esanfelix / r2con2019-ctf-kernel

Kernel exploitation challenge(s) I prepared for the r2con 2019 CTF.

Repository from Github https://github.comesanfelix/r2con2019-ctf-kernelRepository from Github https://github.comesanfelix/r2con2019-ctf-kernel

Kernel pwnable for r2con 2019 CTF

This repository contains the challenge I contributed the r2con 2019 CTF. The challenge was not solved during the CTF, so I decided to also host it on github.

The repository contains the following folders:

  • challenge/ contains the files provided to the CTF participants. This is the only directory with contents at the moment.

  • source/: contains the source code of the socks.ko module running in the challenge VM. By mistake I also left a half-finished v2 module inside the VM filesystem that was not relevant to the challenge.

  • solution/: contains a write-up of my solution as well as two differnt exploits to be used for reference purposes.


Kernel exploitation challenge(s) I prepared for the r2con 2019 CTF.


Language:C 97.5%Language:Makefile 1.5%Language:Shell 1.0%