ernitingarg / very-large-file-processing-python

Python solution which uses min-heap data structure and thread parallalism to process very large file

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

File Data Processor

This solution is designed to find the unique IDs associated with the X-largest values in the rightmost column of a file with the specified format. The program reads the input data from either a file or standard input (stdin) and processes it to produce the desired output. The program also includes error handling to handle various scenarios.

Input data format

The input data should be in the following fixed format:

<unique record identifier><white_space><numeric value>

For example:

1426828011 9
1426828028 350
1426828037 25
1426828056 231
1426828058 109
1426828066 111

Output format

The program prints a list of the unique IDs associated with the X-largest values in the rightmost column, where X is specified as an input parameter. For given X=3, the above input should produce below output. Note: The order of the output list may vary and does not follow any particular order.



The solution uses a min-heap data structure to efficiently find the X-largest values in the rightmost column while processing the input data. The Record class implements the comparison methods required by the min-heap to compare records based on their values. The RecordUtils class provides static method(s) to find the unique IDs associated with the X-largest values.

  • Initialize an empty min-heap to store the X-largest records.
  • Process each line of input data.
  • For each line, extract the unique record identifier and numeric value.
  • Create a new Record object with the unique identifier and numeric value.
  • If the min-heap has not reached its capacity (X), push the current record to the heap.
  • If the min-heap is full, push the current recird into the heap and simultaneously pop the smallest element (root) of the heap.
  • Repeat above steps until all input data is processed.
  • Extract the unique IDs from the X-largest records in the min-heap and return them as the result.

Core and Thread Parallelism

The solution leverages both core and thread parallelism to optimize the processing of input data.

  • The number of CPU cores available on the system is determined using multiprocessing.cpu_count().
  • The input data is split into smaller chunks to distribute the workload among threads.
  • Each chunk of data is processed concurrently by separate threads, which significantly reduces the processing time for large input datasets.
  • The results from all chunks are then merged into a single list. The merged list contains all the records from different chunks.
  • Finally, the X-largest values are extracted from the merged list

Time Complexity

For a given min-heap of size X, lets assume the total number of records in the input data is N.

  • Reading and parsing each line of input data: O(N)
  • Heap insertion and extraction (should be equal to height of the heap): O(log X) for each record
  • Overall time complexity: O(N log X)

Space Complexity

For a given min-heap of size X,

  • Min-heap to store X-largest records: O(X)
  • Additional variables for processing: O(1)
  • Overall space complexity: O(X)


  • Open the Command Prompt (CMD) or PowerShell.
  • Navigate to this current directoty
  • To read the input data from the standard input (stdin)
  • To read the data from a file
python data.txt
  • After running the script, the program will prompt you to enter the value of X (the number of largest values to find). Enter a positive integer value for X.

Unit tests

Please run below command to execute unit tests

python -m unittest


Python solution which uses min-heap data structure and thread parallalism to process very large file


Language:Python 100.0%