eschmidbauer / RVC_CLI

RVC CLI enables seamless interaction with Retrieval-based Voice Conversion through commands or HTTP requests.

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RVC_CLI: Retrieval-based Voice Conversion Command Line Interface

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  • Use this style for commands python infer --hop_length 128 --f0method rmvpe --input_path "input.wav" --output_path "output.wav" --pth_file "model.pth" --index_path "index_file.index"

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Getting Started
  3. API
  4. Credits


Ensure you have the required Python packages installed by running (Python 3.9 is recommended):


Execute the install.bat file to activate a Conda environment. Subsequently, launch the application using env/python instead of the conventional python command.


chmod +x

Getting Started

For additional information and command-line options, refer to the help command:

python -h

This command displays the available modes and their corresponding parameters, providing clarity on how to effectively use the RVC CLI.


Single Inference

python infer f0up_key filter_radius index_rate hop_length f0method "input_path" "output_path" "pth_file" "index_path" split_audio
  • f0up_key: Value for f0up_key (-24 to +24)
  • filter_radius: Value for filter_radius (0 to 10)
  • index_rate: Value for index_rate (0.0 to 1.0)
  • hop_length: Value for hop_length (1 to 512)
  • f0method: Value for f0method (pm, dio, crepe, crepe-tiny, harvest, rmvpe)
  • input_path: Input audio path (enclosed in double quotes)
  • output_path: Output audio path (enclosed in double quotes)
  • pth_file: Path to the .pth file (enclosed in double quotes)
  • index_path: Path to the .index file (enclosed in double quotes)
  • split_audio: Value for split_audio (True or False)

Batch Inference

python batch_infer f0up_key filter_radius index_rate hop_length f0method "input_folder_path" "output_folder_path" "pth_file" "index_path"
  • f0up_key: Value for f0up_key (-24 to +24)
  • filter_radius: Value for filter_radius (0 to 10)
  • index_rate: Value for index_rate (0.0 to 1.0)
  • hop_length: Value for hop_length (1 to 512)
  • f0method: Value for f0method (pm, dio, crepe, crepe-tiny, harvest, rmvpe)
  • input_folder_path: Input folder path (enclosed in double quotes)
  • output_folder_path: Output folder path (enclosed in double quotes)
  • pth_file: Path to the .pth file (enclosed in double quotes)
  • index_path: Path to the .index file (enclosed in double quotes)

TTS Inference

python tts_infer "tts_text" "tts_voice" f0up_key filter_radius index_rate hop_length f0method "output_tts_path" "output_rvc_path" "pth_file" "index_path"
  • tts_text: Text for TTS synthesis (enclosed in double quotes)
  • tts_voice: Voice for TTS synthesis (enclosed in double quotes)
  • f0up_key: Value for f0up_key (-24 to +24)
  • filter_radius: Value for filter_radius (0 to 10)
  • index_rate: Value for index_rate (0.0 to 1.0)
  • hop_length: Value for hop_length (1 to 512)
  • f0method: Value for f0method (pm, dio, crepe, crepe-tiny, harvest, rmvpe)
  • output_tts_path: Output TTS audio path (enclosed in double quotes)
  • output_rvc_path: Output RVC audio path (enclosed in double quotes)
  • pth_file: Path to the .pth file (enclosed in double quotes)
  • index_path: Path to the .index file (enclosed in double quotes)


Preprocess Dataset

python preprocess "model_name" "dataset_path" sampling_rate
  • model_name: Name of the model (enclosed in double quotes)
  • dataset_path: Path to the dataset (enclosed in double quotes)
  • sampling_rate: Sampling rate (32000, 40000, or 48000): Optional, default 40000

Extract Features

python extract "model_name" rvc_version f0method hop_length sampling_rate
  • model_name: Name of the model (enclosed in double quotes)
  • rvc_version: Version of the model (v1 or v2)
  • f0method: Value for f0method (pm, dio, crepe, crepe-tiny, harvest, rmvpe)
  • hop_length: Value for hop_length (1 to 512)
  • sampling_rate: Sampling rate (32000, 40000, or 48000)

Start Training

python train "model_name" rvc_version save_every_epoch save_only_latest save_every_weights total_epoch sampling_rate batch_size gpu pitch_guidance pretrained custom_pretrained [g_pretrained] [d_pretrained]
  • model_name: Name of the model (enclosed in double quotes)
  • rvc_version: Version of the model (v1 or v2)
  • save_every_epoch: Number of epochs after which to save the model checkpoint (1 to 50)
  • save_only_latest: Save only the lastest final weight (True or False)
  • save_every_weights: Save a weight every training save (True or False)
  • total_epoch: Total number of training epochs (1 to 10000)
  • sampling_rate: Sampling rate of the audio data (32000, 40000, or 48000): Optional, default 40000
  • batch_size: Batch size, limited by GPU VRAM (4 to ∞)
  • gpu: GPU number (0 to ∞ separated by -)
  • pitch_guidance: Train with or without pitch guidance (True or False)
  • pretrained: Train with or without pretrained models (True or False)
  • custom_pretrained: Use custom pretrained models; use parameters g_/d_pretrained (True or False)
  • g_pretrained_path: Path to pretrained file G, only if you have used custom_pretrained (enclosed in double quotes)
  • d_pretrained_path: Path to pretrained file D, only if you have used custom_pretrained (enclosed in double quotes)

Generate Index File

python index "model_name" rvc_version
  • model_name: Name of the model (enclosed in double quotes)
  • rvc_version: Version of the model (v1 or v2)

Additional Features

Model Information

python model_information "pth_path"
  • pth_path: Path to the .pth file (enclosed in double quotes)

Model Fusion

python model_fusion "model_name" "pth_path_1" "pth_path_2"
  • model_name: Name of the model (enclosed in double quotes)
  • pth_path_1: Path to the first .pth file (enclosed in double quotes)
  • pth_path_2: Path to the second .pth file (enclosed in double quotes)

Launch TensorBoard

python tensorboard

Download Models

Run the download script with the following command:

python download "model_link"
  • model_link: Link of the model (enclosed in double quotes; Google Drive or Hugging Face)


To use the RVC CLI via the API, you can utilize the provided script. Make API requests to the following endpoints:

  • Infer: /infer
  • Batch Infer: /batch_infer
  • TTS: /tts
  • Preprocess: /preprocess
  • Extract: /extract
  • Train: /train
  • Index: /index
  • Model Information: /model_information
  • Model Fusion: /model_fusion
  • Tensorboard: /tensorboard
  • Download: /download

You can make POST requests to these endpoints with the required parameters in the JSON format.

Example using curl for Infer:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"f0up_key": 0, "filter_radius": 5, "index_rate": 0.5, "hop_length": 256, "f0method": "rmvpe", "input_path": "input.wav", "output_path": "output.wav", "pth_file": "model.pth", "index_path": "index_file.index", "split_audio": false}' http://localhost:5000/infer


The RVC CLI is built on the foundations of the following projects:

We acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of the respective authors and communities involved in these projects.


RVC CLI enables seamless interaction with Retrieval-based Voice Conversion through commands or HTTP requests.



Language:Python 92.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 6.7%Language:Batchfile 0.8%Language:Shell 0.0%