eroten / Zillow_Housing_Database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zillow_Housing_Database Overview

Basic pipeline:

                                                \          /                                                
    Input       \        /  package:BDEEPZillow                                              
     Raw        --------------------------->      Postgres   ------------------->     R      ------>    (Further   
     File       --------------------------->      Database   ------------------->    Data    ------>     Processing
    (txt)                                                                                          ...)      

DB Creation: TXT -> Postgres Database converts Zillow_Housing raw data from a txt file (as provided by Zillow) to a postgresql database. For example, if you want to convert for state AL (state code 01):

python3 01

DB Operation: Generate Hedonics

Next, you can use to convert the output from the above to the final hedonics ready for csv conversion. If you still want the raw data, use:

python3 01

Otherwise, if the output from the first script is no longer needed, add delete prompt at the end. This will delete the files created by the first script at last:

python3 01 delete

Postgres Database -> R

To transfer data from database into rds files, there are 2 possible ways.

First method: Database -> rds

Set up a direct connection to the database and get the data, using package BDEEPZillow. The reference tables county_state_fips.rds and field_name.rds are also copied to this root directory. Details in the package folder.

The advantage of this method is simple and direct, but the maximum transfer file size is somewhere between 6.5-9 GB for this VM with 64GB RAM.

Second method: Database -> CSV -> rds

To convert to CSV tables, psql has a built-in function to convert to csv files:

COPY <tablename> TO '<csv filename>' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

Note that user postgres does not have permission to access (and save files at) /home/ubuntu. To get around, save files into /tmp/ and then move to the desired location.

This method is a bit messy. The maximum transfer file size is somewhere between 17-22 GB for this VM with 64GB RAM.

File Reference in Nebula

  • All scripts: /projects/Zillow_Housing/scripts/Generate/<script_name>
  • CSV hedonics files: /projects/Zillow_Housing/stores/Hedonics/new_csv_hedonics_by_states/<state>_hedonics.csv
  • RDS hedonics files (except state CA): /projects/Zillow_Housing/stores/Hedonics/rds_hedonics_by_states/<state>_hedonics.rds



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