here, if --group or -g is given, devices will be listed from the first group of the response list with the given name. If --groupid or -id is also given, then devices will be listed from the corresponding group.

$ espercli group devices [OPTIONS] [group-name]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--limit, -l 20 Number of results to return per page
--offset, -i 0 The initial index from which to return the results
--group, -g Group name
--groupid, -id Group id
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group devices -id bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684 -g TestBB
Number of Devices: 1
ID                                    NAME           MODEL    CURRENT STATE    TAGS
babc9cf5-2dbb-4382-bb9d-d6245941db35  DEV-ELOP-UULA  vivo     INACTIVE

11. move

Move a group. Here, if --group or -g is given, the first group from the response list with the given name will be moved. If --groupid or -id is also given, then the corresponding group will be moved. If --parent or -p is given, the first group from the response list with the given name will be the parent group. If --parentid or -pid is also given, then the corresponding group will be the parent group.

$ espercli group move [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--group, -g Group name
--groupid, -id Group id
--parent, -p Parent group name
--parentid, -pid Parent group id
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group move -g TestBB -id bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684 -pid ad3f5e01-2748-4771-bf84-e51616cdbd9b -p Test-BB

id              bb6be630-a2fc-4b57-bafa-fdda92433684
name            TestBB
parent_id       ad3f5e01-2748-4771-bf84-e51616cdbd9b
device_count    1
path            All devices/Test-BB/TestBB
children_count  1


App command used to list, show, upload and delete applications and set application as active for further commands.

$ espercli app [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. list

List all applications and can filter results by using different options listed below. Pagination used to limit the number of results, default is 20 results per page.

$ espercli app list [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--limit, -l 20 Number of results to return per page
--offset, -i 0 The initial index from which to return the results
--name, -n Filter by application name
--package, -p Filter by package name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli app list -l 5
Total Number of Applications: 76

ID                                    NAME                PACKAGE NAME
d7131f72-17e4-40e9-bb9e-28f1fad1f623  ATID Reader
0c067884-8d72-41b5-9ed7-3e6f1f62d99d  Call Blocker        com.sappalodapps.callblocker
630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72  Root Checker Basic  com.joeykrim.rootcheck
4baf7157-9fee-4dc5-ab3a-81dc983d7332  Castle Clash        com.igg.castleclash
09368a1b-a9cd-45bc-8824-7190bc0f6b7e  WiFiAnalyzer        com.vrem.wifianalyzer

2. show

Show the details of an application. Here, application-id (UUID) is required to show application information. Use the --active or -a flag to mark this application as the active application. This will allow you to call further app related commands without specifying the application.

$ espercli app show [OPTIONS] [application-id]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--active, -a Set application as active for further application specific commands
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli app show -a 630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72

TITLE             DETAILS
id                630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72
application_name  Root Checker Basic
package_name      com.joeykrim.rootcheck
content_rating    0.0

3. upload

Upload sub command used to upload application file. Here, application file path is required to upload file.

$ espercli app upload [OPTIONS] [application-file]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli app upload ~/foo/com.joeykrim.rootcheck-v1.1.apk
Uploading......: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉| 196k/196k [00:11<00:00, 18.1kB/s, file=com.joeykrim.rootcheck-v1.1.apk]

TITLE             DETAILS
id                630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72
application_name  Root Checker Basic
package_name      com.joeykrim.rootcheck
content_rating    0.0
version_id        e933366b-9bb2-4c41-87fe-023f839dc367
version_code      1.0
build_number      1

4. download

Download sub command used to download an application file to local system, here version id (UUID) is required to download the application version file.

$ espercli app download [OPTIONS] [version-id]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--app, -a Application id (UUID)
--dest, -d Destination file path
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli app download -a 630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72 -d ~/foo/com.joeykrim.rootcheck-v1.1.apk 54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e
Downloading......:  100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉| 196k/196k [00:11<00:00, 18.1kB/s]

5. delete

Delete sub command used to delete application. Here, application id (UUID) is required to delete application and unset active application if it is set as active.

$ espercli app delete [application-id]
$ espercli app delete 630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72
Application with id 630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72 deleted successfully

6. set-active

The set-active sub command used to set an application as active application and show active application information with no options.

$ espercli app set-active [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--id, -i Application id
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli app set-active -i 630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72

TITLE             DETAILS
id                630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72
application_name  Root Checker Basic
package_name      com.joeykrim.rootcheck
content_rating    0.0

Below example listing versions of current active app,

$ espercli version list
Total Number of Versions: 1

ID                                    VERSION CODE      BUILD NUMBER    SIZE IN MB  RELEASE TRACK      INSTALLED COUNT
54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e  6.4.5                      189       9.36421                                   1

7. unset-active

The unset-active sub command used to unset the current active application.

$ espercli app unset-active
$ espercli app unset-active
Unset the active application 630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72


Version command used to list, show and delete application versions.

