Python to convert audio input from the microphone to text, generate a response from GPT-3 using the OpenAI API, convert the response to speech using the gTTS library, and save the audio to a file.
You can reach the Medium article here
Python to convert audio input from the microphone to text, generate a response from GPT-3 using the OpenAI API, convert the response to speech using the gTTS library, and save the audio to a file.
Repository from Github https://github.comersinaksar/Make-Your-Jarvis-usin-GPT-3-and-Python
Python to convert audio input from the microphone to text, generate a response from GPT-3 using the OpenAI API, convert the response to speech using the gTTS library, and save the audio to a file.
You can reach the Medium article here
Python to convert audio input from the microphone to text, generate a response from GPT-3 using the OpenAI API, convert the response to speech using the gTTS library, and save the audio to a file.
MIT License