erodrago / Intelligent-Space-Invader-Agent

A simple application guide of convolution neural network to the famous space invaders game using deep Q learning

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Intelligent Space Invaders game

Our deep Q neural network takes a stack of 4 frames as an input. THese pass through its network and output a vector of Q values for each action possible in the given state. In the begining the frame does really bad but overtime it begins to associate frames(states) with the best actions to do. Next is preprocessing which is an important step to reduce the complexity of our states and to reduce the computation time needed in training. 4 frames have been used to reduce the problem of temporal limitation. ie. If we give a frame at a time it has no idea of motion. It uses convolutional networks where frames are processed by 3 convolution layers each using ELU as an activation function that produces the Qvalue estimation for each action

Calculates next state to process using the bellman equation


Initialise Space Invaders environment
Initialise replay memory M with capacity N
Inisialise the DQN weights
for episode in max episode
s = environment state
for steps in maxsteps
choose action a from state using epsilon greedy
Take action a, get r(reward) and s(next state)
Store experience tuple in M
s = s'(state = newstate)
Get random minibatch of exp tuples from M
Set Q_target = reward(s,a) + ymaxQ('s')
update w= alpha(Qtarget - Qvalue)*change in Qvalue


Simonini is a great AI enthusiast with awesome content []


A simple application guide of convolution neural network to the famous space invaders game using deep Q learning


Language:TeX 61.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 38.5%