$ espercli version [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. list

List all application versions and can filter results by using different options listed below. Pagination used to limit the number of results, default is 20 results per page. Active application is used to list if --app or -a option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli version list [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--limit, -l 20 Number of results to return per page
--offset, -i 0 The initial index from which to return the results
--app, -a Application id (UUID)
--code, -c Filter by version code
--number, -n Filter by build number
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli version list -a 630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72
Total Number of Versions: 1

ID                                    VERSION CODE      BUILD NUMBER    SIZE IN MB  RELEASE TRACK      INSTALLED COUNT
54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e  6.4.5                      189       9.36421                                   1

For list of versions if active application is set,

$ espercli version list
Total Number of Versions: 1

ID                                    VERSION CODE      BUILD NUMBER    SIZE IN MB  RELEASE TRACK      INSTALLED COUNT
54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e  6.4.5                      189       9.36421                                   1

2. show

Show application version information, here version id (UUID) is required to show version information.

$ espercli version show [OPTIONS] [version-id]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--app, -a Application id (UUID)
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli version show -a 630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72 54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e

TITLE            DETAILS
id               54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e
version_code     6.4.5
build_number     189
size_in_mb       9.36421394348145
installed_count  1

3. delete

Delete sub command used to delete particular application version. Here, version id (UUID) is required to delete version. Application will be also deleted if application contains one version and unset active application if it is set as active

$ espercli version delete [OPTIONS] [version-id]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--app, -a Application id (UUID)
$ espercli version delete -a 630dbfab-7d85-4f81-9f3b-ffb038b0df72 54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e
Version with id 54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e deleted successfully

4. devices

Returns the list of devices with the specified app version installed. Here, version id (UUID) is required to list devices.

$ espercli version devices [OPTIONS] [version-id]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--app, -a Application id (UUID)
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli version devices 'ea8ed7ae-db18-464b-81f3-e9562c40b0a8' --app 'a5f14399-c358-43f2-9e6f-06033db0d742' 

Total Number of Devices: 1
ID                                    DEVICE NAME    ALIAS NAME    GROUP NAME
333d9856-303d-4487-91d5-be447971ead3  DEV-ELOP-FZC3                12125364365etc


Device-command command used to fire different actions on device like lock, ping, reboot, deploy application and wipe.

$ espercli device-command [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. install

Deploy an application version on device. Active device is used to install application if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli device-command install [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--version, -V Application version id (UUID)
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device-command install -d SNA-SNL-3GQA -V 54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e

id       21180eef-678f-4447-87d8-e29af2bcb8e6
command  INSTALL
state    Command Initiated

For install command if active device is set,

$ espercli device-command install -V 54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e

id       21180eef-678f-4447-87d8-e29af2bcb8e6
command  INSTALL
state    Command Initiated

2. uninstall

Uninstall an application version on device. Active device is used to uninstall application if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli device-command uninstall [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--version, -V Application version id (UUID)
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device-command uninstall -d SNA-SNL-3GQA -V 54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e

id       21180eef-678f-4447-87d8-e29af2bcb8e6
command  UNINSTALL
state    Command Initiated

3. ping

Ping a device, active device is used to ping if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli device-command ping [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device-command ping -d SNA-SNL-3GQA

id       60f3f989-d59d-4c77-b4d9-aec385bd81fb
state    Command Initiated

4. lock

Lock command is used to lock screen of a device, active device is used to lock if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli device-command lock [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device-command lock -d SNA-SNL-3GQA

id       6e00220d-9bc2-4176-839a-fb690f72f6e2
command  LOCK
state    Command Initiated

5. reboot

Reboot command is used to reboot a device, active device is used to lock if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli device-command reboot [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device-command reboot -d SNA-SNL-3GQA

id       6e00220d-9bc2-4176-839a-fb690f72f165
command  REBOOT
state    Command Initiated

6. wipe

Wipe a device, active device is used to wipe if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli device-command wipe [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--exstorage, -e External storage needed to wipe or not
--frp, -f Factory reset production enabled or not
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device-command wipe -d SNA-SNL-3GQA -e -f

id       8000220d-9bc2-4176-839a-fb690f72f165
command  WIPE
state    Command Initiated

7. Clear app data

Clear app data, active device is used to clear app data if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli device-command clear-app-data [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--package-name, -P Package name of app to clear data from
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device-command clear-app-data -d SNA-SNL-3GQA -P

id       8000220d-9bc2-4176-839a-fb690f72f165
state    Command Initiated

8. show

Show device-command information and command id (UUID) is required to show command information. This is used active device to show command if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli device-command show [OPTIONS] [command-id]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli device-command show 6e00220d-9bc2-4176-839a-fb690f72f6e2 -d SNA-SNL-3GQA

id       60f3f989-d59d-4c77-b4d9-aec385bd81fb
state    Command Success


Group-command command used to fire different actions on group like lock, ping, reboot and deploy application.

