Add a sub-route to your backend route and embed the provided OAuth route:
data BackendRoute :: * -> * where
BackendRoute_Missing :: BackendRoute ()
BackendRoute_Api :: BackendRoute ()
BackendRoute_OAuth :: BackendRoute (R OAuth)
Your backend route encoder should handle this case:
pathComponentEncoder $ \case
BackendRoute_OAuth -> PathSegment "oauth" oauthRouteEncoder
On the frontend, you need to produce an authorization request link with the appropriate callback embedded.
For example:
let r = AuthorizationRequest
{ _authorizationRequest_responseType = AuthorizationResponseType_Code
, _authorizationRequest_clientId = clientId
, _authorizationRequest_redirectUri = Just BackendRoute_OAuth
, _authorizationRequest_scope = []
, _authorizationRequest_state = Just "none"
grantHref = authorizationRequestHref "" route checkedEncoder r
elAttr "a" ("href" =: grantHref) $ text "Authorize with Asana"
In your backend handler, you'll need to handle the OAuth sub-route you created:
serve $ \case
BackendRoute_OAuth :/ oauthRoute -> case oauthRoute of
OAuth_RedirectUri :/ redirectParams -> case params of
Nothing -> liftIO $ error "Expected to receive the authorization code here"
Just (RedirectUriParams code mstate) -> do
let t = TokenRequest
{ _tokenRequest_grant = TokenGrant_AuthorizationCode $ T.encodeUtf8 code
, _tokenRequest_clientId = clientId -- Get this from the OAuth authorization server
, _tokenRequest_clientSecret = clientSecret -- Get this from the OAuth authorization server
, _tokenRequest_redirectUri = BackendRoute_OAuth
reqUrl = ""
rsp <- liftIO $ flip httpLbs tlsMgr =<< getOauthToken reqUrl route checkedEncoder t
-- ^ this response should include the access token and probably a refresh token