erols / BumpScout

Collect bumps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status Coverage Status

Collect bumps

npm scripts

  • npm test - test the Javascript and Polymer source (will build the Javascript bundle before running Polymer tests)
  • npm run build - run tests then build the Polymer app
  • npm run deploy - deploy to Firebase app instance (does not build first, this should be done separately)
  • npm start - runs polymer serve and watches for changes to run tests
  • npm run coveralls - submits coverage data to coveralls (currently coverage data is only collected for the Javascript bundle)

After cloning add your local config to the config directory

cp -r config/production.json config/local.json

Then update the config/local.json to your development Firebase settings

After cloning/pulling and before starting the server run the following to install bower dependencies, create config files, run tests, build etc

npm install
npm run build

During development it is recommended to run the following command to watch for changes and continually test

npm start


See the development documentation for a guide to the project structure.

Run tests, etc before pushing and opening a pull request.

Note that the master branch is protected so cannot be pushed to directly.


To use the travis config you will need to remove the current encrypted environment variables (if present) and add your own encrypted authentication information for Firebase and SauceLabs

Install the travis gem

gem install travis

Then run

travis encrypt FIREBASE_TOKEN=<your firebase token> --add
travis encrypt SAUCE_USERNAME=<your saucelabs username> --add
travis encrypt SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<your saucelabs access key> --add

You will also need to enable the project at TravisCI and Coveralls


Collect bumps


Language:JavaScript 51.5%Language:HTML 47.2%Language:Shell 1.3%