$ espercli group-command [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. install

Deploy an application version on a group. Active group is used to install application if --group or -g option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli group-command install [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--group, -g Group name
--version, -V Application version id (UUID)
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group-command install -g 5G -V 54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e

id           6cda46b4-05da-4e76-b7ae-4af52ce288fa
command      INSTALL
state        Command Initiated

For list of versions if active group is set,

$ espercli group-command install -V 54436edb-9b43-4e2c-8107-2c6fa90e2a9e

id           6cda46b4-05da-4e76-b7ae-4af52ce288fa
command      INSTALL
state        Command Initiated

2. ping

Ping a group, active group is used to ping if --group or -g option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli group-command ping [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--group, -g Group name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group-command ping -g 5G

id           077b202f-d515-45bd-9764-8f9b42416959
state        Command Initiated

3. lock

Lock command is used to lock screen of a group of devices, active group is used to lock if --group or -g option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli group-command lock [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--group, -g Group name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group-command lock -g 5G

id           4752969d-b51f-410f-8b3b-956db59f8a61
command      LOCK
state        Command Initiated

4. reboot

Reboot command is used to reboot group of devices, active group is used to lock if --group or -g option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli group-command reboot [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--group, -g Group name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group-command reboot -g 5G

id           b55d18ab-ff92-405b-8598-373594dd394e
command      REBOOT
state        Command Initiated

5. show

Show group-command information and command id (UUID) is required to show command information. This is used active group to show command if --group or -g option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli group-command show [OPTIONS] [command-id]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--group, -g Group name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli group-command show -g 5G b55d18ab-ff92-405b-8598-373594dd394e

id           b55d18ab-ff92-405b-8598-373594dd394e
command      REBOOT
state        Command Success
success      SNA-SNL-73YE


Installs command used to list all installations on a device.

$ espercli installs [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. list

List all application installations on a device and can filter results by using different options listed below. Pagination used to limit the number of results, default is 20 results per page. Active device is used to list if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli installs list [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--limit, -l 20 Number of results to return per page
--offset, -i 0 The initial index from which to return the results
--device, -d Device name
--appname, -an Application name
--package, -p Application package name
--state, -s Install state. Values are [Installation In-Progress, Uninstallation In-Progress, Install Success, Install Failed, Uninstall Success, Uninstall Failed]
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli installs list -d SNA-SNL-3GQA
Total Number of Installs: 1

ID                                    APPLICATION         PACKAGE                 VERSION            STATE
fc9e0d4e-fc88-4729-a575-7d4645901f1d  Root Checker Basic  com.joeykrim.rootcheck  6.4.5              Install Success


Status command used to list latest device event information.

$ espercli status [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. latest

Show latest device event, active device is used to list if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

$ espercli status latest [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli status latest -d SNA-SNL-3GQA

TITLE                  DETAILS
battery_level               98
battery_temperature         25
data_download           366914
data_upload             130956
memory_storage            8294
memory_ram                1177
link_speed                  65
signal_strength              2


Secureadb is a new feature that allows users to connect to their devices over Remote adb (using adb-tools), over the internet, securely.

$ espercli secureadb [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. connect

Establish a secure connection to the device; active device is used to connect if --device or -d option is not given explicitly.

This will open a local endpoint on your machine, to which the adb-tool can connect. This local service will relay the traffic, securing by TLS encryption, from adb-tools to the device. This will also keep running until adb disconnect is run, or the application is quit by Ctrl+C.

$ espercli secureadb connect [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
$ espercli secureadb connect -d SNA-SNL-3GQA

Initiating Remote ADB Session. This may take a few seconds...

Secure ADB Client
Please connect ADB client to the following endpoint: : 62945
If adb-tools is installed, please run the command below:
       adb connect

Press Ctrl+C to quit!


This is used to view telemetry data for a device over a period

$ espercli telemetry [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. get-data

It fetches the telemetry data for a specific device, for a specific metric aggregated by hour or month or day and is specified by -p, --period flag. The statistic function is specified by may be avg, sum or count and is specified by -s, --statistic flag. Metric format is {category}-{metric_name}. The timespan to fetch telemetry data can be specified using two ways: Using -l, --last option or -t, --to and -f, --from combination.

To use -l, --last option use a number to specify number of hours, days, months relative to now for which data is required. To specify absolute date range use -f, --from and -t, --to combination.

Available metric names {category}-{metric_name}

$ espercli telemetry get-data [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--metric, -m Metric in format {category}-{metric_name}
--from, -f {2 days since now} Start date time of telemetry data
--period, -p hour Aggregation period
--statistic, -s avg Statistic function
--last, -l Relative time from now. Use -n for n hour's since or n days since
--to, -t {now} End date time of telemetry data
$ espercli telemetry get-data -m battery-level -l 7 -p month -d DEV-ELOP-FXVW

Telemetry data for device DEV-ELOP-FXVD
Time                    Value
2019-12-01T00:00:00Z  69.2948

$ espercli telemetry get-data -d DEV-ELOP-FXVD -m battery-level -f 2019-12-15T12:36:36 -t 2019-12-17T12:36:36
Telemetry data for device DEV-ELOP-FXVD
Time                    Value
2019-12-16T05:00:00Z  26.5333
2019-12-16T06:00:00Z  41.3333
2019-12-16T07:00:00Z  48.25
2019-12-16T08:00:00Z  52
2019-12-16T09:00:00Z  60
2019-12-16T11:00:00Z  65
2019-12-17T06:00:00Z  85.125
2019-12-17T07:00:00Z  82.4


Pipelines is used to create workflows consisting of actions to such as APP-INSTALL/APP-UNINSTALL/etc.

