ernitingarg / azure-resource-monitoring-grafana

Tool to generate configuration and dashboards to monitor azure resources

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Azure Monitoring Architecture


In above architecture diagram, there are two parts:

  • Azure Cloud - In Azure cloud, we have few Azure resources for example Azure Front Door, Azure App Service, Azure Function, Azure SQLDB, Azure Redis Cache, Azure Virtual machine etc. All these azure resources have to be monitored and Grafana dashboards should be able to show all configured metrics.
  • Monitoring Host - This Azure virtual machine has monitoring prometheus server installed which collects metrics from Azure Monitor API and sends alerts to alertmanager based on prometheus rules.


This tool automatically generates deployment package required for monitoring Azure resources which includes configuration related to prometheus, blackbox, azure and grafana etc.

Azure Cloud applications

Make sure your Azure resources have been created and applications are deployed.

Services for monitoring host

  • prometheus
    • metrics server
    • 9090/metrics
  • blackbox exporter
    • network monitoring agent
    • it can monitor several protcols like tcp, ping, http, and so on
    • 9115/metrics
  • Alertmanager
    • send notification to somewhere like slack, mail, pagerduty and so on
    • 9093/metrics
  • Grafana
    • viewer server
    • it can send query to prometheus, loki, and so on
    • 3000/metrics
  • Azure
    • Get all metrics for specific resource(s) using Azure Monitor Api
    • 9276/metrics

Generate monitoring host deployment package automatically

To generate the package automatically, please follow below steps:

  • Go to .env file and fill it with required information related to monitoring host itself and information related to all the application hosts. (The .env file doesn't need to be checked-in)
  • Run the bash script ./scripts/
  • The package will be generated at folder _package/monitoring. (Please refer sample package)
  • Now, you can copy monitoring folder to remote monitoring host machine.
  • The next step is to install monitoring/host/resource-monitoring.service
	cp monitoring/host/resource-monitoring.service /etc/systemd/system/resource-monitoring.service
	systemctl enable resource-monitoring.service
  • OR you can run docker compose directly
	cd monitoring/docker
	docker-compose up -d
  • Once all docker containers are running, please validate below urls:
	curl -k http://localhost:9090/metrics
	curl -k http://localhost:9093/metrics
	#blackbox exporter
	curl -k http://localhost:9115/metrics
	curl -k http://localhost:3000/metrics
	curl -k http://localhost:9276/metrics

Regarding Azure monitoring

If you have enabled azure monitoring for your deployment, then please follow below steps:

  • Create application in Azure Active Directory -> App registration
  • Then, for the newly created app, go to Certificates & Secret and add New client secret
    • Expiration date can be given 2 years (max value)
    • Don't forget to copy the client secret value
  • One its done, we need to add this application to subscription or resource group for the services to be monitored.
    • Go to subscription or resource group for which Azure monitoring has to be enabled
    • Go to Access control (IAM) -> Role assignments -> Add -> Add role assignment -> Select role -> Monitoring Reader
    • Go to Next -> Select members -> Add the application which we have just created in above steps.
  • The next step is to fill below details in templates/.env file:
    • TENANT_ID: Can be found under Azure Active Directory -> App registration -> <Your application>
    • SUBSCRIPTION_ID : Can be found under properties in the Azure portal for your application/service.
    • CLIENT_ID: Can be found under Azure Active Directory -> App registration -> <Your application>
    • CLIENT_SECRET: This is client secret value which we copied in one of the above steps.
  • The last step is create Log Analytics workspaces under the subscription. (To avoid alert warning while opening Azure dashboard in Grafana)

For more details, please refer below links:

  • Regarding azure.yml, you can find more details here.
  • Regarding datasource.yml, you can find more details in grafana documentation here.

View grafana dashboards

  • Go to http://<monitoring-host-ip-address>:3000 (eg: http://localhost:3000)
  • Username is admin and password is password
  • In left panel, go to Dashboards -> Manage
  • It will show you all the available dashboards
  • You can mark the dashboard as favorite

View logs in loki

  • Go to http://<monitoring-ip-address>:3000 (eg: http://localhost:3000)
  • In left panel, go to Explore icon
  • Select Loki from dropdown list
  • Click on Log browser
  • Select the labels (you can filter based on label selection)
  • Run query

Grana Dashboards Grafana Dashboards