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How to import the GOV UK Design System & compile the sass at runtime.

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How to Import the GOV UK Design System into a .NET MVC Project

The walkthrough will also detail how to set-up your project to compile the sass at runtime

author: Nathan Ouriach

peer review: Rob Marshall

Installing the correct npm packages

  • Firstly, ensure you have Node installed
  • Open up your terminal and navigate to the root of your project folder
  • Once inside the root of your project folder run the command npm init
  • Then install the correct dependencies by running the following commands
  npm install sass
  npm install dart-sass
  npm install govuk-frontend --save

Updating your project

  • Add the following to your .gitignore:
# CSS files (because we're using SASS)

# govuk frontend stuff
[full path from root of your project]/wwwroot/assets
[full path from root of your project]/wwwroot/js/govuk.js

# minified js
  • Then inside your .NET MVC project find the wwwroot/css folder create a main.scss file
  • Add the line @import "node_modules/govuk-frontend/govuk/all"; to main.scss
  • Inside your _Layout.cshtml file you will need to add the following code to the bottom of your <head> element, this will reference your new main.css file
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/css/main.css" asp-append-version="true" />

Setting up the Javascript

  • Inside your _Layout.cshtml file paste the following code into the top of your <body> element
    <script>document.body.className = ((document.body.className) ? document.body.className + ' js-enabled' : 'js-enabled');
  • The compile steps below will create a new govuk.js file
  • Import this file before the close </body> element inside your Layout.cshtml file and then run the initAll() function to initialise all the components.
      <script>document.body.className = ((document.body.className) ? document.body.className + ' js-enabled' : 'js-enabled');
      <script src="~/js/govuk.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>

Compile the .sass file

  • Locate your package.json file and add the following script
"scripts" : {
    "compile-sass" : "dart-sass .[full path from root of your project]/wwwroot/scss/main.scss [full path from root of your project]/wwwroot/css/main.css"
  • This tells the compiler to target a specific sass file and render it into a specific css file
  • In the command line rune - and in the same location as your package.json file - run the command: npm run compile-sass
  • To test it has worked, select a random component from the GOV UK Design System and paste the HTML into one of your .cshtml View files
  • Run the project and then you should see the chosen component rendered correctly

How to compile the sass using gulp

  • Install gulp and required packages:
npm install gulp gulp-clean-css gulp-dart-sass gulp-rename gulp-uglify
  • In the root of your folder create a new file called gulp.js (this will exist at the same level as your Startup.cs file)
  • At the top of your new gulp.js file import the above dependencies, your code will look like the below
var sass = require("gulp-dart-sass");
var async = require("async");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");
var cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
// //
  • You will then create a function underneath these imports that will build the sass by grabbing all of your projects .scss files and directing them to your new main.css file. Your function will look like the below:
const buildSass = () => gulp.src("wwwroot/css/*.scss")
	.pipe(sass().on("error", sass.logError))

You will also need a function to copy over the assets from the node_modules folder and place them within your wwwroot/assets folder, as well as bringing over the .js file contents into your project's govuk.js file:

const copyGovukAssets = () => gulp.src(["node_modules/govuk-frontend/govuk/assets/**/*"]).pipe(gulp.dest("wwwroot/assets")).on("end", () =>

Close your gulp.js file by creating a task that runs the above functions

gulp.task("build-fe", () => {
	return async.series([
		(next) => buildSass().on("end", next),
		(next) => copyGovukAssets().on("end", next)

You can now build the front end and copy over the assets using npx gulp build-fe.

Add the gulp tasks to the package.json file to run at compile time

  • Locate your package.json file and add the following script
  • By adding the below script you will be able to run the gulp task with npm run build during the deployment process
    "scripts": {
            "build": "gulp build-fe"


How to import the GOV UK Design System & compile the sass at runtime.