$ espercli pipeline

usage: espercli pipeline [-h] {execute,stage,create,edit,remove,show} ...

Pipeline commands

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    execute             execute controller
    stage               stage controller
    create              Create a pipeline
    edit                Edit a pipeline(s)
    remove              Remove a Pipeline
    show                List or Fetch a pipeline(s)

Usage: espercli pipeline

Sub commands

1. create

Create a new Pipeline

$ espercli pipeline create [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--name, -n [opt] Name of Pipeline
--desc [opt] Description for Pipeline
$ espercli pipeline create 

Name of the Pipeline: <Pipeline Name>
Description for this Pipeline [optional]: <BLah>
What type of trigger do you want for your Pipeline?
[1] NewAppVersionEvent
[2] Skip for now...

Enter the Application name: <Blah>
Enter the Package name: <com.blah>

2. edit

Edit an existing Pipeline

$ espercli pipeline edit [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--name, -n [opt] Name of Pipeline
--desc [opt] Description for Pipeline
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
$ espercli pipeline edit 

Change the name of the Pipeline: <blah>
Change the description for this Pipeline [optional]: <blah>
Enter the Pipeline ID:
What type of trigger do you want for your Pipeline?
[1] NewAppVersionEvent
[2] Skip for now...

3. remove

Remove an existing Pipeline

$ espercli pipeline remove [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
$ espercli pipeline remove 

Enter the Pipeline ID: ...

4. show

List one or all Pipelines

$ espercli pipeline show [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
$ espercli pipeline show 

ID                                    NAME              DESCRIPTION    STAGES    VERSION  TRIGGER              TRIGGER-APP
db26ae3b-dd80-4b91-8a21-e6e7bf3099af  Jeryn CLI                           1          4     NewAppVersionEvent    Firefox
9c36afa8-b710-4c28-b72f-8555a69fd907  asdcafsd           asdasfd          0          1     NewAppVersionEvent    Candy Crush Saga
3c7fbc8a-c420-4e14-8036-a6ff4a7efb58  asd                asdas            1          1     NewAppVersionEvent    Candlei

Pipeline Stages

These sub command are used to add various named Stages to the Pipeline. A Stage is a logical grouping for the various operations. Each stage has a ordering field that tells in what order the stages have to processed by the pipeline. The pipeline orders the stages in ascending order of ordering value, and process accordingly.

Please note this command depends on an existing pipeline. A Pipeline needs to be created first, before the stage sub-commands can be run.

$ espercli pipeline stage

usage: espercli pipeline stage [-h] {operation,create,edit,remove,show} ...

Pipeline Stage commands

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    operation           operation controller
    create              Add a Stage
    edit                Edit a Stage
    remove              Remove a Stage
    show                List all Stages

Usage: espercli pipeline stage

Sub commands

1. create

Add a new stage to an existing pipeline

$ espercli pipeline stage create [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--name, -n [opt] Name of Stage
--desc [opt] Description for Stage
--ordering [opt] Ordering for stage
$ espercli pipeline stage create 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Name of the Stage: <name of stage>
Order of this Stage: 10
Description for this Stage [optional]:
Added Stage to Pipeline Successfully! Details:

id           86cd9c84-59be-4c89-a609-d76f85e38d53
operations   []
client       f44373cb-1800-43c6-aab3-c81f8b1f435c
name         blah
created_on   2019-12-26T05:23:09.185749Z
updated_on   2019-12-26T05:23:09.185795Z
version      1
ordering     10
pipeline     904bf55d-f39f-4dc7-b085-014712c567fc

2. edit

Edit an existing stage

$ espercli pipeline stage edit [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--stage-id, -s [opt] Stage ID
--name, -n [opt] Name of Stage
--desc [opt] Description for Stage
--ordering [opt] Ordering for stage
$ espercli pipeline stage edit 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Enter the Stage ID: <uuid>
Change the name of the Stage:
Change the description for this Stage [optional]:
Change the Ordering for this Stage [optional]:

id           <uuid>
operations   []
client       <uuid>
name         blah
created_on   2019-12-26T05:23:09.185749Z
updated_on   2019-12-26T05:23:09.185795Z
version      1
ordering     10
pipeline     <uuid>

3. remove

Remove an existing Stage

$ espercli pipeline stage remove [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--stage-id, -s [opt] Stage ID
$ espercli pipeline remove 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Enter the Stage ID: <uuid>

4. show

List one or all stages in a pipeline

$ espercli pipeline stage show [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--stage-id, -s [opt] Stage ID
$ espercli pipeline stage show 

<stage uuid>  2           2           2             0          1
<stage uuid>  3           3           3             0          1
<stage uuid>  blah                    10            0          1

Pipeline Operations

These sub command are used to add various named Operations to the Stage of a Pipeline. An Operation defines an Action - such as APP_INSTALL, APP_UNINSTALL, ETC. Each operation has a ordering field, just like stages. The pipeline orders the operations in ascending order of ordering value, within a given stage, and processes them accordingly.

