erperreault / fatpad

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

            In this readme:
        1. About My Github
        2. About Me
        3. About My Learning
        4. Roadmap

------------------------------- About My Github -------------------------------

    As you can see, it's an unorganized mess that will get cleaned up as I 
    develop a more clear understanding of programming and my path.

---------------------------------- About Me -----------------------------------

My name's Michael Perreault, 29 year old US/Canadian dual citizen 
currently living in Sweden after 6 years in Japan.

I spent my 20s pushing myself to succeed at countless difficult situations.
As a result, I know these things:
1. I can learn anything. I can teach it, and I can get them excited about it.
2. I love people, communication and collaboration.
3. Joy and results come together from a balance of effort and environment.

Through that time games, esports, and communities I could stay in touch with online wherever 
I went were the steady joy that colored the rest of my irrefutably colorful life. 
It was what I would always come back to and what kept me stable when nothing else about my day-to-day was.
It became clear that this was the environment I should be putting my efforts into.

- 2010: Studied Astrophysics @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute
- 2014: Graduated Philosophy / International Studies double major at Virginia Commonwealth University.
-   Background in community service and local development led to across the US for affordable housing.
- 2015: Completed the Shikoku Pilgrimage on foot and lived in Japan for 6 years. During which I: 
    • Self-taught business-level fluency Japanese in two years.
    • Co-founded and ran for 3 years the massively successful
    • Began a successful freelance career of videography, photography, and web design.
    • Worked with coffee shops, libraries, tourism bureaus, guest houses across Japan.
    • Worked as a private educator and also as a translator.
    • Worked for tech startup stak, Inc. in Hiroshima, Japan - first opportunity to code.
- 2021: Moved to Sweden during the pandemic and decided to commit myself full-time to studying programming.

You can see some of my visual work at:

------------------------------ About My Learning ------------------------------

What: Primarily Javascript, exploring C++, fascinated by game dev.

When: Set off full time self-study since July 20, 2021, and I haven't looked back.

Why: This is the most important question.
• I look forward to spending time doing this every day. 
    My lifestyle with coding feels in sync. This is everything.
    Joy and results come together from a balance of effort and environment.
• I want to work in a team. 
    Discovering that coding is not only collaborative, but a social and human
    form of art fascinates and motivates me beyond explanation.
• This stuff is in my blood.
    Who knows why. It doesn't matter where I go or what I do in life..
    Games and coding, my joy for these weird electronic creations - it is in my core. 

Main Focus
• Daily leetcode and codewars problems (deconstructive approach)
• Lots of personal projects to start soon (constructive approach)
• for C++ (fundamentals and knowledge base)

• Learning some Unreal Engine 5 once I get more comfortable with C++
• UE5 tutorials
• FreeCodeCamp projects 
• TheOdinProject projects (mostly just skimming the reading, using for project practice
• Design Dive Discord Community for game design - current game devs active and weekly talks

---------------------------------- Roadmap ------------------------------------

------ Towards the Future ------
Keep in Mind:
> Concrete Projects of my own
> Concrete opensource projects & contributions
> Specific language and field I find interesting
> Gamedev, webdev

------ August 2021 ------
> Continue growing fluency with coding through puzzles and problems. 
    > Explore different sites and formats to grow flexibility.
> Explore interest in C, C++, Rust
    > 8/12 Rust has been frustrating to say the least. though interesting to learn about core
     CS concepts and stuff, but just getting it to work with simple functions in VSC has been a headache.
> Start work on one personal project
> Start contributing work on one opensource shared project
> 8/12 - Let's do this course!
    -> by 8/22 Week 0 & 1
    -> by 8/29 Week 2 & 3
    -> 8/18@Lib One codewars problem. CS50 Week 2. 
    -> 8/19 Start building website on Heroku to host projects.
    -> Build a calculator. Then build my first project, the timer webapp.
    -> Finish Week 0 project, heroku start, one codewars to warm up.
    -> To do this week (8/22 -> 8/29)
        • Figure out the odin project's projects -> 1 FCC html project/day
        • CS50
        • 1 Codewars/day
        • be stumped with AOC
        8/23: done

------ JULY 2021 ------ (Began July 20th)
> Get started with learning to deconstruct. i.e. solve problems that are set up for me. codewars etc.
> Move with JS according to bro's advice.
    • Weird language lots of people who learned a different language hate switching to
    • Growing language
    • Good for easily sharing anything I build in the future via browser.
> Get ready to begin practicing construction i.e. projects and github open source
> Assemble resources and a general plan to move forward, education, money, location, curriculum, timing.



Language:HTML 98.8%Language:JavaScript 0.9%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Rust 0.0%Language:C++ 0.0%Language:CSS 0.0%