Note: If a NewAppUploadEvent trigger has been defined for the pipeline, then APP_INSTALL/APP_UNINSTALL operations, will install/uninstall the app from the NewAppUploadEvent.

Please note this command depends on an existing Stage. A Stage needs to be created first, before the operations sub-commands can be run.

$ espercli pipeline stage operation

usage: espercli pipeline stage operation [-h] {create,edit,remove,show} ...

Pipeline Stage Operation commands

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    create              Add a Operation
    edit                Edit an Operation
    remove              Remove an Operation
    show                List all Operations

Usage: espercli pipeline stage operation

Sub commands

1. create

Add a new Operation to an existing Stage

$ espercli pipeline stage operation create [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--stage-id, -s [opt] Stage ID
--name, -n [opt] Name of Operation
--desc [opt] Description for Operation
--action, -a [opt] Action for Operation
--ordering [opt] Ordering for Operation
$ espercli pipeline stage operation create 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Enter the Stage ID: <uuid of stage>
Name of the Operation: <name of operation>
Action for this Operation:

1: App Install to a Group of Devices
2: App Uninstall to a Group of Devices
3: Reboot a Group of Devices

Enter the number for your selection: 1
Name of the Group (to which the command must be fired): <group-name>
Description for this Operation [optional]: 
Added Operation to Stage Successfully! Details:

id           <operation uuid>
action       APP_INSTALL
action_args  {'url': '<group-command url>', 'body': {'command': 'INSTALL'}, 'method': 'POST', 'headers': {'Authorization': 'Bearer <oauth creds>'}}
client       f44373cb-1800-43c6-aab3-c81f8b1f435c
name         <name of operation>
created_on   2019-12-26T06:19:50.329913Z
updated_on   2019-12-26T06:19:50.329944Z
version      1
ordering     1
pipeline     <pipeline uuid>
stage        <stage uuid>

2. edit

Edit an existing operation

$ espercli pipeline stage operation edit [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--stage-id, -s [opt] Stage ID
--operation-id, -o [opt] Operation ID
--name, -n [opt] Name of Operation
--desc [opt] Description for Operation
--action, -a [opt] Action for Operation
--ordering [opt] Ordering for Operation
$ espercli pipeline stage operation edit 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Enter the Stage ID: <uuid of stage>
Enter the Operation ID: <uuid>
Change the name of the Operation:
Change the description for this Operation [optional]:
Action for this Operation:

1: App Install to a Group of Devices
2: App Uninstall to a Group of Devices
3: Reboot a Group of Devices

Enter the number for your selection: 1
Edited Operation for this Stage Successfully! Details:

id           <operation uuid>
action       APP_INSTALL
action_args  {'url': '<group-command url>', 'body': {'command': 'INSTALL'}, 'method': 'POST', 'headers': {'Authorization': 'Bearer <oauth creds>'}}
client       <uuid>
name         Jeryn
description  blah
created_on   2019-12-26T06:19:50.329913Z
updated_on   2019-12-26T07:00:54.485012Z
version      2
ordering     1
pipeline     <pipeline uuid>
stage        <stage uuid>

3. remove

Remove an existing Stage

$ espercli pipeline stage remove [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--stage-id, -s [opt] Stage ID
--operation-id, -o [opt] Operation ID
$ espercli pipeline stage operation remove 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Enter the Stage ID: <uuid of stage>
Enter the Operation ID: <uuid>

4. show

List one or all stages in a pipeline

$ espercli pipeline stage show [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--stage-id, -s [opt] Stage ID
--operation-id, -o [opt] Operation ID
$ espercli pipeline stage show 

Listing Operations for the Stage! Details:

ID                 NAME    DESCRIPTION      ORDERING  ACTION         VERSION
<operation uuid>    Jeryn   blah                    1  APP_INSTALL          2

Pipeline Execution

This sub-command is used to manually start/stop/terminate a pipeline execution.

Note: If trigger is specified for a pipeline, the execution will start automatically when trigger conditions are met.

$ espercli pipeline execute

usage: espercli pipeline execute [-h] {show,start,stop,terminate} ...

Pipeline Execute commands

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    show                List all Executions
    start               Execute pipeline
    stop                Stop a Pipeline Execution
    terminate           Terminate a Pipeline Execution

Usage: espercli pipeline execute

1. show

List all Executions of a Pipeline

$ espercli pipeline execute show [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
$ espercli pipeline execute show 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>

Listing Operations for the Stage! Details:

ID                    NAME                    DESCRIPTION    STATE       STATUS      REASON
<pipeline uuid>       [DONT TOUCH] Jeryn CLI                 TERMINATED  TERMINATED  Dunno
<pipeline uuid>       [DONT TOUCH] Jeryn CLI                 COMPLETED   FAILURE     Out of 1 devices, Command failed on 1 devices, with 0 inactive devices
<pipeline uuid>       [DONT TOUCH] Jeryn CLI                 COMPLETED   FAILURE     Out of 1 devices, Command failed on 1 devices, with 0 inactive devices

2. start

Start (or continue) a Manual execution of a Pipeline

$ espercli pipeline execute start [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
$ espercli pipeline execute start 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>

Pipeline execution started! Details:

id           <execution uuid>
state        RUNNING
status       RUNNING
client       <client uuid>
name         [DONT TOUCH] Jeryn CLI
version      4
started_at   2019-12-26T07:31:56.549188Z
updated_at   2019-12-26T07:31:56.654497Z
parent       <pipeline uuid>

2. stop

Stop an execution of a Pipeline.

Note: A Stopped execution can be restarted with a start command

$ espercli pipeline execute stop [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--execution-id, -e [opt] Execution ID
--reason [opt] Reason to stop the execution
$ espercli pipeline execute stop 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Enter the Execution ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Why do you want to stop this Execution? : <give a reason>

Pipeline execution Stopped! Details:

id           <execution uuid>
state        STOPPED
status       STOPPED
reason       <given reason>
client       <client uuid>
name         <pipeline name>
version      4
started_at   2019-12-26T07:31:56.549188Z
updated_at   2019-12-26T07:31:56.654497Z
parent       <pipeline uuid>

3. terminate

Terminate an execution of a Pipeline.

Note: A terminated pipeline cant be restarted again.

$ espercli pipeline execute terminate [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--execution-id, -e [opt] Execution ID
--reason [opt] Reason to stop the execution
$ espercli pipeline execute terminate 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Enter the Execution ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Why do you want to terminate this Execution? : <give a reason>

Pipeline execution Stopped! Details:

id           <execution uuid>
state        TERMINATED
status       TERMINATED
reason       <given reason>
client       <uuid>
name         <pipeline name>
version      4
started_at   2019-12-26T07:31:56.549188Z
updated_at   2019-12-26T07:31:56.654497Z
parent       <uuid>

4. continue

Continue a Stopped execution of a Pipeline.

$ espercli pipeline execute continue [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--pipeline-id, -p [opt] Pipeline ID
--execution-id, -e [opt] Execution ID
$ espercli pipeline execute continue 

Enter the Pipeline ID: <uuid of pipeline>
Enter the Execution ID: <uuid of pipeline>

Pipeline execution Started! Details:

id           <execution uuid>
state        RUNNING
status       RUNNING
reason       <given reason>
client       <uuid>
name         <pipeline name>
version      4
started_at   2019-12-26T07:31:56.549188Z
updated_at   2019-12-26T07:31:56.654497Z
parent       <uuid>


Content command can be used to list, show, upload, modify and delete content.

$ espercli content [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. list

List all contents. Pagination used to limit the number of results, default is 20 results per page.

$ espercli content list [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--limit, -l 20 Number of results to return per page
--offset, -i 0 The initial index from which to return the results
--search, -s Searches by name/tags/description
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli content list -l 5
Total Number of Contents: 52
  ID  NAME                                            DESCRIPTION    TAGS            SIZE  CREATED ON
  61  ss.png                                                         []              9768  2020-10-23 08:52:09.506002+00:00
  59  gh.jpg                                                         []             79604  2020-10-23 06:29:24.743538+00:00
  58  {CDE0DFC1-79F7-4D5A-A777-6D376F417F60}.png.jpg                 []             60712  2020-10-23 06:28:32.900106+00:00
  57  1.har                                                          []            208492  2020-10-23 02:12:58.777150+00:00
  49  download.jpg                                                   ['download']    7947  2020-10-21 05:27:41.413469+00:00

$ espercli content list -l 2 -i 1 -s screenshot
Total Number of Contents: 3
  ID  NAME                                      DESCRIPTION    TAGS      SIZE  CREATED ON
  51  Screenshot 2020-06-05 at 11.28.51 AM.png                 []       24037  2020-10-21 07:13:21.466780+00:00
  50  Screenshot 2020-04-07 at 8.46.31 AM.png                  []       14202  2020-10-21 07:03:07.817152+00:00

2. show

Show the details of a content. Here, content_id is required to show the content information.

$ espercli content show [OPTIONS] [content_id]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli content show 61

id           61
name         ss.png
is_dir       False
kind         image/png
hash         _hNmIrB4PnQ4ov77q1PccbPcuGrqH2TDUOpcvjlDv5g
size         9768
path         /root/
permissions  777
tags         []
created      2020-10-23 08:52:09.506002+00:00
modified     2020-10-23 08:52:09.506024+00:00
enterprise   f44373cb-1800-43c6-aab3-c81f8b1f435c
owner        bindya

3. upload

Upload content. Here, content file path is required to upload the content.

$ espercli content upload [OPTIONS] [content_file]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli content upload screen.png
Uploading......: 100%|█████████▉| 144k/144k [00:13<00:00, 11.2kB/s, file=screen.png]

id           71
name         screen.png
is_dir       False
kind         image/png
hash         kbFYPWUuFfy4bZHEMHPcLioNee7amOCkMR4crYTE-lQ
size         147483
path         /root/
permissions  777
tags         []
created      2020-10-28 04:04:18.394138+00:00
modified     2020-10-28 04:04:18.394161+00:00
enterprise   f44373cb-1800-43c6-aab3-c81f8b1f435c
owner        bindya

4. modify

Modify a content information. Here, content_id is required to modify the content and only the tags and description can be modified.

$ espercli content modify [OPTIONS] [content_id]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--tags, -t List of tags, space separated
--description, -d Description
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli content modify 61 -t screenshots new -d screenshot

id           61
name         ss.png
is_dir       False
kind         image/png
hash         _hNmIrB4PnQ4ov77q1PccbPcuGrqH2TDUOpcvjlDv5g
size         9768
path         /root/
permissions  777
tags         ['screenshots', 'new']
description  screenshot
created      2020-10-23 08:52:09.506002+00:00
modified     2020-10-23 08:57:44.658128+00:00
enterprise   f44373cb-1800-43c6-aab3-c81f8b1f435c
owner        bindya

5. delete

Delete a content. Here, content_id is required to delete the content.

$ espercli content delete [content_id]
$ espercli content delete 61
Content with id 61 deleted successfully.

Commands V2

Commands V2.0 is used to list the command requests, statuses, fire different actions on devices or groups like ping, reboot etc. It provides advanced device command capabilities like queuing, support for offline devices, dynamic device set for commands and command history.

$ espercli commandsV2 [SUB-COMMANDS]

Sub commands

1. list

List and filter command requests.

$ espercli commandsV2 list [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--command_type, -ct Filter by type of command request
--device, -d Filter by device name
--device_type, -dt Filter by device type
--command, -c Filter by command name
--limit, -l 10 Number of results to return
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli commandsV2 list
Total Number of Command Requests: 12916

RQUEST ID                             COMMAND           ISSUED BY    COMMAND TYPE    CREATED ON
5054d1d0-45c4-4a7d-b897-798af05edf75  WIPE              aneesha      DEVICE          2020-10-21 12:12:51.662946+00:00
b1256407-1c10-43b7-9f90-85b835430f08  UPDATE_HEARTBEAT  aneesha      DEVICE          2020-10-21 12:11:32.603833+00:00
d41fcaff-0d7a-4151-9c87-2b1ba471b8ea  SET_KIOSK_APP     aneesha      DEVICE          2020-10-21 12:11:26.573396+00:00
03d903d5-6236-424c-832c-350a0feb00a4  WIPE              aneesha      DEVICE          2020-10-21 12:07:19.449655+00:00
101482a9-5094-453e-affc-3985334403cf  WIPE              aneesha      DEVICE          2020-10-21 12:05:56.745790+00:00
8b42dc16-7162-4a0a-bdcf-8265eab1b65e  UPDATE_HEARTBEAT  aneesha      DEVICE          2020-10-21 12:05:22.767914+00:00
4d2731e5-6a89-4826-9b3c-9cdaff0002dc  SET_KIOSK_APP     aneesha      DEVICE          2020-10-21 12:05:17.930897+00:00
6276758a-1f40-425e-bd3d-7159b53ca850  WIPE              aneesha      DEVICE          2020-10-21 12:03:37.860293+00:00
3ddd792d-2fbd-418d-a27a-4339fccf8e44  WIPE              mihir        DEVICE          2020-10-21 11:56:24.611128+00:00
773a72f8-3bdd-4176-975e-e5473f2ee42a  SET_APP_STATE     mihir        DEVICE          2020-10-21 11:52:16.225932+00:00

$ espercli commandsV2 list -ct device -d DEV-ELOP-W57Z -dt active -c set_kiosk_app -l 2
Total Number of Command Requests: 21

RQUEST ID                             COMMAND        ISSUED BY    COMMAND TYPE    CREATED ON
4854906d-6f76-4b58-88f9-295d481f02e4  SET_KIOSK_APP  alok         DEVICE          2020-10-14 09:05:52.430365+00:00
6c540c8e-3078-4f9c-85b1-d2d39f3dec5a  SET_KIOSK_APP  alok         DEVICE          2020-10-14 09:05:10.526865+00:00

2. status

List and filter command request status.

$ espercli commandsV2 status [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--request, -r Command request id
--device, -d Filter by device name
--state, -s Filter by command state
--limit, -l 10 Number of results to return
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli commandsV2 status -r b39da444-6adf-4241-a4b4-2831dbbee264 
Total Number of Statuses: 1

STATUS ID                             DEVICE ID                             STATE            REASON
45e35f8a-bd47-4a9d-9991-e88fd5ba58ca  2d110b9c-6f65-430f-869d-fefb2a576dd3  Command Success

$ espercli commandsV2 status -r b39da444-6adf-4241-a4b4-2831dbbee264 -d DEV-ELOP-W57Z -s success -l 1

Total Number of Statuses: 1

STATUS ID                             DEVICE ID                             STATE            REASON
45e35f8a-bd47-4a9d-9991-e88fd5ba58ca  2d110b9c-6f65-430f-869d-fefb2a576dd3  Command Success

3. history

Get and filter command history.

$ espercli commandsV2 history [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--device, -d Device name
--state, -s Filter by command state
--limit, -l 10 Number of results to return
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
$ espercli commandsV2 history -d  DEV-ELOP-W57Z -l 3
Total Number of Statuses: 343

STATUS ID                             DEVICE ID                             STATE              REASON
b9f57e76-7ef4-49db-b43e-9c0d7be3c0b1  2d110b9c-6f65-430f-869d-fefb2a576dd3  Command Scheduled  Command scheduled by None
05f42317-f768-4949-bece-cdafecd8e443  2d110b9c-6f65-430f-869d-fefb2a576dd3  Command Scheduled  Command scheduled by None
5730a1ff-d65d-4658-a69e-9973b8244930  2d110b9c-6f65-430f-869d-fefb2a576dd3  Command Scheduled  Command scheduled by None

$ espercli commandsV2 history -d  DEV-ELOP-W57Z -s success -l 2
Total Number of Statuses: 150

STATUS ID                             DEVICE ID                             STATE            REASON
7d9a3382-e1ac-4483-847c-198de35ca92c  2d110b9c-6f65-430f-869d-fefb2a576dd3  Command Success  DPC Update Command issued successfully
553f44e7-0a2b-4269-90a5-04e111e225c4  2d110b9c-6f65-430f-869d-fefb2a576dd3  Command Success  DPC Update Command issued successfully

4. command

Create a command request for devices or groups.

$ espercli commandsV2 command [OPTIONS]
Name, shorthand Default Description
--command_type, -ct Command type
--devices, -d List of device names, space separated
--groups, -g List of group ids, space separated
--device_type, -dt active Device type
--command, -c Command name
--schedule, -s immediate Schedule type
--schedule_name, -sn Schedule name
--start, -st Schedule start date-time
--end, -en Schedlue end date-time
--time_type, -tt Time type
--window_start, -ws Window start time
--window_end, -we Window end time
--days, -dy all List of days, space separated
--app_state, -as App state
--app_version, -av App version
--custom_config, -cs Custom settings config
--device_alias, -dv Device alias name
--message, -m Message
--package_name, -pk Package name
--policy_url, -po Policy url
--state, -se State
--wifi_access_points, -wap Wifi access points
--json, -j Render result in JSON format
Command Name Description Details
reboot Reboot a device
update_heartbeat Ping a device
update_device_config Push additional configurations to the Device Requires custom_config where custom_config is the data with the custom settings config
install Install an app on a device Requires app_version where app_version is the version id of app uploaded on Esper
uninstall Uninstall an app from device Requires package_name where package_name is the name of the app package uploaded on Esper
set_new_policy Apply policy on device Requires policy_url where policy_url is the URL to the policy
add_wifi_ap Add wifi access points for device Requires wifi_access_points where wifi_access_points is the data with access points
remove_wifi_ap Remove Wifi access points for device Requires wifi_access_points where wifi_access_points is the data with access points
set_kiosk_app Command to set the Kiosk app for a device Requires package_name where package_name is the name of the app package uploaded on Esper
set_device_lockdown_state Set lockdown state for a device Requires state and message where state is LOCKED/UNLOCKED and message is the message to be added with command
set_app_state Set the state of an app Requries app_state and package_name where app_state is the state of app - SHOW/HIDE/DISABLE and package_name is the name of the app package uploaded on Esper
wipe Wipes the device
update_latest_dpc Prompt device to update the DPC app to the latest versions
$ espercli commandsV2 command -c update_heartbeat -ct device -d DEV-ELOP-UULA

Id             ba36ea4d-1744-43a9-a42f-8e60d24946f8
Command Args   {}
Command Type   DEVICE
Devices        ['babc9cf5-2dbb-4382-bb9d-d6245941db35']
Groups         []
Device Type    active
Status         []
Issued by      bindya
Schedule       IMMEDIATE
Schedule Args
Created On     2020-10-21 12:18:04.194833+00:00

$ espercli commandsV2 command -c set_app_state -as SHOW -pk -ct device -d DEV-ELOP-W57Z -dt all -s window -sn scheduling -st 2020-10-21T20:15:00Z -en 2020-10-21T21:15:00Z -ws 13:15:00 -we 14:15:00 -tt device

Id             4c91045c-1113-424c-9f57-baae7d8dd0a7
Command        SET_APP_STATE
Command Args   {'package_name': '', 'app_state': 'SHOW'}
Command Type   DEVICE
Devices        ['2d110b9c-6f65-430f-869d-fefb2a576dd3']
Groups         []
Device Type    all
Status         Command Scheduled
Issued by      bindya
Schedule       WINDOW
Schedule Args  {'name': 'scheduling', 'start_datetime': '2020-10-21 20:15:00+00:00', 'end_datetime': '2020-10-21 21:15:00+00:00', 'time_type': 'device', 'window_start_time': '13:15:00', 'window_end_time': '14:15:00', 'days': ['All days']}
Created On     2020-10-21 14:07:27.601095+00:00

We are always in active development and we try our best to keep our documentation up to date. However, if you end up ahead of time you can check our latest documentation on Github.

If you face any issue with CLI usage, we recommend you to reach out to Esper Dev Support


Command line tool for Esper

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.7%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Jinja 0.0%